
Tale Bearers

When prayer takes you to places you never thought exist and leads you to people you never imagine to encounter. Prayer takes you to a supernatural adventure.

Gyams · Fantasy
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400 Chs

Chapter 116: Behemoth

"Have you ever wondered if within the depth of any cords put upon a nostril had a white strand? Can you clarify the tinder between the lotus that glides on the mud but is still pure? Does the taste of snowflake upon your lips melts as your tongue got unrolled? I wonder why do you take your time reading a page of autobiography when you can just select the option you wanted through the table of contents. I therefore concluded that I still love you.

Your forever,


Novena clenched her jaw from the letter slipped by Kennan upon her pocket. Novena got back at the palace fully healed. Even if she hated to admit it, Kenan's support aided her a lot. Novena notice how gloomy Nevi's face upon her entrance. Lehi embraced Novena and was glad to see their caretaker.

Lehi informed Nevi's source of anguish.

Novena was surprised to hear that a generational serial killer got ended by this era. Novena felt a subtle nervousness for some reason. It was the same at that time when Celicia was depressed because of the same reason as Nevi. Novena can't help but see the shadow of her late friend on Nevi's current dwelling. Novena copied Kenan's letter and knocked on Nevi's door holding a tray of his favorite food. Perks of having a childhood friend within the circle.

Nevi opened the door and flashed a monotonous greeting. Novena invited herself within his room and laid the tray of foods. Nevi was surprised to see their orphanage's chef recipe. Novena winked at him and left the note she copied from Kenan. Nevi giggled at how none sense the letter was.

"Novena I bet that person is head over heels with you. Let me guess, you dump him badly that he turned out to be this abysmal."

Novena sticked her tongue and walk out of Nevi's room.

Evi arranges the files and folders when she heared a hefty and cacophonous grating. The sound is coming from Cyprus confinement room. Evi slowly and carefully checked what was happening. The slightly open door got branched by a lively flashes. Evi caught a reflection of a manly figure wearing a loose flowy outer garment. It's nose and eyes were masked. The only symbol that was obtained by her is the lifeless lips.

Evi watched and waited but the figure just stood there staring at Cyprus. Evi was surprised when he ransacked the monitor that got burnt and parted with a prolonged Beep. Cyprus started to seizure. Evi slammed the door opened to distract the enemy but it was unaffected. Evi summoned her tambourine as she prayed silently.

"Our God who owns our heart. Hear this sound of mercy from the gift You entrusted. I hereby uplift this hands that You have cleansed and washes to perform and bring glory to Your name. May it be an extension of Your selfless love toward Your rebellious child. Amen."

Evi had a shallow metallic disks with feather tails. Evi featly shook and strike it with her palm. The air vibrated that made the foe face her. It repined menacingly. Evi repeated the same gesture and it helplessly crawled on the floor like woman in labour since it's forest and black hair hugged her balled form. The opponent had some separation personality. The blindfold got absorb and it's eyes gleamed in violent vapor. Her roar pierced the room and it causes a abrupt and jumbled fall within the room. Evi created a shield from the pieces and she was able to secure Cyprus.

Duchess Tera, Hexel's mother rushed toward the Elder's palace and saw Hexel and Lehi reviving Cyprus. She instantly joined them and examined Cyprus temperature. It's hot his veins are boiling. Tera commended them to put the unconscious body of Cyprus on a bath tub as she pump his chest under water. The seizure stopped but his lungs were not responding. Terah pulled and pushed Cyprus under the tub until his mouth and nose created a bubble. When Cyprus started to shiver Terah instructed Hexel to carry and wipe his body. The other Elders wearing a long and V-shaped scarf helped Hexel. They clothed his unconscious body and transferred him inside a room crafted by Natalina's sapphire and topaz. After settling the unconscious twin brother of Cyrus they move forward with a meeting.

Evi fill them in with what happened and Sotai slammed his palm on the table. "We need to double our effort in tracing Cyprus connection before this place turned into a rubble. I command you Evi to be his watcher and take the Duchess with Natalina Remington. Isolate yourself within our secret base at the North, Prince Yael will escort you."

Natalina was shocked to hear that she will be taking a leave from Tale Bearers. Natalina felt conflicted but her identity and gift is more necessary and useful at this time. Lehi and Lila gave her a tight and warm embrace. Natalina left her communication earings with them so that she will be able to call them when she misses them. The assignment is unpredictable and no one is sure until when will they be guarding Cyprus. Evi called her to enter their chariot and their wheel started to turn toward the northern sky.

Cyprus felt and heared the doomy presence. It's piercing cry quaked a core within him. Cyprus recognised Evi's tone. Her familiar notes and melody stabled his capricious decompression. If only this woman did not fall in love with his twin brother she could have been his designated queen. In the end he ruined her for choosing that lowly noble and even birthed a son. His crimson eyes shifted toward Gardenia whom he killed because even if she would bear a fruit from him, it will be recognised as an illegitimate offspring but that's could have been better if the lovely and boony woman acknowledged him. His forehead got gently pressed by a soft and tiny fingers. Cyprus uncurtained his sight and got welcomed by a diamond gaze adorn with straight nude hair. Her scent vibes up the same as the woman whom he deeply craved. It's the same fragrance and vibrant with Gardenia Eula Vine Oathniel. His jones letches that he could have been the one to bestow her that last name.