
25- yule ball part 2

I had done a natural makeup look ask I got into my dress. I knew this wasn't going to be the best thing in the world but I needed a distraction from today. I put my cloak on jumper on my bed when a piece of paper fell out of the pocket. I had completely forgotten to read Bills letter. He had cast the same spell on it so no one but me could read it. I hid it under my pillow as I went made my way to the great hall. Music was blasting all through the castle. I think Dumbledore had got the weird sisters to play, it was Ginnys favourite band and from what I've heard they're pretty good. The door to the great hall was closed. I swear to Merlin I must of nearly fallen over my two feet trying to walk in these heels. I took a breath as I walked into the hall. Everyone's eyes turned to me. It was quite awkward. McGonagall made her way towards me, a smirk upon her face.

"I knew you truly wanted to come Miss Black." She held my elbow as I chuckled,

"Oh trust my professor, it took a lot of persuasion by Hermione." She gave me a hug as she walked back over to Dumbledore. Everyone else was dancing at the time including Ron and Harry. It was funny watching them dance, neither of them are very good at it. Cedric was dancing with Cho Chang, that's why she said no to Harry, Cedric already asked her. Hermione looked beautiful as she twirled around with Viktor. I went over to Neville as he was sat down on a table,

"Hey Neville, how's your night."

"It's been amazing, Ginny and I have been dancing all night, oh and Holly you look really pretty."

"You're not to bad yourself Neville, and I'm glad you had a good night."

"Thanks and I didn't even think you were coming, I heard about the letter." He spoke softly as he put his arm around me.

"Oh, yeah. I guess I just needed a distraction, anyway don't worry about me, you're beautiful date is coming to steal you away." I laughed as I pointed towards a twirling Ginny coming towards us. We all laughed as she tripped and Neville caught her. They waved as they danced off. The slow song ended as a fast one picked up, Harry and Ron rushed over to me, hugging me. Harry sort of just stood there it was kind of weird but cute. He started to blurt out sentences as Ron kicked him in the leg,

"Omg Holly you came, you weren't even coming. Oh my you look amazing, why are you here? Oh forget that I'm glad you're here." He shut up as he stared rubbing his shin after Ron had kicked him.

"Right boys, if you wanna dance, we are going now I'm not dancing a slow song." They just laughed as I grabbed both their arms and pulled them towards the dance floor.

We had been dancing for ages and I can't lie, it was so fun. Harry was twirling me around when Ron went off to get drinks, the music changed to a slow song. I started to walk off as Harry grabbed my wrist,

"Please, one dance."

"No Potter I already said no slow songs, I can't dance."

"Neither can I. Now come on." He grabbed the rest of my arm and put my arms around his neck. He held my waist as we danced along to the music. I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks as I started to move closer to him. I buried my head in his chest to hide my red face. I looked up to see Ron and Hermione smirking at us whilst they were drinking punch. Hermione had red circles round her eyes. Viktor had said some horrible things about her as he kissed a girl from Beaxbaxtons. Ron had run up to him and punched him in the face. They both just laughed and ran off together. Honestly Hermione and Ron just need to date already.

I looked up as I made eye contact with Harry, we just stared at eachother for a while. It was nice. The music ended suddenly, I cleared my throat and rushed off to find Hermione. She was by the punch bowl.

"How was the dance with Harry?"

"It was actually nice"

"Well I think we have a new couple at hogwarts." She laughed as she drank from her cup. I nudged her as I whispered

"Not if you and Ron beat us to it." She went bright red and rushed off upstairs. The party was starting to die down. I had realised Dumbledore was by the food station all alone and I wondered if he knew anything about what was happening to me. I didn't want to as him now as it was Christmas Eve. I just decided to leave it. I'll find out soon enough and anyway I have to read Bills letter when I get back upstairs. Ron and Harry had left the hall and there were still Neville and Ginny dancing in the middle. I'm not going to lie they are pretty cute. But Neville told me he likes Luna which is adorable. Luna is also known as Loony Lovegood but I don't believe that, I love hearing about all the weird and wonderful creatures that her father sets out to find. I took off my heels as I started to walk up the stairs. I'm never wearing them again, they are the most uncomfortable things ever, same with a dress it just gets in the way, but this dress was different. It was gorgeous. Don't tell anyone I said that.

