
Chapter 10: Taking a Break

Chapter 10: Taking a Break

"Mama, can I stay home for the rest of today?" Haruto asked as Kiara placed him on the couch.

"Of course sweetie," Kiara replied frantically. She then stood up and walked off to the kitchen before returning with a first aid kit and an ice pack.

"Alright, let's get you patched up," Kiara handed Haruto the ice pack before opening up the first aid kit.

"Thank you," Haruto dabbed the ice pack on his black eye before wincing. He took a deep breath before placing the ice pack on the bruised eye.

"You were very brave today," Kiara complimented while dabbing the blood off Haruto's nose with a tuft of cotton.

"Yeah…" Haruto agreed. He still hadn't registered the events that had happened the past couple of hours.

"All done!" Kiara smiled as she took a second look at Haruto's face.

"You should get some sleep now, Haruto," Kiara finally concluded, "Today was quite stressful for you."

"Sleep sounds nice," Haruto agreed.

"Now, now, lay your head here," Kiara sat down next to Haruto, patting her lap.

"Are you sure?" Haruto asked.

"Of course, sweetie," Kiara assured the young man. Haruto nodded before stiffly laying down on Kiara's lap.

"No need to be so tense," Kiara said softly as she stroked Haruto's hair, "Do you want me to sing you a song?"

"S-sure," Haruto replied. An image then flashed into Haruto's head. A girl he didn't recognize singing as he laid on her lap.

'What was that?' Haruto thought to himself. For some reason, the memory was… soothing.

'I'll think about it later…' Haruto closed his eyes as Kiara started to sing. Kiara's voice was nice. A lot nicer than Haruto expected it to be.

"Goodnight… Mama…" Haruto muttered before drifting off into sleep.


"Are you sure it was a good idea to leave those two guys unconscious?" Calli asked as she walked down an inconspicuous alleyway with Kanata and Nik.

"Don't worry about it. I already hired someone to take them out," Kanata said.

"You didn't call her, did you?" Nik shuddered.

"Who's her?" Calli asked.

"The person I hired to take them out," Kanata answered blandly.

Before Calli could say anything, Kanata held her hand up, "We're here. Get ready."

Calli nodded wordlessly before summoning her scythe. Nik reached into his jacket to pull out a pistol.

"Just a heads up, I'm not taking prisoners," Calli warned.

"Good," Kanata peeked in the door, "Neither am I."

Kanata swung the door open and the three burst through.

"Who's there?!" Calli's eyes darted from person to person. There were six people in the building. The three looked at each other and nodded wordlessly. They knew what to do.

Before anyone could react, Calli dashed towards the closest person, a bald man with sunglasses. His head had fallen on the floor before anyone else moved. The person next to him shouted in fear and aimed his rifle at her. His head fell not long after.

Calli turned her head just in time to see Kanata punch a hole through a man's chest. As another man charged, a hole appeared in his head. Calli turned back to see Nik twirling his pistol on his finger.

"W-what do you want?!" The last man asked. From his clothes and his demeanor, it looked like he was the leader.

"Well, let's just say you kidnapped the wrong child," Kanata said simply. With a simple punch, the man was no more.

"Now, I wonder how my contact is doing."


The first thing Shades felt when he woke up was a throbbing pain in his head.

"What the hell happened…?" He muttered to himself. He lifted his shades to rub his eyes when he heard the sound of flesh being sliced.

"What the-," Shades dropped the glasses back on his eyes and looked around to see Hatty on the ground with his throat slit and blood pooling around him.

"W-who's there?!" Shades swiftly picked up the gun that was next to him and wildly pointed it from place to place, "I'll fucking shoot! Don't fuck with me!"

"Unfortunately, you fucked with the wrong person," Before Shades could react, he felt the cold steel of a knife pressed against his throat.

"What do you want?" Shades, dropping the gun, asked as beads of sweat dripped down his forehead, "Do you want money? I have money!"

"You already committed the sin. The only thing left for you is death," The voice replied as pain erupted in Shades' throat.

'What… did I do…?' Was the last thing Shades thought before he drifted off into an eternal slumber.


Suisei heaved a sigh as she watched the second mook fall to the floor, dead. She took out her phone and dialed up a number.

"Hello?" Kanata asked through the phone.

"The job has been done," Suisei sighed.

"Thanks, Suisei. I know you're busy," Kanata replied with a sigh of her own.

"Yeah. First it's Kiara taking away date night and now it's you taking away my free time," Suisei grumbled under her breath.

"Hopefully we won't have anyone kidnapping Kiara's kid again," Kanata replied. She was obviously tired.

"Anyways, I'll leave you to the cleanup. I have shit to do," Suisei said before hanging up the phone.

"I guess I know how you feel," Suisei murmured before walking out of the warehouse.


"What's the occasion, Coco?" A man and a woman were looking out in the distance. They were somewhere in America, watching the sun set.

"One of my old coworkers had a kid," Coco replied as she looked up at the man, "His name is Haruto."

"I see," The man put a hand on his chin as if he was contemplating something, "What are you planning on doing?"

"I was thinking of staying in Japan for a while," Coco let a smile creep on her face as she looked at the setting sun, "It'll be nice to see everyone again."

"Be sure to stay safe," The man said with a deep, gruff voice. Although his face remained expressionless, Coco knew that deep down, he cared.

"Thank you, first chairman," Coco turned to bow at the man.

"First chairman?" The man, the faintest smile making itself known scoffed, "I don't know what you're talking about. I'm nothing but a dead man walking."

I'm sorry for the late chapter! I ran into a rut so I decided just to have a little chapter where a few things are going on. Don't worry, we'll get back to your regularly scheduled fluff in due time! Thank you for your patience!

lightningstormtccreators' thoughts