
Tainted Salvation

In the Kingdom of Galsbourg, Rainier Hansen ruled as an absolute Tyrant. Having known nothing but loneliness and power, he's used to getting what he wants. He felt that his days all blurred into one infinite hollow of duties and boredom until he randomly traveled worlds and stumbled upon a certain carefree female detective, Gwen Hamilton. Soon, she turned out to be his obsession. He had always got his wishes, and that year, he decided he'd present himself a queen. Warning: Mature content

LadyAzalea · Urban
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46 Chs

Tainted Love 2

Author's Note: This chapter is PG-15 for violence and abuse.


He had known all along, there were people who looked identical across the universes. So he called Jake and gave him a picture of Gwen Hamilton.

"Find this girl for me."

It took Jake only one hour to find an identical girl like Gwen.

In his kingdom, her doppelganger was Veronica, a girl who had long criminal records and was currently in jail.

"How perfect," he said to himself, chuckling at Veronica's file.

He's going to give her a second chance in life.


The next day, Rainier released Veronica from jail, and briefed her about parallel worlds, and that she would be sent to the Republic of Kilare to replace Gwen Hamilton in her world.

It's like giving fish to a stray cat. Veronica didn't really believe in parallel worlds, yet she was used to obey the King, despite meeting him for the first time in her life. She grew up in a kingdom that took his words as the absolute truth.

Besides, she was tired of her meaningless life. A second chance was something she had always dreamt all along.


On his next visit, Rainier brought Jake, Veronica and two more bodyguards to Gwen's world. They hid in her house in broad daylight when he knew her father was away.

He was the one who caught her from behind and sedated her with chloroform.

Her body sagged so quickly, so easily, into his arms.

He brought her body close to his chest, marveling at holding her for the first time.

Veronica, Jake, and the other guards witnessed his moment of lunacy and weakness, but did he care?

Not at all.


Gwen woke up with a start.

Then she blinked.

She wasn't facing the familiar ceiling of her bedroom.

She sat up in horror.

She was lying on a luxurious four-poster bed, in a luxurious room.

What's happening? Where am I?

She tried hard to remember.

She just went home from a surveillance assignment. She showered and dressed, then went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. When she returned to her bedroom, she--

She remembered the smell of something familiar and reminded her of hospitals.

Then she remembered nothing else.

Did someone drug her? Make her pass out with chloroform?

Right. She remembered big hands, the smell of something chemical, a cloth on her face, then darkness.

She panicked.

She's in a room she didn't recognize.

She looked down and saw that she was wearing a white, lacy dressing gown.

It's something she would never wear, ever.

Did someone....?

Did someone kidnap me and--

Horrified by the thought, she crawled out the bed.

It's a grand room. She saw velvet and gold threads, expensive furniture, and maybe an expensive painting, but her fear of where she was and what had happened to her robbed her of the wish to admire what she was seeing.

She looked around and saw no one.

There's a pair of oak doors, and she ran there, trying the handle.

It was locked.

"You'll be here for a while."

Gwen jumped at the voice.

Terrified, she turned around, putting on a defiant expression.

Someone she had never seen in her life before was walking towards her.

All of a sudden, she realized her lacy dress was see-through. She wanted to cover herself, but she got nothing for that. She wanted to turn around to hide her front, but she believed it would be idiocy.

No one turned around in front of an enemy.

The tall figure approached closer.

Gwen frantically looked around for something to defend herself.

There was a vase on a coffee table near the doors, and she grabbed it for the lack of anything else.

It would do.

"Who are you? Where am I?"

"I'm Rainier Hansen. The King of Galsbourg. And you're in my bedroom."

He walked closer to her, and there was something in him that made a chill run down her spine.

She had always been proud of her bravery.

There was something predatory in him that made her feel weak and small.

Instead of running away, she clutched the vase in her hands tighter.

"Galsbourg was an ancient kingdom. It had been destroyed a thousand years ago!"

"The history in your land and in mine are different. Here, Galsbourg had never perished."

He spoke in an authoritative manner. Her experience taught her that he might be a very confident person, who might be cruel, and an egomaniac as well.

Possibly a serial killer.

"Don't come near me!"

"I'm doing exactly the opposite, obviously."

"I'm warning you, I'm a black belt in taekwondo!"

"So am I."

It's the way he's looking at her. As if she's the food he wanted to eat clean. His stare made her feel naked and cornered.

When he was two meters away, she threw the vase at him.

Too bad, he dodged it too easily, almost lazily.

When he was a meter away, she swerved in another direction.

It's the first time a woman ran away from him in a bedroom.

"Stay away from me!"

"Never" he vowed, reaching her in big strides.

She bolted to another end of the room, as swift as a young rabbit, lifting up the stupid, lacy dressing gown to her thighs, because she needed flexibility. He's faster, of course, and caught her after some brief seconds.

