
Take my hand.... please

he was angry but she was too scared to wait for him to get over it but her life turn upside down when she is blamed for her husband's death

okuonghae26 · Urban
Not enough ratings
24 Chs


Pearl looked at the food beside her on a tray; a piece of bread and a bowl of some liquid which had an awful odour.

She frowned at the food, they were treating her like a prisoner which she had been insisting she wasn't.

She shoved the food aside; these days she wasn't hungry either, sighed and rest her back on the bunk; they assumed as a comfortable bed.

She would see the Judge by Tuesday and she had no lawyer..... yet and the clothes she was wearing haven't been washed for days now; She paused, what was she thinking, did she think a prison cell was supposed to be as comfortable as a one room apartment?

She looked at the wall she drew marks on; soon if not soon the judge would pronounce his verdict on her then she would be sent to jail, where she would meet awful, barbaric, innocent people all in one room, hitting, fighting and tormenting their lives. She won't be able to live in that place, she couldn't.

She closed her eyes as she pulled her legs closed to her;

She saw him; she remembered his smile, his laughter, his angry face that made him look so cute. But she couldn't remember her husband, what Richard looked like, what he did for her; it was as if he had faded in a part of her memory and that part she couldn't find.


She wished she didn't lie to him, she wished she had explain everything, she wished she had said yes when he asked her; if she had a criminal record but the reality was now she did.

'The master is very nice, I think I like him better than daddy.'

She remembered what Katie had told her and the truth was she like him better than Richard too, far better than Richard.


She smiled as she remembered the first time she had seen him angry; it felt like he was smiling at her.

'I was just worried about my boss since I haven't seen him since that time at the office, are you still angry at me?'

She looked at his expressionless face. 'Haven't you heard? When a lion is angry, don't go near it?'

She shook her head.

'No, but I have heard a problem shared is a problem solved.'

He took a sip of his beer. 'It doesn't work with me.'

'At least try it, it will be more like cutting a little piece of white cake....'

'S'en aller, Jackson.' (Walk away)

She shook her head. 'Why are you always irritated, master?'

He didn't answer her.

'I offered you a job go and do it, don't poke nose into other people business.'

'He called it poke nosing.' She said and smiled.

'Is that what you think; people care about you and you call it poke nosing...'

'Leave, I don't want to see you.'

She stood her ground.

'I understand why people keep running away from you because you chase them from you!'

He stood up with fury and anger on his face, he glared at her.

'You are all liars, you don't know anything!'

Maybe, just maybe if she had told him she didn't know how to swim, he would have not pushed her. She laughed.

He brought her out of the water; she was coughing and all the mighty master could do was smile at himself.

It is nice to see him smile and even hear his laughter, William was like....

'Call me William.'

She nodded. 'Why are you laughing?'

He smiled again as he used the towel to dry her off.

'I'm sorry, Pearl.'

When he had even say sorry, her heart raced, it felt so scary and exciting at the same time; shockingly she had never felt anything like this with Richard.

End of flashback

She smiled again; she wanted to hear his voice.

All her thoughts on William froze and a frown replaced her smile when she heard.

'I don't know how someone; in your condition can be smiling instead of begging the lord to help out.' she heard the guard's voice.

It was obvious everyone knew her story.

'Detective Sophie wants to talk with you.' The man told her before starting to unlock her cell.

She nodded as she sat up.

he unlocked the gate and stood waiting for her to come out.

She met Sophie sitting waiting for her, she took her seat.

'Any good news?' Pearl asked her when she sat down in front of her.

Sophie nodded. 'Yes, your grandma will be sending a lawyer here soon and he will try his best.'

She looked at her friend. 'What is the problem?' Sophie's face didn't look cheerful.

Sophie sighed. 'He is retired, has been retired for 10 years now.'

Pearl didn't believe this. 'Can't they find another lawyer?'

'They are working on it.'

Pearl nodded and stopped all of a sudden. 'How come Grandma agreed I have been begging her for over a week now.'

Sophie shook her head. 'People always change their minds, don't they?'

Pearl nodded and smiled. But that didn't answer her question.

'So, you have to tell the lawyer everything, so that he can help you.'

She nodded. 'Thank God, so tell me, how are you? Apart from busy with my case, how is your own life, apart from your busy hours at the office.'

Sophie smiled. 'I have only one thing now…which is getting you out of here.'

