
taiso academy

this is R18 proceed with caution there are no actul sexual activities for now I think there are gonna be alot of teasing and adult jokes so I would suggest no I will say if you are under the age of 18 please don't read this.

Godgamerlol · Others
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3 Chs

magical intensity

I didn't think this would blow up 115 views in one day is crazy i already got 2 collections!

Anyways let's begin.

Cono is still outside he is just waiting for the classes to start he is hiding in the storeage room right next to his assigned class why? Because girls where going crazy around him they kept saying unthoughtful werid things if you will which creeped cono hard enough for him to stay dusty old room with literally almost zero space he is slowy dying due to the dust and the lack of oxygen this guy truly is wimp if I where him i would smash and dash to the classroom of course.

He looked at his watch it was 9:28 two minutes before class starts can he hang in there because hoes are searching for him outside and people are saying things like..

"Oh cono you wanna raid my dungeon?"

I am suffering to absolute hell this MF is getting free sexy hoes while we are here trying to practice every meter of our body posture to absolute perfection to just get average woman .

It is 9:29 "oh comon just one more minute please!"

While outside woman where hearing small noises inside the storeage room one of the crazy girls decided to check the storeage room.

"Ah fuck"

Bro knew his fate was sealed.

But just then the bell rang the girls went to there classes cono got out of the storeage room and he barely made it out there alive.

He sat down at his desk his chair was floating soft cushion.

He liked the softness of the chair since it didn't absolutely destory his back unlike his other schools.

His happyness instantly fades when he sees the girls all looking at him pouty angry faces yet they still have the slutness in there eyes there eyes where hungry with desire.

It felt like if the teacher didn't arrive in 2 more seconds he was gonna get jumped by a group of hungry woman.

Thank the fucking lord the teacher arrived the girls got angry and the class greeted the teacher she was also a hot woman of course i can't with this MF.

"Hello class 1-d i am mrs Blaire I will be your teacher for the 12 years."

Yeah you heard that right 12 years why? And also this is just high school there is still college the timeline here is messed up but the average life span on this world is 1600 and you may ask how dose that work they are 18 and just attending high school and the highschool is 12 years long? Well let me give you a brief explanation being 18 in this world is basically still 2 months old in the womb in our world and 500 years is about 25 or 35 I don't know can someone do the math and 1600 years in that world is basically 80 in this world I know that the math literally makes no sense but if you are maths enthusiastic this book ain't for you you can click off anyways this is basically just fan service.

They start the class it was basics of magic such as the 4 elements and the different types of other magic such as enhance magic changing magic invisible magic and summoning magic there are much to be said here but if i tell them just this pharagraph would be enough to make six chapters.

After the lesson they step into the trainning grounds where cono will shine and he is incredibly excited but he dosent realise the problem here would get more attention chat is he cooked?

People show of there basic magic fireball water blade whirlwind yes a whirlwind is basic magic in air type magic yeah air is just absolutely broken.

It was finally conos turn all the girls where cheering for him of course they are all fangirls already.

"Alright HURRICANE!"

Conos hurricane dose magic damage to the dummy bots the area gets absolutely shredded like fine Swiss cheese the area seems to be near demolished.

All the girls stop cheering for a moment in shock but there cheers get louder and they become even bigger fangirls.

Cono just realised what he had done he used them guns to acidentally get buttered buns.

"Ah duck."

Blaire seems genuinely impressed as well her huge rack bounces a bit her orange hair swaying gently in excitement " wow that is absolutely splended!"

Blaire smirks seductively as cono just realised what is about to happen she is about to ask him to come to his office later.

"Hey cono stop by my office later I got extra credit for you" she winks as leaning towards him.

Cono gets shivers in his bones feeling like the hairyest spider is crawling through his spine."I AM SORRY I CANT ATTEND BUT THANKS FOR ASKING!" He bows down for a brief moment efire fucking bolting away like the fucking flash Blaire looks at him

"my my he is one hell of a runner looks like we need to fix him around a bit" she titls her head in amusement but the students are discussing with eachother of how big of a fucking bitch there stupid teacher is how can she try to pick up there man they are obviously obsessed with him too bad for them cono ain't trying screw but they will make him the quick attacker no matter what💀

Now the part we all been waiting for cono going to his dorm bro is fucked.

He carefully enters he can't do anything else he personally asked the principal who is also a female if there are any other rooms available that is completely free and vacant he said he would even accept it even if it was haunted dusty old room filled with life threating ghosts bro was desperate apparantly there is not a single room that is free inside this huge academy he knew she was lying bro is not gonna be innocent after this.

He accepted his fate and headed into the dorm the 3 girls where waiting for him there body was covered in sweat probably because they where thinking of way to trap in the dorm so they could there *business* they look stunning covered in sweat they walk upto him with a sweet but mischievous smile cono walks over to side of the dorm trying not to make his weedle hard but sadly for him the girls weren't having his attitude so what did they do they pushed him onto the bed he was screwed they where strong being able to hold him. Usually his huge height always gave him problem not being able to fit into doors but especially drawing attention to so many woman but in this case his height came in handy he kicked one of the girls backs so she hits head on the wall and he used magic to trap there arms and legs from functioning and he used control magic to forcefully make them to there side of the room and he cast a barrier on his side making sure no one except him can go inside the barrier except when he is sleeping but he didnt know that! Why? He never used it, it was always just kinda there u mean who can blame him he never thought that 3 super hot girls would wanna saboink him.

The girls knew that the barrier would instantly go down when he falls asleep so they played the waiting game.

Cono would wake up feeling a werid but somewhat nice feeling he opened his eyes and saw the girls over him "AH!" The loud scream woke the 3 girls up the girls looked at him sexly they where turned on hard...

Everyone say your respects by saying f in the chats for cono 💀