As I came to the portrait, Hermione was already in our dorm, same with Ron and Harry in theirs. I walked up the stairs to find our door open. My pillow was off my bed and my letter from Bill wasn't on my bed.

"Holly, this random piece of parchment has your name on it but no letter." Parvati spoke out of no where. I gasped as I grabbed the letter from her hand, careful not to rip it,

"Oh yeah sorry, just testing out different ways to write my name." I gave my self a mental slap in the face as I realised that was the worst excuse ever. She just shrugged as she went to bed. I put my bed back together and pulled my curtains as I laid down, I undid Bills letter and started to read it.

Dear Holly,

I'm worried about you sis, don't be scared. Just speak to Dumbledore, I had a conversation with him and he knows about your nightmares, I didn't tell him don't worry, he already knew. And no you're not dangerous, you may be vital to Voldemort but we will never let him get anywhere near you, Remus and Sirius don't know about your nightmares and I don't suggest you tell them, we don't need them to worry more about you now do we. And with you're father. I don't know what to say, I'm not an expert about these things but i know your father loves you, he loves you more than he loves himself, and you have Remus and me and everyone around you here for you. We would never let you get hurt. Also this may sound a little protective older brothery but if I hear from Charlie than you run towards another crazy dragon again I'll send you a howler to open at breakfast and then you'll be embarrassed and then I'll come to hogwarts and bring you home myself. Anyway my Christmas gift to you is the best, you'll love it. I'm always her for you, don't forget.

From Bill x

I laughed as I put his letter under my bed in my trunk. As I stood back up Snowball was on my bed. I nearly jumped out of my skin. She literally appears out of nowhere. I was exhausted as I laid down on my bed. Bill was right, I didn't need to worry about it, and anyway I must remember to speak with Dumbledore tomorrow. I closed my eyes as I fell back into my pillow.

-Harry's pov-

I had been dancing with Padma for a while but it was really boring. Suddenly everyone turned to the great hall doors. It was Holly. She was in this red dress, she was beautiful. I wanted to run over to her but Padma said I had to at least finish this song with her. When we were dancing Padma leaned in to whisper in my ear,

"Hey, she's stunning."

"I know." Padma looked up at me as I said that and noticed I was still looking at Holly.

"You like her don't you." I went completely red.

"Um no of course not, she's my best friend." She just nodded and rolled her eyes. I really did like Holly.

As the song ended me and Ron ran over to Holly. I couldn't stop speaking, I'm pretty sure I didn't even make any sense as I was speaking nonsense. This was made clear to me when Ron kicked me in the shins. She said she didn't want to dance a slow song but she would dance an up beat one. We were all laughing as Holly pulled us onto the dance floor.

It was amazing, we were dancing for ages, spinning around and joking around. Ron pulled me aside and told me that Hermione was crying so he was gonna go look out for her. The music stopped as a slow song started. Holly quickly moved to the side but I wasn't going to let a dance slip away. I grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her arms round my neck. We began swaying to the music. She brought herself closer to me as she put her head on my chest. I noticed that Ron was smirking from the side of the room with Hermione. I was pretty sure I my cheeks were so red by now that anyone could've noticed. If I had come with Cho tonight then I wouldn't of been able to dance with her right now. The only reason I asked Cho was because Holly said she wasn't coming. When the Ravenclaw boy asked her the day we found out I hid round the corner to wait for Holly. I was a bit annoyed when she said she wasn't going and that another boy asked her before me. Luckily she said no. When the song ended she quickly ran off to find Hermione. I walked to the side to see Ron. Mostly everyone was out of the hall by then so me and Ron decided to head out. He elbowed me and smirked,

"So you and Holly huh?"

"Not if you and Hermione beat us to it." He went bright red as I elbowed him back. We both just laughed and talked about how neither of us actually went with who we wanted tonight.

When we reached the dorm it was completely empty. Everyone had already gone to bed. I noticed that there was a note on my bed. I opened it to find it was from Bill. Ron's brother. I opened it and Ron asked me why I was reading a blank piece of paper with my name on it. I just shrugged as I read it. He must have enchanted it so only I could read it.

Dear Harry,

I can't tell you exactly what's going on, but please look out for Holly.


Something was going on with Holly and he couldn't tell me what it was. I was just frustrated as I picked my golden egg up off my bed. I needed to figure out this clue. If I didn't soon then, we'll I'd be in danger. I just hope Holly is ok, she should be. I need her right now.