
Taken ,

Larissa comes out of the woods from good days hunting to find her sister has been taken, everyone at 17 gets taken but nobody knows where so 4 years after losing her sister it's her turn, she scared but she's a fighter she makes friends and also meets Wolf who has to train her for battles to find her place in the compound where she's been taken, she also meets the Alpha president son spoilt kids Peta who always takes and breaks what he wants and Bianca whos jealous and wants Larissa dead, Larissa knows what she must do, she needs to escape in order to survive but can her and her new friends make it.

Colleen_Haynes · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
80 Chs


Again it's just before dawn and I'm up to but today is different, today I start my new life i go it alone. I pack my things my clothes which are not many and the blankets and pillows from my bed, I take one last look around the room then with a deep sigh I exit quietly, I tiptoe past the twins and pull open the front door and leave as quietly as I can, as I carry my load towards the woods, towards my new home I hear footsteps behind me I quickly turn in case its father and he tries to grab me but it is not its Orion, he has tears in his eyes but he was trying his hardest to be brave, I just stand there looking at him I'm unsure what to say or do it seems all the years we spent wrestling and mucking about mean nothing now, just as I'm about to turn and walk away he calls to me "Lissa" and just like that my heart drops I turn and see tears are running down his face, he can't hold back anymore.

I drop my things, kneel and open my arms without a second thought he runs to me, I hold him tightly while he sobs his heart out,

once he manages to get control of himself he starts babbling at full speed "Lissa imsorryimeatiodabsaid imsorweee loetoo " "shhhhhhh it's ok Rhy Rhy calm down" I spend the next few moments calming him before he can put a sentence I can actually understand together" I'm sorry Lissa Leo is too dad made us ignore you, he said you are bad, he said it's your fault lina was taken away, he said you would get us taken away too, I'm sorry I know you're not bad like he said" "shhh" I soothe him again "it's ok I love you and Leo, but I can't stay in the house so I'm leaving, ill bring you food when I can but I have to go, mom and dad hate me and I'm afraid I'm gonna get taken next."

after we exchange many hugs, kisses, and many tears from Orion (i haven't cried since I made that vow to myself) I wave one last time and promise to see him soon then head for my little shack in the woods.