
Huh? Why Do I Find That Their Green Skin Seem Familiar? Is This .......

Edited by: Scarlet5ky

[Age 735]

Planet Namek, Trinary Star System, Planet's Coordinates 9045XY within the Universe 7

Somewhere above Namekian Grand Elder Guru's Dwelling.

Suddenly a distorted space appeared, then a thick white orb came out from it, the white orb is Asep's soul which has teleported to this planet.

He's appeared silently, he hasn't made an extra move since he's cautiously checking the area in which he appears now. It's become his habit of becoming careful since he teleported suddenly into Blue Pole Star Planet, which is from the ATG story.

Namekian Grand Elder Guru still noticed his sudden appearance, and he was frightened since he's detecting pure godly soul from Asep.

Thinking that the guest needs something from his race, he stays quiet while waiting for the guest to approach him since he fears it would be too disastrous if his call makes the guest angry.

After checking his surroundings, Asep's found habitats are familiar with one of the races within Dragonball Anime.

Fearing there's an error with his findings, he checks them again and again until he's sure this is Planet Namek without a doubt.

Detecting a strong presence below him, he's sure that that presence is the Namekian Grand Elder Guru, so he's excited at the moment.

With eager spirit, he dashed into the room without hesitation, which is on purpose to make Old Namekian aware of his arrival while he didn't know that he had been discovered already.


{Asep's POV}

My spirit feels excited at this moment, maybe with this Old Namekian's help I can form my own body or maybe get him to awaken my talent? Who knows, but even if he can't do that, Dragonball's existence is already a blessing for me.

Entering his room, I let him know my arrival since I don't have bad intent so to make sure he didn't see me as an enemy.

After a short time at my entrance, I see giant Old Namekian which makes me feel surreal about this moment.

Although there's no big difference from what I see within Anime, his appearance is really amazing! I wonder how he would move that body, or maybe he didn't move at all.

"Welcome Immortal Guest, How can this humble one help you in any way which you seek since you've come here" Before I say something, Old Namekian took his speech as greeting to me which startled me.

"Ahh... Are you really the Namekian Grand Elder Guru?"Although I know he's Namekian, just to be sure I asked him.

".... Yes" With face 'You didn't know' Old Namekian answered my question which made me feel embarrassed but since I don't have face or body so he didn't see it.

"So, ... can you awaken my aptitude?"With a hopeful tone, I ask him something in common that all SI protagonists will ask Old Namekian.

"Err... I fear not. Immortal Soul since you don't have a form of the body and even though there's a possibility to awaken your aptitude. Also, it wouldn't be simple since your soul is at god level which has unlimited aptitude so if someone awakens your aptitude then he or she will die just for trying it."With a defeated tone and apologetic expression, he explained.

"Then how about you making a body for me? I think you can, since I know some Kami within the earth can create something from nothing."I ask him another wish which I regret for a long time, since if I can make it from nothing then I can make its appearance as I want it to.

" ... I fear that it's impossible! Even if there's a way for it, seeing a strong soul like that There's no way something which created by low being such as myself will be suitable to be used by you, Immortal Soul."Old Namekian answers my other request with a negative answer while wearing apologetic and fearful expressions. What I didn't know that time was, Old Namekian is lying since he can't guarantee that the body which he created for me will make me satisfied so he didn't tell me the truth as he only knows the structure of Namekian's body.

"Ayy... too bad then!" I exclaimed with a sour tone.

"..... Sorry for being useless! Oh, Immortal Soul" Old Namekian sends apologetic expressions and stuttering tones as he fears something.

"Ahh... Just stop calling me Immortal Soul!! Call me Alex will do 'for now."Asep is making up a cool name for people to call him since he always hates his common name.

(AN: Ah don't worry! That's not my name, so you don't need to send your critic about it lol)

"Err... I understand! Then Honorable Alex, is there anything that I can help you with? Of course, it's limited with what I can do since I'm not omnipotent being so please give this Old Humble Servant your order."The old Namekian keeps his humble tone, though I let it pass like that since I know the effect of my soul devourer trait to give terror into every living being with a soul.

"Okay, then... err... ahhh! I can see from your memories that you have a bead which could give people 3 chances of wish right? How about you collect them now and summons that spirit, so I can ask him some wishes which I think would be possible for it to make it happen! Don't worry, it's not a wish where I want it to create my body!" I said while saying some excuse about reading his memories while the truth is I already know it from when I watched this fiction on anime series in the past.

"Oh, Dragon Balls? Alright, I'll tell my people to collect them as fast as possible and have one of my people summon it for Honorable Alex."for a second there I can feel that he's tense but it's eased somehow when I told him I didn't wish to create a body.


Then after they did what I've told them to do, I see what Dragon is like and it's kind of amazing seeing it in real life.

When it asked what I wished, I told them that I will ask myself since I already read their memories so I can speak Namekian's Language. I am really jealous of my current self since if I did have this then how smooth my life in my past life will be.

I talked with Namekian's Dragon and told my three wishes:

• Restore the Sky Poison Pearl to its perfect state.

• Make Sky Poison Pearl into habitable space for living.

• Send him to Yardrat.

With that it sent me to Yardrat after Sky Poison is restored and improved into something else entirely, suddenly my surroundings changed from Namekian Planet into Yardrat Planet which I see from Anime and their form is comical and unique.

Thankfully I did watch them in Anime, if not I'll laugh or make them upset which leads me to not learn their technique which I want to.

Scanning with my soul sense, I found the oldest one which I think wiser and with it, I dashed into his position.

When he's about to faint since it seems my aura and emergence are giving terror feeling, although I know its effect from my Soul Devourer's Aura it's still sad for me to be treated like a monster.

"Don't worry, I'm just losing soul which has heard your technique ' Instant Transmission'! With it I can go back home, so can you please teach me." I tried to talk with the gentlest tone that I could muster since I knew they were gentle unless being threatened, they wouldn't attack.

Since my soul has been cleansed by tribulation lightning, it's in a pure state but a terrifying feeling still emitted since I'm not a normal soul.

{End of POV}


With that, they taught him since they thought he was a pitiful soul. Although he seems to feel bad since he's lying to them but at least it's better to lie when he has a pure soul.

Since his Soul Devourer is also an Immortal Soul, he learns it fast the moment they teach it to him and it makes Yardrat feel respect for him.

With a word of thanks, he tried to go into a random location within this DBZ world, and he repeated while taking some planets which were inhabited only by animal and beast since he thought it was better to be safe when he Teleported again.

After so many times he uses his Instant Transmission, he can do it more fluidly and while he continues eating soul from the evil force which he meets.

Although he didn't touch any main character which would appear in series, he still kills others which he didn't see in series since he thought they were insignificant to change their fate.

At the end of his journey, he goes to earth to steal some capsule which has home in it and chef robot which could cook in case he needs it later.

When he eats the last soul, it's repeated, but he doesn't think it too much aside, devouring it and waiting for his soul to be transferred.

Although he felt pity that he couldn't take his favorite girls from here, because they are still Loli, which he needs to raise if he did kidnap them so he didn't think too much about it.

Will try to keep simple per world, maybe I can skip it but its more fun since we will know what the cheat he takes from each world than letting it become mystery!~

And, I'm not expecting to win contest since the last time I did go all out I didn't win, although it's rank is good to me!~

So don't expect this release will be like that of Harem Palace Sect's System, of course I will still try to release one chapter daily!~

Morviancreators' thoughts