
Taken down for spirity

What would you do, if the first time you booted up into a VR Cyberspace Universe, you got the most Overpowered weapon? This is a system story where Everyone has a system! Except the main character, who has the Most OP System that he gets from his weapon! WPC#166 entrant Ken Ouroboros was a disaster child. From the moment he was born, he set everything and anything he touched into absolute chaos. Known for hating rules and cockily challenging authority, Ken was on the brink of being sent to jail for his brazen misdemeanors. But when a man gives him access to Cyberscape, a game set 1000 years in the future where thousands of online players fight over a large galaxy, he gets the most powerful weapon the "Cyberblade Plasma" from a loot box at level 1! However this comes with a huge price. On his first time playing the game 10,000 players invade his world to try and steal the weapon! The missile barreled through the air, blasting a hot trail of fuel behind it. As it sped towards Ken, it made an ark in the sky that added another flash of neon to the already vibrant city. As the missile came within a few feet of hitting him, Ken closed his eyes. “Focus….” He popped his eyes back open, raising his blade to meet the speeding missile head on. Positioning his blade in the center of its diameter he indented his blade into its tip. After penetrating an inch deep, he swiveled the blade around the edge of the inside of the missile barely cutting into its surface. Sweeping his blade around, he slashed the missile’s exhaust and thrusted it to the side. “Hehe Juicy” Ken gagged BOOOOOOOOOM!!!! The missile drifted off into the distance exploding into a section of cars far behind him. “That's impossible,” Wei Chen said, dropping to his knees. “He manually deflected the missile… That's not possible! he would have to have gone around the entire infrastructure, chamber of explosives and exhaust in the blink of an eye… That's simply not possible!” “You there!” Wei Chen yelled “Are you smurfing! What in the hell was that! No… you’re hacking! Even a Max level player couldn’t do that! What the hell are you?” The Image I used as my cover is not mine, if you would like me to take it down please contact me.

Gaburieru · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Chapter 9: Saved? Jin The Best Dualest

"Tsk! I didn't need your help!" Ken said, crossing his arms.

"Maybe so, but right now there's someone important to you who does." Jin said looking up.

"Maya.." Ken said

"Take care" Jin said, stretching his arms towards the roof.

"Drive Form 3" he said. An electric hum off purple began to flicker on and off in quick succession. As the flash continued, purple orbs began to circle him.

"Warp drive!" He yelled.

"Hehe now its 3 against one! Your boyfriend can't save you now!" Baad laughed

"Let's get her!" Evil yelled


Maya screamed as Eviil, Baad, and Rufus leaped into the air, ready to pounce on her.

"What the?" Rufus said.

Jin appeared between the three holding them off. Three blades levitated above his head guarding against each of the three foes.

"Is that!" Baad said

"No way!" Evil yelled

"The number one duelist in the game, Jin!" Maya gasped

"What the hell! Why did he leave me all the way down here?" Ken said yelling "Where the hell can I find an elevator around here?"

"Gravity Well!" Eviil yelled.

A pool of dark energy appeared below Jin's feet dragging him to its center.

"Molotov!" Baad cried tossing an explosive at Jin.


Half of the restaurant's roof was covered by a huge fiery explosion.

"Serves you--" A flash of violet appeared behind Baad as he sputtered out his words.

Jin popped out of the purple blur, armed with the floating 3 swords. Warping in place, 2 clones of Jin appeared grabbing each of the swords.

"Tri Dimensional Slash!" He yelled.

Each one of the Jin's sliced through Baad, leaving a trail of purple behind them.

"UUUUUFF!!" Baad yelled, blasted back from the attack.

"Hehehe your mine!" Eviil said placing both of his hands on Jin.

After placing his hands on Jin he was unable to grab him.

"What? Why Can't I finish my grab!" Eviil said "I watched you create the two clones! Isn't this the real you?"

"Every three warps I create an afterimage of my last location. By the time I hit Baad I was already behind you!" Jin yelled coming from behind Eviil.

"You're not the only class with a grab!" Jin said, grabbing Evil from behind.

In the blink of an eye, Jin teleported Evil 100 feet in the air above the restaurant

"What the hell!" Evil said.

"Tri Dimensional Suplex!" Jin yelled.

He sliced Eviil across the chest, thrusting him downward. At the end of Eviils decent, a warp opened up, sending him flying into an adjacent building. Once again, Jin appeared behind him slicing him once more, sending him into another warp portal. After Evil had drifted through the second one He smashed back into the restaurant, going through the elevator that Ken was riding.

"What the hell!" Ken yelled as Eviil smashed through his Elevator tearing apart the infrastructure. As the elevator rocked back in forth, Ken drew his sword, tearing a whole in the roof with his blade. As he jumped out of the whole he created the elevator crumbled below him, falling down the shaft.

"Ok. I'm on floor 777, and this building has 1000 floors… So that means I have to walk up 200 flights of… no 300… wait aren't their two flights of stairs per floor…" Ken said scratching his head.

"Frigin Jin!" He yelled up the elevator shaft. "You always take the high road! And leave all the real legwork for me!"

8 years ago,

"HAAAHH?" Kens middle school teacher said looking at him and Jin.

"Why is it that these two tests are so similar…" He said eyeing Ken. "One is from the best student in the school and the other… is from the worst student! Something is definitely up here!"

"I helped him study," Jin said interjecting.

"What?" The teacher asked

"Isn't that right Ken?" Jin asked

Ken had never met the boy before, but he wasn't about to pass up the chance to avoid punishment.

"Yeh…" Ken said "That studying really helped, uhh Ryu?"

