
Takuma Hiroshi" Demon Seat

"Takuma Hiroshi, a young boy who endured horrific torture, joins the organization 'Devil's Seat', where children are trained in combat and academics. While the organization's leader seems impressed by his resilience, his assistant Kinzo appears less optimistic. While Takuma hesitates to join, he feels he has no other options."

Hassan_Vp · Fantasy
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2 Chs

"A Fresh Start: Building Friendships and Discovering Talents in Class F"

Takuma Hiroshi: I'm here.

Rais: Hello, I finally woke up.

Takuma Hiroshi: How long have I been sleeping?

Kenzo: About three weeks.

Takuma Hiroshi: Oh.

Rais: Seems like the training was too tough.

Takuma Hiroshi: Yes.

Alright, Takuma Hiroshi is 17 years old. After being with a gang for many years, he decided to leave and escape because he wants to explore the outside world once again.

Rais: Really? Where is he?

Kenzo: Seriously, I can't find him. What's going on? Did he manage to take down all of us alone? Sir, it seems like we've created a monster.

Rais: Seriously? Did he know my plans?

Six months after leaving, Takuma Hiroshi went to an elite high school where it was his first day.

Takuma: Wow, this school is really nice.

Hiroki: Hello, are you a new student?

Takuma: Yes.

Hiroki: Nice to meet you.

Takuma: Nice to meet you too. Could you please explain the school system to me?

Hiroki: Well, this school consists of classes A, B, C, D, and F.

Class A: For highly gifted and talented students.

Class B: Also for talented students, but below A.

Class C: Below B, and so on.

Takuma: Ah, this sounds interesting. I haven't felt this way in over ten years.

And then came the entrance exam.

Our hero, Takuma Hiroshi, joins Class F with the intention of not attracting attention to himself. Takuma knows that students in Classes A and B have exceptional abilities and are respected and admired by others, but they also face intense pressure to perform and excel. For Takuma, who seeks to escape his past and start a new life away from violence and crime, Class F seems like the best option for him.

Class A: Consists of highly gifted and talented students. They excel in academics and leadership and are admired by teachers and peers alike due to their exceptional abilities.

Class B: Includes students who also excel, but perform slightly below Class A. They may have exceptional abilities but may face challenges in achieving their full potential.

Class C: Comprises students who perform well academically but are not at the same level as those in the first two classes. They may have some abilities but need more support and guidance to realize their full potential.

Class D: Consists of students who show average performance in academics and do not have exceptional talent in any particular field. They need extra support and guidance to develop their skills and achieve their full potential.

Class F: Comprises students who face difficulties in studying and excelling. They may lag behind in some subjects or face personal challenges that affect their academic performance.

Takuma decides to join Class F to hide and blend in, where he is least likely to stand out and attract attention from others. He takes advantage of this opportunity to form relationships with students who share his situation and begins to adapt to the new environment with intelligence and caution.

Although Class F may be quiet for some students, it can be a fertile environment for developing true friendships and personal growth. Takuma takes advantage of this opportunity to discover his hidden talents and build his self-confidence away from the pressures of performance and excellence.

As for the names with me:

1. Takuma Hiroshi (the story's hero)

2. Horikata Katsuhiro

3. Yukio Sakurai

4. Miko Kitagari

5. Rio Tanaka

6. Ayami Yamazaki

7. Shinji Kobayashi

8. Nagisa Okamoto

9. Hanako Takahashi

10. Kazuma Komura

11. Hikaru Suzuki

12. Kota Mizuki

13. Yumi Hayashi

14. Kenji Okada

15. Misaki Yukimura

16. Haruka Yamamoto

17. Kyosuke Sato

18. Miki Tanaka

19. Yuichi Hayashi

20. Reina Takahashi

But I'm surprised about Yuichi, Horikata, and Miko because their grades are quite good. For example, Yuichi might be in Class B, and Horikata and Miko might be as well. I can hardly grasp this.

The bell rings, and a teacher enters.

Teacher: Hello, students. My name is Nopra Makito. Nice to meet you all. Now, each of you will introduce yourselves.

Takuya: Hehe, sure.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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