Pearl patted her friend's hands. 'I love you, Sophie.'

'I love you too Pearl.'

The lawyer met with her the following morning, they prepared for the court two days after, and even William did his own research. Then when the day came for them to show their presence in court, She sat down on her bunk as she waited for the guard to come get her; at least by God's grace, today's trial will be better than the last time.

Finally, with everyone seated, she sat by her lawyer and this time, Sophie was dressed in her normal clothes, this time she wasn't dressed of office, she looked round the crowd for William and her babies, she couldn't find neither, did she forget that Katie couldn't take it the last time, she faced forward as the prosecutor called to the stage one of the patients, she had attended to before she left for San Francisco.

'Ms Eunice, please tell the court, about the accused since according to you; you met only the times, you were admitted which was thrice if I may add. Tell us.' The prosecutor started.

The woman cleared her throat. 'Pearl was amazing, she did everything with ease, and she made sure I took my injections in time, gave me my medicines, made sure I eat early and other things to get better.'

'Have she ever brought; to work home issues?' He asked her.

She shook her head without hesitation.

'But you knew, she had family issues.'

'Yes, everyone, usually teased her about it, Cornella would always use Pearl married life as an example every time we were all invited to an engagement or a wedding but she never took it out of any of her patients or co-workers, she even advised me on my own issues too...'

Mr Douche took the hanging rope. 'So, you took her advice and cancelled the engagement with your fiancé.'

Eunice paused and looked at the prosecutor. 'Bob was cheating on me, he was on drugs, he lied to me about being homosexual and he lied again even when I confronted him.'

'And how did you find out?'

'A friend of his told me.'

Prosecutor went to issue at hand. Her personal issues wasn't any of his business. 'Either you took her advice; someone who had no idea on how to fix her own marriage, someone who killed her own husband.'

She shook her head to correct him. 'Pearl wished to have had a stable relationship, one without lies, and one with mutual understanding. She gave me the advice to leave or stay with him, she could have left her marriage but she had one thing tying her…..the happiness of her daughter, she wanted Katherine to have both a mom and a dad; what many people don't appreciate these days.'

'So you think, she must have killed her husband for her daughter?'

She didn't response immediately, she looked at Mr Douche, really? that's was what she said.

Pearl shook her head. The lawyer was getting in all wrong.

'Thank you Ms Eunice, your honour no further questions.' The prosecutor said leaving Eunice to his seat with her mouth opened in opposition.

The judge nodded as the man took his seat; he turned to Pearl's lawyer.

'Barrister Clark would like you to ask the witness any question.'

Pearl saw him shake his head, what kind of a lawyer was this that didn't know his job.

'Mr Douche, carry on.'

The lawyer nodded his thanks and stood up.

'Your lordship, I will like to call to the stand; Miss Jennifer; the deceased's sister.'

The judge nodded as the lady of 24 walked to the stand while Eunice took her seats Amon the crowd.

'How long have you known the accused?'

She smiled; the reason Pearl liked her was because she was always cheerful.

'For a few months actually, we were like best friends after she gave birth to Katie.' And she was always truthful, no matter how many times, my parents told her to flop.

'So have you ever seen the accused shouting or yelling at her husband?'

She nodded. 'Only once when she could and that was before I left the house.'

'But were you around when he first brought her home.'

She shook her head.

The lawyer turned to the audience. 'Let it be noted that Ms Jackson had right from time fought with her husband, so they didn't have a stable relationship and I'm sure she hated him from that time.'

'Mister….' Pearl's lawyer stood up.

The prosecutor looked at his way with a mocked smile on his face. 'And she brings a man; who has been retired for about 10 years to be precise to defend her case, a man; who is not even experienced, who only out of 10 cases he was involved in only won 2. So tell me, there is no need to disgrace yourself anymore, pronounce yourself guilty and save everybody else.'

'Mr Douche.' The judge called him to order.

Pearl just blinked speechless.

He walked to the judge and after seconds of caution, the judge turned back to the audience.

'We will continue this trial after recess.' The judge announced.

Pearl sighed. Was this going to work for her or not?

Her lawyer moved close to her while they stood immediately the judge excused himself and people began to murmur; he had been looking at his watch lately, she wondered what he needed to do that was so important than convincing them that she is not guilty.

