
Taken ,

Larissa comes out of the woods from good days hunting to find her sister has been taken, everyone at 17 gets taken but nobody knows where so 4 years after losing her sister it's her turn, she scared but she's a fighter she makes friends and also meets Wolf who has to train her for battles to find her place in the compound where she's been taken, she also meets the Alpha president son spoilt kids Peta who always takes and breaks what he wants and Bianca whos jealous and wants Larissa dead, Larissa knows what she must do, she needs to escape in order to survive but can her and her new friends make it.

Colleen_Haynes · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
80 Chs


wolfs p.o.v.

walking into the monitor room i see the lab guys watching one of the newbies as we call them, her names Larissa at this moment she's walking towards the mirror from the look on her face she has no ides its a two-way mirror, but the look in her eyes, it's like she's looking straight at me, it's like she's calling to me, i can hear the guys in the background but i can't look away from this girl, she's different shes not like the others and i have this overwhelming urge to protect her but i don't even know her, it was the same when she ran into me back at her home and she ran straight into me, i grabbed her and all i could think was "MINE".

The laughing behind me pulls me out of my thoughts ,i smile and turn to see what everyone is laughing at ,"hey what do you say Wolf," derk says laughing i chuckle "whats that Derk" Derk starts laughing again so Jared answers instead "we were just saying ,how this ones a fine one, and if the boss will let us break her in first hahahhaaaaaahaaa " the pounding in my ears got louder and the laughter in the room faultered , i see red and before i can get control of myself i have Jared by the throat up against the wall ,I'm slowly squeezing tighter and tighter and i don't really care that he's going redder and redder "you will never ,speak of her in that way ,ever again ,you will never even look at her again do yo understand?.....answer me" Drek is pulling on my arm "wolf mate wolf let go he understands we all do , let go" i turn and look at Dirk and release Jared who slumps to the floor choking ,I'm confused i don't understand why i reacted like that i have to get out of here now ,i need to stay away from baby girl errrrr why do i call her that ,that's the second time iv called her that ,shes not special ,shes nobody,shes nothing and she will probably be dead within a few months anyway, that or she will be a slave like the rest of them, i leave the room without a backward glance ,i will stay away from Larissa shes a complication i don't need.