
Tainted Salvation

In the Kingdom of Galsbourg, Rainier Hansen ruled as an absolute Tyrant. Having known nothing but loneliness and power, he's used to getting what he wants. He felt that his days all blurred into one infinite hollow of duties and boredom until he randomly traveled worlds and stumbled upon a certain carefree female detective, Gwen Hamilton. Soon, she turned out to be his obsession. He had always got his wishes, and that year, he decided he'd present himself a queen. Warning: Mature content

LadyAzalea · Urban
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46 Chs

He's Affected

Gwen woke up abruptly when she felt someone holding her. She turned and was instantly face to face with Rainier, who was looking back at her with an expression she couldn't fathom.

And she remembered she confessed to Samantha earlier, that she was falling for him.

I hope he wouldn't be too rough tonight, she thought.

I feel so tired.

"Go back to sleep," he said. She tensed in his arms. She wouldn't be more surprised than if he said Jarmania was invading the kingdom.

"Really?" she inquired.


"Why are you here, then?"

"I just want to."

Gwen blinked. What had gotten into him?

It was another messed up factor in her understanding of him. She believed he'd want to touch her only to get sex from her. And she wasn't wrong to think that way. That was how it had been before.

She turned again, her back on his chest, his arms around her.

She must be really confused, he thought. He usually would have kissed her roughly by this time, but he wasn't.

He was unable to stay away from her after hearing the consultation audio. He felt guilty and sinful, but if he forced himself to stay away, he would entirely lose his mind.

This Gwen, the woman he had so selfishly hurt, missed him when he was away.

Sam was right. I don't deserve her.

He tightened his hold around her.

But even though I'm a sinner, I'll never let you go.

"Is there something wrong?"

Her question made him chuckle bitterly.

"Gwen, the right question should be "What's not wrong?"

Gwen turned to him again.

"You're not going to tell me what is it about, right?"

"Not tonight."

It didn't feel real, Gwen said inwardly, being held by him in bed like this. For what? For the sake of being close to each other? Why?

And despite not being able to process it, she was so sleepy.

"Rainier, I'm tired" she confessed.

Those words chilled him to the bone.

Are you tired of being with me?

"I know" he replied, "Go back to sleep."

She took a deep breath, and let sleep claim her.

On the other hand, he lay awake for a long time, holding her close.


Gwen nearly had a heart attack the next morning when she woke up and saw him watching her. She's used to waking up alone. She didn't remember that he hugged her in bed the previous night, as she was falling asleep.

She was even more confused when he moved forward and kissed her. Gently.

Wait, what???

Rainier didn't know HOW to be gentle.


But he kissed her without biting her lips.

Then he nuzzled on her neck. Inhaling her, kissing her there. She waited for the pain. The bites. But he did none.

When he pulled away, he caressed her sides. Up and down her body.

Next, he reached for her breasts, thumbing her nipples without pinching them.

The nipple hardened under his fingers.

He then sat up and lifted her dressing gown, rubbing her panties.

After that, he sucked his right middle finger, licking the end.

Gwen swallowed at the view.

Of course, he then entered her core with the finger, going deep. Without realizing it, she moaned and lifted her hips in time with the moves of his finger.

When she was close, he pulled his hand away. Taking off his pajama pants, he then lowered his length on her core.

She got ready for the pain, for being slammed into. But he didn't.

He rubbed himself on her. Slowly.

Despite the confusion, she felt herself getting wet, her breathing got faster.

When he slowly entered her, she closed her eyes and then threw her head back.

He lowered his body and then moved inside her, giving her slow strokes that were made to follow her moans.

He knew the spot that always shattered her, and aimed his thrusts there.

He kissed her lips and throat, then pulled down her dressing robe.

He kissed a breast then licked her nipple, before sucking slowly.

Gwen heard herself moaning louder and louder.

She was trembling, not because of rage or disgust, but with pleasure.

He stopped giving his attention to her breasts, then focused on moving above her.

He watched her shutting her eyes and gasping.

When she opened her eyes again, he kissed her, his length moving deep inside her.

He pulled out to breathe, and she stared at him.

He's the same man. But why was he taking her like this?

He stared back at her, then moved faster.

Unable to stop herself, she circled her arms on his back, and her legs on his waist.

With the way he aimed only on her most sensitive spot, she climaxed soon, shaking and moaning, lifting her hips to meet his, knees bent, hugging him tightly.

He waited until she stopped shuddering, before resuming his ride, faster and deeper, but never painful.

When he came, he lay above her, then released, filling her.

Once he was done, he sought her lips again and kissed her.

And Gwen kissed him back.

His tongue massaged hers, and she replied by moving her own tongue against it. The kiss grew to be hot and wet, and very, very satisfying.

They were both breathless when the kiss ended.

"What was that?" she asked, her voice hoarse.

"A morning sex."

Gwen wanted to ask questions but swallowed them down.

"When we go to Piercedge City later, don't try to run away. I'll bring lots of guards to prevent that."

She's still shaken by what just happened, holding the bed cover to her chest, covering herself.

"You'll also meet Ingrid today, your Captain of The Guards."

He dressed up, then left the room.

Gwen was still shocked.

What was that??? Why was he gentle???

But more importantly, why did I react? Why did I feel good???


After she had breakfast, a tall woman in the dark suit of the Royal Guards introduced herself as Ingrid Westerton.

"I am grateful to be chosen as your Captain of The Guards, Your Majesty. From now on, I swear I will spend my life protecting you."

Mark, Rainier's secretary, had emailed her Ingrid's personal file. She graduated at the top of her class, and many of her family members were civil servants who worked for the Royal Family for decades.

"Hello, Ingrid. I'm glad to meet you."

"The honor is all mine, Ma'am."


Gwen realized her feelings for Rainier had changed. She could tell that she didn't hate him anymore, and had become attracted to him.

The old Gwen would curse a man like him. Someone who forced her to bent to his will, and would stop at nothing to get what he wanted.

Half of her hated herself for starting to fall for him. She should've kept hating him, she should've kept trying to run away, and kill him if she had to.

Then there was another half of her who had crumbled its walls for him.

Behind his extremities, she felt his desperation, longing, and his need for her existence by his side.

She was torn.

However, if she was honest with herself, she knew the real truth. She didn't want to leave him anymore. She wanted to know more about this man, this king.

She wanted to stay.


In the library, she found a blank card in her notebook, written with the words, "Ask me anything."

She looked at it for a while, before writing back, "Who are the separatists, and why did they attack some people in the past?"


After she finished lunch, Rainier appeared, and they walked together to his private palace's entrance. They went to the train station and boarded the bullet train to Piercedge City, which was in the northern part of the kingdom.

"You haven't told me. Who are the separatists?"

Rainier turned to her.

"I'll tell you later when we're alone."

Meanwhile, the train sped up to Piercedge.

I really love the new book cover by mocidesign.id

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