
Prisoners of sinners domain

The war horns blared their ominous call from both sides, getting ready for the battle. Dairkrimore's forces have gathered on the oppostie side, seemingly to jump in and fight them.

Jaegar sat atop his mighty destrier, his countenance emanating an aura of unruffled nonchalance, belying the turmoil that roiled within. To his side marched the veteran warriors of Kaeso, their grim faces set in determination. And at their vanguard strode Kyra, her piercing gaze commanding the respect of the company she led.

Jaegar's eyes were inexorably drawn to her, an undeniable interest kindling in their depths. There was something about this woman that stirred long-dormant embers within him.

As she raised her sword aloft, her voice rang out with the clarity of a thunderclap. "Charge!"