
Tainted Salvation

In the Kingdom of Galsbourg, Rainier Hansen ruled as an absolute Tyrant. Having known nothing but loneliness and power, he's used to getting what he wants. He felt that his days all blurred into one infinite hollow of duties and boredom until he randomly traveled worlds and stumbled upon a certain carefree female detective, Gwen Hamilton. Soon, she turned out to be his obsession. He had always got his wishes, and that year, he decided he'd present himself a queen. Warning: Mature content

LadyAzalea · Urban
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46 Chs

Her Offer

"This is so wrong, but I'm all messed up already. I'd do whatever could change your mind. And if that really works, if sex is really our currency, then I want to ask two more things. Tell me about the separatists. I want to know about it. The library has nothing that could explain about it except the newspapers. And I'm tired seeking answers from papers. You need to at least answer my questions when I demand it!"

She's shaking with pent-up emotion, and tears were threatening to fall from her eyes.

"What's your third request?"

"I want to do something! Do you plan to lock me up in your private palace forever? I can't live like this, Rainier, it's torture! I need to have a life as well! If you won't return me to my world and to my old life, then at least talk to me!!!" she yelled, so done with how much she's limiting her life.

"If sex could give me everything that I need, then you can do it."

She understood it's wrong. Two people shouldn't communicate this way. Wanting to know about the separatists, talking to a psychiatrist, and having her own activities should be her own rights, not something she had to sell her body for. But she's at her wit's end, and she was willing to do anything to make her life easier to bear.

She saw his hesitancy. It's obvious that he wanted it.

She jumped at the chance. To hell with pride. She wanted to get what she wished for.

So she took off her coat, revealing the silk robe she's wearing beneath it. Her skin prickled with her own shame, but she looked at him in the eyes.

His eyes immediately roamed her body, and unable to stop himself, he walked until he was standing in front of her.

"You want to talk to Sam, my cousin, you want to know about the separatists, and you want to have your own activity," he repeated, running his hand on her silk, silver nightgown.

It took her a lot of energy and resolve to not back away from his touch.

"You want three things, Gwen Hamilton. Are you willing to give yourself thrice for them?"

She swallowed. "I am."

He got his phone from his suit's pocket and dialed Jake's number. Without breaking their eye contact, he said, "Turn off all the CCTVs in my office."

Once he hung up, he slipped his hands beneath the strings of her nightgown.

She held on to the hem on her chest.

"No! Call your cousin first, make an appointment for me!"

"I'll do it tomorrow," he replied, trying to pull her nightgown down.

"NO! DO IT NOW!" she screamed, slapping his hands away.

"It's almost midnight!"

"I don't care! Call her NOW!!!"

He could just force his way. It's nothing new. He did it before.

But she's wrong when she thought she's powerless. Her power over him had become so strong that he stopped and dialed his cousin, Dr. Samantha Hansen, Psy.D, putting it on loudspeaker.

"Hello, Your Majesty?"

"Sam, what time are you free tomorrow?"

"I'm free after 4 P.M. tomorrow, Sir. May I help you?"

Samantha always spoke to him formally, except when she's sure they're alone and he's talking about family matters.

"Can you come to the palace?"

"Of course. But why? Is everything alright?"

"My wife wants a clinical consultation."

Samantha was stunned for a while, unable to answer. The queen wanted a clinical consultation?

"Ah. Would 5 P.M. be alright?"

"That's fine."

"Tell Her Majesty it would be my honor."

"I will. See you tomorrow."

He hung up, threw his phone to the carpeted floor, grabbed Gwen's face, then kissed her like a madman.

When he stopped kissing her, she was already on the carpet, with him sitting between her legs.

He couldn't push her nightgown down fast enough. He saw the silver silk under her knees since she walked in, wanting to see her beneath the coat during their fight earlier.

"You let all the guards in this building see you in your lingerie, Gwen. How dare you!"

"I covered myself!"

"They still saw the color and fabric!"

He took off his shirt and undershirt, then turned her around.

Nervousness and fear mounted inside her, as he said on her ears, "Let's do it from the back this time."

He lifted her nightgown, pushed her to crouch on all four, tear at her panties, and entered her from behind.

Gwen cried out as she was being filled again.

"I missed this," he confessed, drilling in and out. "I miss you."

She couldn't speak, she'd rather use her energy to remember breathing.

He bent and moved her hair to her right shoulder, then kissed her neck and bit her shoulder. He then moved his lips down all over her back. His palms found her breasts and squeezed.

A sense of unreality filled her again. She's crouching on a carpet as this king fucked her from behind. It's only her second time. Her silk nightgown was pooling on her waist, as Rainier's lustful breathing filled the room.

He pulled her close and made her knelt, entering her from behind again. Naturally, his fingers teased her core.

Being filled both ways, she couldn't be quiet. No matter how she gritted her teeth to be silent, her moans still escaped her lips.

He held her possessively with one hand, thrusting upwards endlessly.

The angle made him stuck so deep, so fast within her that she had to hold on to his arms.

A week without this was too long. He wondered how he survived. It was plain stubbornness. As the first time, she felt incredible. He hit her sharply, hungrily, pulling at her hips to be even deeper.

Finally, he put his forehead on her back, and rode her fast, crashing into her, as her breathing turned to gasps, his hands became a death grip around her.

Her head reeled and her breath was knocked out from her as he thrust up and down into her, slipping further and further into her body.

Rainier watched as she threw her head back and cried out.

He gripped her hips as he claimed her roughly, feeling her wetness coating him from the inside.

Again and again, he thrust into her, relishing in her moans and shudders.

When he's close, he grabbed her breasts and squeezed them, making her screamed.

Then he came with a loud groan, exploding inside her, calling out her name.

When he came down, he turned her around and kissed her, his fingers slipping into her wet core. She fell on her back at the carpet, as he pressed her with his body. She hugged him and let him work her to her release, as her hips gently moved on their own along his fingers.

He rubbed her faster and she shook beneath him, then released onto his hand.


They both lay shaking on the carpet of his study afterward, fighting to breathe properly again.

Gwen wondered how would it feel to make love. Because she was sure what they did was just sex. She was ashamed and bewildered at herself. But she knew she had a weapon then. She could get what she wanted by giving him her body.

She would talk with Dr. Samantha the next day, thanks to sacrificing herself for him to touch.


When they walked back to their bedroom, he reached for her hand.

She flinched and pulled her hand away. Somehow holding hands was an intimacy that was far too great than everything they just did in his study.

He didn't let go, though. He held her hand all the way to their room, despite their guards walking behind them.

And in the end, she let him, despite being unable to look at him.


"I still want to know about the separatists," Gwen announced once they were back in their bedroom.

"Next time," he replied. "I'll shower."

When he climbed the bed later, she said, "We're so wrong for each other. Can't you see it?"

"No. I think you're right for me."

"What kind of couple communicate like us???"

"We're us. We don't need to fit into anything."

She didn't know if she should scream or laugh at that.

He read more of his ministers' reports on his iPad, and Gwen fell asleep feeling confused, yet a little satisfied because she finally got one thing that went her way.

Rainier stared at her sleeping figure afterward. He knew he caused her a lot of pain, but she made him very happy. It would be a while until he could make her happy, he guessed. If ever.

Still no romance when they do it, because it's not the time yet.

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