
taiso academy

this is R18 proceed with caution there are no actul sexual activities for now I think there are gonna be alot of teasing and adult jokes so I would suggest no I will say if you are under the age of 18 please don't read this.

Godgamerlol · Others
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3 Chs


Meet cono as werid as his name may sound he is basically a perfect human.

He is now for his stunning looks and his athletic body he is strong smart sweet and kind he is 6'5 he is a amazing football player basketball player he is a amazing writer he has already written multiple books they became best sellers on alot of store and websites and he is also a great mage see this is no ordinary world this world is filled with magic!

He casted a large fireball when he was only 8 months old he talked when he was 3 weeks old he walked when he was 5 months old.

It is rumoured that he has a Devine blessings from god's in cases there only exactly 100 people with Devine blessings from God and he is rumoured to be one of them.

Anyways it is June 17 2027.

Cono woke up he opened the curtains and stretched his arms his eyes where shining brighter than ever! Because today is his enrollment in the most prestigious academy taiso academy.

Cono brushed his teeth and got a nice hot shower he was excited because he is usually a huge magic nerd he would do anything to discover a new unique magic spell!

He went down and saw his mother"good morning mom!" He said as he energetically sat down on his chair.

"Isant the academay only open at 9:00? It's 5:30 right now....." She said sleeply

"Well it is better to get ready!" And by the way this guy is a civil man he has no perverty desires but he dosent have a say becuase all the girls love him This dude can pick up girls easily by just simply existing while we are doing 3 am maneuvers this guy dosent even put up a effort and a another problem is he is a amazing smooth talker even tho he dosent know he is such a perfect smooth talker oh writing this is gonna make me suffer...

Well anyways he finishes eating his breakfast and you may ask it's only 5:30! What is he gonna do? Well this guy starts reading everything about the academy cono is a huge nerd well let me tell you how the academy actually works.

Taiso academy is the number one most prestigious magic academy in the world the classes start at 9:30 and end at 3:00 the academys entrance exam is exceptionally hard but cono aced it of course the academy consists of the basic subjects like math science and what not but the academy is mostly based on honing your magical skills there are trainning grounds PvP simulation battles and everything a serious magic expert could hope for and another important thing the schools teachers are flaming hot cono dose not know that bros in for a absolute surprise any ways the academy guarantees you high positioning job or a great hero for saving the world from monsters such as goblins hounds and much more! the academy serves a luxurious huge dorm where the students will be staying in the dorm is basically like a entire house and just so I am clear the academy is like huge it covers like 40% of the city which is insane of course the academy is funded by the government and I forgot to mention the academy consists of only girls for now yes only girls why? Because in this world the average woman Intellgence is 60% higher than the average men intelligence it's basically like saying fuck you gender equality (joke please no cancel haha) but cono is the only student who has gottent 100% in the academys entire history and he is the first male also.

Enough of the chit chat the bus arrives it's a flying bus wow who would have thought.

He got in excitedly he sat on the back of the bus he looked around all girls where staring at him flustered by his size's that is not a grammer mistake... The girls where whispering to each other but he really didnt seem to care the bus finally landed into the academy.

The gates of the academy open a soft breeze of wind flows through his hair he smiles at the soft breeze he started walking to the hallway a hot girl she seemed older than him but she was shorter of course she had a cane and she was smiling mischievously she stopped and looked at him.

"You must be the first boy to enroll here I am arisua skaynaki" *yes this is a cote reference I got nothing better to do anyways*

She extended her hands for a hand shake she has a nice smile it reminded him of a certain sadistic loli with a similar name and cane anyways "i am cono takayo nice to meet you" he gave her a firm and short handshake she walked away grinning at him.

Cono eventually after wowing at the entire academy finally entered his dorm it was still only 7:30 there where exactly 2 hours till the classes start.

There where 4 beds in the dorm one must be for him while the other 4 are for someone else.

He looked around and he entered the kitchen he saw 3 girls in there changing

"AH!" He says while closing his eyes flustered.

The 3 girls turn towards him they don't seem to be mad at all they looked kinda happy....


"Oh you must be the boy right?" She says with slutry smile she had a huge rack i mean a HUGE rack she was a blonde of course

"Oh this must be the guy who scored 100 on the enterance exam and don't look flustered we don't mind" she says with a cunning smile

The third girl has a slutry smile while getting closer to him her rack was bouncing softly he simply didn't know how to react i mean who would!

"Your name is cono right such a sweet name" she said while getting as close as possible without there bodys touching.

"Anyways I am Cassie " says the blonde

"I am Sakura" says the second girl

"I am Gracie nice to meet you" the girl closest to him says

"Hey cono mind helping me take my bra off?" Says Sakura and any usual man would agree but cono fucking jolted out of the room faster than usain bolt people are soon gonna call him the volt tackler💀

"Oh I am going enjoy this" says Sakura while giving a devilish smirk to the other 2 girls they also give the same look noding he has to come back sooner or later he is gonna get smashed to the ground hard.

Anyways he catches his breath he was panting heavily like heavy heavy"whats the deal with those girls?" He asked confusingly as to what just happened his innocent brain couldn't process what the absolute fuck just happened.

The girl arisua skaynaki "you figured out why this academy is still called as amazing?" She says mockingy before walking.

"Oh lord this is gonna be one hell of a journey" and he was right shits about to go wild this is just the prolouge stay tuned for chapter one arriving twomarrow...!