"His name is Ryuga! You honestly expect me to believe this is a coincidence!" The teacher growled

"How about this" Jin said. "Make a new version of the test tomorrow and he'll take it! I'll study with him again tonight and prove were telling the truth!" Jinsaid

"Fine! But this test will be 3 times harder! You boys are dismissed!"

Ken and Jin walked into the hall, akwardly striding beside each other.

"Why did you help me out back there?" Ken asked.

"Because I envy you," Jin said "You live life the way you want, you don't care about what any of these adults say to you, I wish, I wish I could do that..."

"Heh it's not as fun as it looks," Ken said "It's not easy having everyone around you hate you…"

"Hehe, well to me it seems like fun! I would be like screw this screw that! Down with the establishment!" Jin said. "How's that?"

"No no you've got no flair," Ken said "You've gotta be more slick with it, like, man that teacher sucks total balls! This whole schools a load of shit! Fuck education!" Ken said throwing up a finger.

"Hahahah! Yeh! That's awesome!"

"Ok now you try!"

"Uhhh screw this! Screw that! Down with the establishment!" Jin yelled

"Hehehehehaahaha! You're hopeless!" Ken laughed.

"Ok so how about this! I teach your how to be a better student… and you teach me how to be a worse one! Deal?" Jin said stretching out his hand.

"Down low!" Ken said, putting his hand below Jin's

"Tooo slow!" Ken said withdrawing his hand as soon as Jin tried to hi five him.

"Hey! Screw you! You suck balls!" Jin said

"Hehe Juicy balls!" Ken said laughing.

"Juicy?" Jin said scratching his head.

Jin finished his grab, slamming Eviil back onto the roof. Evil crashed into a dozen tables before colliding with bad, falling into the fountain at the back of the resteraunt.

"Well that was certainly juicy, wasn't it?" Ryuga said swirling around his levitating swords.

"This guy is nuts!" Baad said

"I can't hit em with shit! His teleports are too fast! We need a class with CC!" Eviil said

"As much as I'd love to fight you guys, I really must be going now" Jin said walking away

"What! You just pop out of nowhere and then run away! What the hell is your problem?" Eviil said

"My mission for the time being is done," Jin said

"Wait! Where's the chick with the motorcycle! And where's the cyberblade?" Baad said.


"Kennnn!" Maya yelled reaching out her arm as she drove down the stairs on the hover cycle.

"Hey let me drive!" Ken said switching spots with her.

Wasting no time he drove out of the 1000 story building breaking through a window on the top floors.

"Ken! What are you?" Maya screamed.

"Hehe Hang on!" Ken yelled

Drifting into the air he flew towards the side of an adjacent building. Digging his blade into the side of it, he road along its wall before jumping to the next one. He jumped from building to building, grinding on each wall until he landed onto a smaller building with a roof a few hundred feet above ground.

Pumping the breaks, Ken drifted on his bike to the edge of the roof of the building, leaving a trail of burnt rubber behind him. He and Maya looked over the edge of the building, looking back at the trail of carnage they had left behind.

"What have you done" Maya said looking back towards the tower that was over a mile away now.

In the streets, air, and even inside of buildings, hundreds of players were tearing each other to shreds. In the skies two gigantic aircrafts were shooting rockets at each other, filling the sky with a sea of fireworks .On the ground, cars were exploding, players were shouting, as a massive war broke out on the streets.

"Holy crap this is awesome!" Ken said admiring the spectacle. "It's like a giant civil war unfolding over this one weapon! This is the greatest game ever!"

"I've already told you Ken," Maya said. "Cyberspace is more than a game, what you are witnessing is thousands of desperate players trying to claim a prize that could change their lives, and losing their lives in the process" Maya said.

"Yeh but they're not going to lose their lives in real life though! It's just a game!" Ken said

"Ken, in this game, do you know what happens when you run out of money?" Maya said

"No, what happens? Game over?"

"No the cyberbank the banking authority of the game starts loaning you money that you have to pay back… Many of the players here are in debt trying to get out, some of them are playing from prison on their 2 hour break, desperately trying to make it out!"

"What! There are prison players in here!" Ken said

"I'm telling you Ken" Maya said "This is game is realer than reality. There are even drug cartels and murderers in this game, using the cyberworld as a backchannel for their activities."

Ken looked back at the civil unrest breaking through in his world. He watched as a young boy was tossed off the roof of a building, falling to his death.

"How do I stop this" Ken said.

"You have to get to the main Console at the city's center and boot everyone from the game." Maya said

"That's easy! Let's get to it!" Ken said.

"Unfortunately it's not that easy" she said "That area is being camped by a bunch of high levels who are waiting for you to go there. If not I would have taken you there to log out as soon as I arrived here."

"Ok so what's the plan?" Ken said.

"First things first, you need to learn the mechanics and get to level 30, then we have to assemble a team of people whose sole job is to get you to the console. We unfortunately don't have time to play the main story and get you acquainted, so... We need to go to the section of the game where the strongest mobs are and level you up quickly" She said.

"Here wear this!" She said handing an item to Ken.

"Cyber cloak" Ken said "What's this?"

"It's a clothing item that will hide you from scanners, radars, and everything cyberspace, even cameras won't pick you up, with a cover for your face no one will know your Ken Orobouros"

"I see" Ken said throwing on the suit. "So, how far is this place?" He asked.

"Just get on" She said jumping on his cycle "I would say we should fast travel but you haven't been to this location yet have you?" She said

"Hehe nope!" Ken said "It's Juicier that way" He said wrapping his arms around her. He grinned lavishly as he pulled himself closer to her.

"Hey! You better not try anything Juicy back there," Maya said "Or you'll be walking to this area, got it?" Maya said firmly.

"Yes Maya…" Ken sighed.

"Hehe Oh yen this is totally Juicy!" Ken thought in his mind, tightly cligning to Maya.