'Ms Pearl, I won't be able to continue this trial, I won't be able to defend you.'

She blinked. 'What are you saying?'

He nodded as he packed his bag. 'I can't go on.'

'What is the problem?' She asked confused and surprised at the same time.

'Something urgent came up.' He said like it was so simple and more important than defending his client. He hung his bag over his shoulder.

'What am I supposed to do now?' She asked him.

He shrugged. 'I'm sorry.' He apologised as he walked away.

Pearl watched him leave the hall; those olden days' lawyers; they are the ones who believed more in themselves, why can't this man do the same?

This was not going to work for her.

After recess everyone came back to their seats, then Judge noticed the absence of the Barrister.

'Ms Jackson, where is your lawyer?'

She shook her head as she stood on her feet.

'He had some business to attend to.' She said quietly.

She was wrongly accused, wrongly detained and now publicly embarrassed by her own lawyer.

The judge did not take the matter likely. 'Do you think, this is a game where there is a break, I am not playing here, and maybe I will heed to Mr Almond advice; pronounce you guilty and leave me alone, what is this?'

She bowed her head. She had no one to rely on, now Sophie couldn't say anything too.

'I will give you till noon tomorrow, if there is no evidence to prove you're not guilty, I will send you to serve a long term in jail, is that understood?'

She nodded.

'Court adjourned till tomorrow at noon.' The judge said as he hit his gavel.

Great, where will she find a lawyer so fast? She placed her cuffed hands on her head as the guards stand in front of her.

'Hello, Sophie.'

She turned at the voice; Nick was holding a tray with a snack and cup of coffee in it.

He took a seat beside her.

'Hello, Nick.' She answered absentmindedly.

'How are you Sophie?' He asked with a light tone.

She shrugged. She looked at him when he took a seat by her.

'Tell me, are you here to suspend me?' She asked him because technically she have been hearing news about her.

'No, actually you should thank me.' He said as he widened his good step of teeth in a smile.

'What for?'

He smiled. 'The chief wanted to suspend you but I had to convince him not to besides I don't even understand why you are doing this when you know she is guilty.'

She looked at him, looked back at her cup, picked it and finish its content, she looked back at him, managed a smile. 'Why did you do that?'

'You are my partner....' He started with a apology, he was ready to give.

'Were, correction, Nick, were.'

He tried to touch her hand on the table but she removed it, Sophie looked at him.

'Sophie, why are you stressing yourself, she might not come out of this, all your effort might just be in vain.'

She looked at him and stood up before she could find words for him, her phone rang;


'Can we talk?'

'Yes, where are you...I'm on my way.' Sophie answered.

She turned to Nick and managed to smile like nothing happened.

'Please, tell your sister; I miss her; I will find time to go see her.' She said and walked out.

Nick watched her leave. 'What could be going on?' He wondered.

Pearl stood up from the bunk bed as she heard Sophie's voice, she moved close to the cell gate.

'The chief has restricted my number of visit.'

'I'm sorry.' It was all she could say, she didn't plan on letting Sophie go this far.

'I am not complaining, Pearl.'

Pearl nodded. 'Sheer came over to see me, she is giving her support and she hopes that this will be the last time, I have to go to court.'

Sophie nodded.

'And Nick also visited me; I don't think he is happy with you visiting me.'

Sophie looked away. 'Whatever l do is none of his business.'

'It seems he likes you.'

'Please.....' Sophie told her as she rolled her eyes.

Pearl smiled. 'So, tell me, what happened?'

'We were able to arrange for another lawyer.'

'Grandma?' Pearl asked, so her grandma can help her; it is a relief.

Sophie looked at her without a word. 'We are trying our best.'

'When do I meet her, the trial is tomorrow at noon.'

Sophie shook her head. 'You won't meet her now; you will only meet her when the trial begins.'

'But she doesn't know whom she is defending.' Pearl told her worried.

'Don't worry, she is a smart woman, actually a good lawyer, you will like her.'

Pearl looked at her friend. Sophie was behaving weird.

'Is there something you are not telling me, Sophie?'

Sophie quickly shook her head.

'If she is good, do you think I will get out soon enough?'

Sophie nodded. 'I promise you.' At least that was how she was convinced when she met with William; hopefully, the woman will get her out. The weeks she spent here is enough.

Pearl nodded. She couldn't wait to leave here.