
25. Almost Kiss Her

The song ends with a high trumpet note. Everyone applauded loudly, and Rissa laughed. And then, she was giving the band players a high five. By the way, her face looked reddish. Several people greeted her as she walked to her desk.

Next, the pianist sang the song I've Got You Under My Skin with a tone that was not as busy as before, even though the drums were still at a fast tempo.

"You're so ... wild. I mean amazing," Charlos corrected. He took the tissue and handed it to Rissa, which she immediately wiped the sweat off her forehead.

"Thank you," replied Rissa with a big smile. Her face was still red, and she was panting for breath.

"Do you like jazz music?" asked Charlos.

"I love it so much! I'm really a big fan of jazz. How about you?"

"Of course, I like jazz."

Rissa furrowed her brow. "However, last time I see, you didn't seem to enjoy the music."

"Oh really?" Charlos raised an eyebrow. "It's not because of the jazz song, but ... Ah, never mind." Charlos waved his hand.

"It must be because I came forward, huh? You don't like to see me sing up the front."

Charlos wanted to say: Exactly! But that will only irritate Rissa. So, he said something else.

"On the eighth I'm going to the Jazz Festival."

"Wow! I wish I could get there." Rissa looks sad.

"Reva will show in there." Charlos said. He looked at his watch.

"Oh really?" Rissa raised her eyebrows.

Charlos gulped down his cold lemon tea. "Yes," he replied.

He waved his hand, calling for the waiter. Soon, the waiter brought the bill. Charlos pulled out several hundred thousand rupiahs notes from his wallet. Then, he rose to his feet without bothering to wait for the change.

"Thanks for the dinner. See you later, Charlos." Rissa smiled. The woman was still sitting in her chair. However, Charlos was waiting for her.

"Why are you silent? Let's go home!" Charlos moved his hand.

"Oh …."

Rissa then stood up and followed Charlos to the front of the entrance. It was raining heavily in Bandung, and a cold wind blew, made the hair on Rissa's feet stand up.

A parking attendant ran up to them and was carrying a large umbrella. Charlos pulled Rissa's hand, then they both walked quickly to Charlos's car.

The woman looked confused when Charlos told her to get in the car. When he got in the car, Charlos started the engine, so the vehicle roared slowly. He turned on the wipers.

"Do you want to take me home?" asked Rissa.

Charlos frowned. "Of couse. Do you really want to go home alone with heavy rain like this?"

Rissa didn't answer. So, Charlos was busy backing the car, guided by the parking attendant. Then, after handing over a twenty thousand note, they drove off Jalan Braga.

Charlos turned on the radio, flipping through the channels until he found a song that he liked. He could feel Rissa's gaze. He only glanced at her a little.

The woman hummed slowly. Her head moved slowly to the rhythm of the music. By the way, her voice was good. However, Charlos didn't really like it when Rissa went wild on the stage. She looked so savage.

Rissa's life doesn't sound so pleasant. She had to fight to support herself and her brother. Charlos never really felt the loss of his parents. Even though they divorced and his father died, but his mother always lived with him.

If he were Rissa, he doesn't know if he would survive in this life. However, after Charlos saw her, the woman seemed not to have the burden of life. When singing, her smile and laughter seemed so free and natural, as if she was singing from the heart. Next time, Charlos should pay more attention when Rissa sings in church.

The traffic light turns red. So, Charlos braked and glanced back at Rissa. The woman was also looking at him, and then she smiled.

"Charlos." Rissa suddenly said her name. That made Charlos surprised.


"Thanks for taking me home."

Charlos nodded with a smile. "It doesn't matter."

Rissa looked awkward. She fixed her hair, then held her cheek while looking out the window. The atmosphere was clumsy, but Charlos remained focused on driving.

They entered the South Bandung area. The streets are so quiet. So, he drove fast. He knew the road quite well because he had gone it once.

Finally, after a few minutes, they arrived in front of Rissa's house alley.

"Thanks, Charlos. See you later. Good night."

Rissa was about to open the car door, but Charlos still didn't open the automatic lock.

"Excusme. The door, please," said Rissa when she turned around.

"Uhm, there is ..." Charlos approached Rissa's face so close. Their noses were only an inch apart. So, Rissa closed her eyes, and suddenly Charlos continued his word, "... tissue."

Charlos' heart skipped a beat. Is this normal? Charlos almost kissed her. However, he backed away and pulled out the tissue that stuck to Rissa's forehead.

"Well. There is a tissue on your forehead." Charlos smirked.

Rissa opened her eyes and took aback. Her face was blushing. So, Charlos gulped, and then he unlocked the car door.

"Okay. See you later, Rissa."

Rissa's smile turned coy.

"Uhm, wait!" Charlos held Rissa's hand. The woman stared in terror as if Charlos was going to devour her.

"Don't forget when you go to bring an umbrella and a jacket. It's better if you bring a change of clothes. You said you were a professional, right?"

Rissa was panting. Her chest rose and fell. "Okay. I'll keep that in mind." She looked down as she looked at Charlos's hand that was still holding her hand.

Charlos quickly let go of his hand, and he smiled a little. Rissa opened the door and got out of the car. She ran into the alley while covering her head with her bag while the rain was still pouring down.

Charlos's hands were shaking. He took a deep breath, then exhaled through his mouth. Anyway, his hands gripped the steering wheel; then, he drove off.