
Take On The Night

A kid walking home on a sunset decides to take a shortcut home, while at it, he finds a girl sucking blood off of someone, scared because he looked dead, he runs, how will all turn out?

Rose_EX · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


As i walked into that alley, all i can say is, is this truly real?

My name is Kazumi Shiro, and this is my story.

Lets start from the beginning shall we?

It was 8pm, the sun was setting...

We see Shiro yawning, as he wakes up...

"Oh god, what hour is it?"

He then checks the hour, the clock says 8:21 PM

Looking at the clock, he says "Pretty sure its broken by now..."

He gets up from bed, and starts walking out of his room, yawning, he goes to the kitchen.

"Time to eat it is..."

He arrives at the kitchen, and when he opens the fridge, its empty, he starts thinking of going to the shop for a moment, which he does.

"Meh, at least i can get snacks."

He puts on his casual clothes, and heads out.

The streets look beautiful at this time, the sunset gives everything such a calm vibe, Shiro has saw this many times, but it never ceased to amaze him.

After a while of walking, he finally gets to the convenience store, he grabs noodles, an iced tea, candy and a bag of chips, pays, and leaves, as he goes home, he starts questioning if what he bought will be enough for the night, as he's going to watch anime on his tv.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, he hears some meowing next to him.

"Huh, where?"

He turns back to see a black kitty, it is small, so small indeed that it can fit in Shiro's hand, he starts praising the cat and tells him that he's cute.

Shiro pets the cat, but unfortunately cant take it with him, as his landlord doesnt allow pets, so, sad, he leaves, saying sorry to the little cat for not taking it with him...

He resumes his way home, deciding to take a shortcut, he walks through some alleys, when suddenly, after a bit of walking, he finds what looks like a girl "eating" a dead man's neck.

Obviously, he gets scared, he thinks to himself "Is that man dead? What is happening here?"

The girl looks directly at him, showing her red eyes, when suddenly, she jumps to attack him, Shiro manages to dodge this, and starts running through the alley, as the girl blocked his safest escape route.

Shiro jumps over the corpse, and starts running as fast as he can, but the girl catches up to him and starts attacking him, and while he needs to dodge some obstacles in the way, he also needs to dodge the girl's attacks...

To the left, to the right, jump, the mysterious girl attacked very aggresively, Shiro almost didnt have time to dodge while he was running...

After a while of running, he meets a dead end and looks back to see if he lost the girl, to his surprise...

No, he did in fact, not lose her.

The girl mocks Shiro for running away, calling him a coward, as he did not see well what happened...

"Wait, then, what happened to that man?" says Shiro...

As she starts laughing a bit, the girl says "Oh, he was just drunk, he passed out there, i was drinking blood out of him"

"Wait, so... what are you?", asks Shiro, completely confused.

"Duh, im a vampire, haven't you realized by now?" says the girl, making Shiro look dumb.

Shiro stays silent for a bit, he still needs to process what's happening, although he throws another dumb question at the vampire girl...

"So, how does all that work?"

The vampire girl starts laughing, she can see that Shiro has the same brainpower of a jellyfish, and we all know that jellyfishes dont have brains.

"You're funny, what's your name kid? I am Mochizuki Mayu, nice to meet you" says the vampire girl, introducing herself to Shiro.

"Im Kazumi Shiro... nice to meet you too, i guess?" responds Shiro...

Chapter 1 - Vampires? The end.

Sorry for this one being short, i just wanted to introduce the series to you ;)

the second chapter will be longer.

(btw this chapter may get updated if i get enough feedback, im bad at writing first chapters)