
109. Charlos Is Jealous

Rissa sighed with a downcast face. Her hand gripped the coffee cup tightly as if it were the handle of her life.

"I do not think I have the will to live anymore," continued Rissa. "But fortunately, I have a very good family. During this time, I always hated my stepfather. That is why I insisted on staying in Bandung alone with James. Actually, it is not because my stepfather is evil or annoying. I do not like it when my mother remarries. I think my mother will always love my father to death. I do not like anyone else entering my family life."

Charlos was stunned to hear Rissa's confession. Anyway, he did not want Rissa to blame herself. Everyone must have experienced difficult times in their life. It depends on how each person behaves in dealing with the problem.

So far, Rissa had insisted on rejecting her stepfather, but Charlos wouldn't blame her. He had to tell Rissa.