
Chapter 18

He sat himself back at the kitchen table and watched her familiar dance between the larder and sink and Rayburn. She put another pot of tea on and he poured them both cups as she worked. It was a comfortable kind of silence. Soothing. He’d enjoyed talking to McManus, but he was tired now. He’d need to sleep after dinner.

“There’s a girl in the barn,” he said, after a while, absently.

“Pardon?” Sally’s response was sharp and she turned from the onions she was frying on the Rayburn to look at him.

Oh. He was perhaps more muzzy-headed than he’d realised. He didn’t really mean to say that aloud. But he had and she wouldn’t let it go now. Better go for it.

“A girl. There’s a girl in the barn.”

“What? A girl? What do you mean, a girl?”

“A girl. The dogs were making a hell of a noise yesterday morning at breakfast time. I went out to see what was going on and she was there. In the barn.”


“And I asked her in for breakfast.”

Sally raised her eyebrows.