Gwen couldn't believe what was happening. This had to be a nightmare. She would soon wake up again on her own bed, as her father yelled at her to quickly have breakfast.

The man spared her no more words before lifting her off the floor and carrying her back to the bed.


Gwen hit and kicked with all her might. The man she attacked seemed like he didn't feel it, though.

She was dropped unceremoniously at the head of the bed.

She crawled away. And the man pulled her back by the waist.

She struggled free, yet her wrist was pulled over her head and she felt something cold and hard there, and then she heard a click.

She looked at her own wrist and realized she had been handcuffed to the railing of the bed.


"Not here. I am the law here, Gwen."

She flinched in shock hearing her own name.

"How did you know me?"

"Oh, I know quite a lot about you."

And then her other wrist was handcuffed to the railing.

"This is not what I'm thinking, right?" she asked, half-laughing. Her voice was shaking, but not faltering.

"If you let me go, I swear I won't charge you too severely. I'm a police officer. Let me go, and no one will be harmed."

The man moved away, and Gwen congratulated herself for her logic in such a crazy, scary time. Instead of being rational, though, the man pulled something that looked like chains (what, chains???).

He then pulled her down in one swift motion.

Gwen lay on the bed, her body glided down the expensive bedcover.

It took her a few seconds to realize he was chaining her legs to both sides of the bed posters.

Her mind couldn't fathom the situation she was in. When she pulled at her own hands and feet and realized she couldn't move them much, she began fearing for the worst.

She felt the bed shift down there and knew the man was crawling upwards to her.

"Once more, my name is Rainier. And from now on, you're going to be my queen."

She wanted to laugh at his face. His line was as cheesy as those cheap romance novels her friend at the Judson police station kept telling her to read.

"This is insane. Let me go!!!"

The so-called Rainier stared at her face, but she doubted he really heard what she was saying.

His hand came closer, wanting to touch her lips, yet Gwen looked away.

Another firm hand held her cheek and jaw, and Rainier pulled her face back to see him.

With his fingertips, he touched her lips.

Her lips were full and so inviting, he thought.

She moved her face to avoid his touch, and he chuckled to himself.

This was the first time a woman was disgusted with his touch. Needless to say, it turned him on.

She chanced a confused look and saw his face coming closer.

She looked away again, but he slipped one hand on her nape, and the other hand on her chin, before he licked her lips, wetting them with the tip of his tongue.

Gwen closed her lips, so he bit her lower lip, hard. She yelped in pain and he kissed her, eating her screams, pressing her down with his weight, and enjoying it immensely.

She wanted to slap and kick him. Hurt him with her nails and teeth, but he's a lot more powerful than her.

When he pulled away, her lips were red and swollen.

"If you let me go now, I'll tell no one about this crime. Please be rational and--"

He gently bit on her jaw, then licked his way down her neck, nibbling and sucking, feasting on her fair skin.

Gwen had never felt more humiliated than when Rainier began touching her body everywhere.

"Stop this!!! STOP THIS!!! PLEASE!!!"

"I've just started."

"This is a crime! Please, stop!!!"

"No. I'm taking my own queen. No one can stop me, even you."

His words made no sense to her, and between the mounting fear and panic, she was fighting to find some words that could knock some sense into this madman.

"Did you say you're a king, and you want me to be your queen?" she asked, desperation giving her an idea.

The man above her sighed, then sat between her legs.

"That's right."

"Give me time to know you better!"

Rainier looked down at his prey with an amused expression, mixed with lust.

"I should know you better, shouldn't I? How can I be your queen if I know nothing about you?"

Fear and humiliation washed her as his eyes roved all over her nakedness. Whoever dressed her earlier didn't bother to put any underwear on her beneath the lingerie.

"Gwen Hamilton, are you negotiating with me?"

"Yes! Give me--give me three months, then you can--do whatever you want!"

He chuckled at that.

"You want me to wait for three more months, after waiting for you for a year?"

She had no idea what he meant, but her instincts told her to be silent.

He ran his hand over the front of her silk nightgown. Gwen willed herself to not jolt with disgust and fury.

"This will be a fun game," he replied. "I've waited one year. I won't die waiting for three more months. It will give you some time to understand this kingdom and your role better.

He unchained her legs with the ease of someone who did it often, then took the keys of her handcuffs from the bedside drawer, unlocking it.

Gwen immediately rubbed her own wrists, which were already red, thanks to the handcuffs.

"For now, get used to this room. I'll see you again tomorrow."

With that, he left the room. She could hear him locking the bedroom doors.

There was a bedcover, and Gwen quickly covered her nearly naked self with it, needing the warmth and illusion of safety.

She didn't know where she was, and it seemed that a lunatic had kidnapped and imprisoned her in his house. Mission one, don't die. Mission two, find a way to run and return home.


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