
Take On The Night

A kid walking home on a sunset decides to take a shortcut home, while at it, he finds a girl sucking blood off of someone, scared because he looked dead, he runs, how will all turn out?

Rose_EX · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


"So, let me ask you this again, you're a vampire?"

Take On The Night, Chapter 2, Friends.

Shiro and Mayu are still in the alley, trying to get Shiro to understand the whole vampire thing, he still doesn't believe any of it.

"Whatever, ill just go home..." says Shiro, completely giving up...

Mayu asks Shiro if she can go with him, as she doesnt have a house, she lives in the streets...

Shiro says yes.

We then move to Shiro's house.

Already inside, Shiro starts regretting taking her with him, as Mayu is jumping around the house, as if she was a child.

Shiro asks her to stop doing stupid stuff, to which Mayu replies with "Oh by the way, how old are you?"

"Im 15, why that question?", replies Shiro...

Mayu starts looking at Shiro, and then looks away, to then say...

"My my, a young boy who invited a lady to his house while his parents are gone... What a pervert huh?" all this with a smirk on her face, and talking in an erotic tone...

Shiro starts getting mad, and so he starts screaming, "YOU WERE THE ONE WHO WANTED TO COME TO MY HOUSE! WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?".

Mayu starts laughing, as Shiro continues with "Besides, i live alone, my parents are far away..."

"Why? Is it 'cause they're busy with their jobs?" ask Mayu, to which Shiro replies

"Nah, i just got sick of them."

Mayu then looks at Shiro with a confused but worried face as she goes "Hmmm..."

Changing the topic of the conversation, Shiro asks her if she wants to watch anime with him, as he just went to the store to get snacks to do just that, to which, of course, Mayu replies with a yes.

"Oh, we're watching Oshi No Ko right?" asks Mayu, and Shiro, confused, asks her about how does she know they're gonna watch Oshi No Ko, to which Mayu replies that she went into his room and saw a poster of it.


They sit down and watch the anime while eating snacks, they go from episode 1 to episode 10, which actually took a while.

They are looking at the screen as the episode ends and the ending theme starts.

Shiro then gets up from the couch, and says "Dang thats good shit, it had nice music and all." to what Mayu replies that it was also pretty sad, mainly because of the first episode, stating that it is long and depressing, not a bad combo.

Mayu asks Shiro what hour it is, to which Shiro checks the clock and replies with "ITS 4 AM!? GOD", with Mayu then saying that for her, its still pretty early.

"Past midnight? That's early for you?" says Shiro.

"Eh, and im hungry too, can we have dinner?" replies Mayu.

Shiro tells her that they spent the whole night eating while they watched anime, to what Mayu replies that, she is indeed, a vampire, and although she can survive for a while with human food, she also needs to drink blood in order to stay healthy.

"Whatever, ill just go to bed-"

Mayu jumps on top of Shiro.

He gets confused, and his face turns red, he's expecting everything at this point, he then asks

"Ma- Mayu? What are you doing?"

Mayu starts getting closer to Shiro's face, then suddenly moving to the right to go for his neck

"Dont worry, you wont feel a thing..."

Mayu bites into Shiro's neck, and you can see in his face that he's not having a good time, she's sucking every drop out of him, quite literally...

After a few seconds, she finally stops and moves away from Shiro, stating that his blood is delicious...

Shiro isnt moving, so Mayu gets a bit confused and says "Hey, i didnt suck that much for you to die, are you ok?", he then gets up, so he's sitting next to Mayu...

"That felt... weird..."

Mayu looks at him, and says "You were a gourmet dinner tonight, now, lets go sleep, im pretty tired now", yawning at the end of the phrase...

"Ok, you go sleep in my bed, ill stay here in the couch..." says Shiro...

"Eh? no way."

Mayu tries to convince Shiro into sleeping together, which she surprisingly... succeeds at?

Shiro, staring at the ceiling for the hundredth time, says "I cant believe im doing this...", Mayu then asks "Why? We're friends, right?"

Shiro goes silent for a second, he remembers some of his childhood moments where he was lonely, like he always has been, for him, having a friend is something he never thought of.

"I guess..."

They fall asleep together, with Mayu hugging Shiro...

5PM appears on the clock as Shiro wakes up.

"God, not again... Mayu, wake up already..."

Mayu, still half asleep, asks Shiro to let her sleep 5 more minutes.

"Whatever, ill go get some cookies..." says Shiro, as he's getting up.

Mayu, in less than a second, is already on her feet.


Surprised 'cause of the speed that Mayu got up, Shiro says "If you want some, come to the kitchen.", to which Mayu agrees and goes with him.

They go to the kitchen, Mayu sits down at the table as Shiro gets some cookies with milk.

Shiro turns to look at Mayu while he's getting the food, he sees sunlight reach Mayu, which surprises him, as supposedly vampires should instantly die if sunlight reaches them, so he asks her why is that she's not turning into ashes.

"Oh, if sunlight reaches me directly, i just have 5 minutes until i start burning, but if its not directly, im fine" replies Mayu...

"Hmmm..." says Shiro.

They start eating, as the sun starts setting...

Mayu stops eating to ask Shiro if he wants to go out tonight, to which Shiro responds with a no.

"C'mon... What are you, one of those locked in otakus?"

Shiro looks at Mayu, and tells her that he does not like going outside that much, so, as the rational being that Mayu is, she starts asking again and again to go out that night.

"No, i already told you..." says Shiro, not knowing that his words wont be respected...

After they finish eating, Mayu rushes Shiro out of the house to go to a party, obviously, this is all against Shiro's will, but we all know that Mayu gives 0 f*cks about it.

"Trust me, you're gonna have a good time" says Mayu, winking at Shiro.

Take On The Night, Chapter 2 - Friends. the end.

Hey! Thank you for all your support, its pretty crazy that right after i published the first chapter it boomed to 1k visits, thank you all for that.

I wanna say that i am getting a proper artist to make a cover for the story, so you will also see the designs we got for the characters :)

See you next time!