
Tainted Salvation

In the Kingdom of Galsbourg, Rainier Hansen ruled as an absolute Tyrant. Having known nothing but loneliness and power, he's used to getting what he wants. He felt that his days all blurred into one infinite hollow of duties and boredom until he randomly traveled worlds and stumbled upon a certain carefree female detective, Gwen Hamilton. Soon, she turned out to be his obsession. He had always got his wishes, and that year, he decided he'd present himself a queen. Warning: Mature content

LadyAzalea · Urban
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46 Chs

After Oriel

It was a happy day, Gwen thought after drying herself and wearing a fresh bathrobe. She wished Ayris and Ruby could stay longer. It was the first time she felt happy in this different world.

Opening the bathroom door, she was surprised to find Rainier there, sitting on one of the sofas facing that side.

"Why are you always so shocked to see me? You do remember this is my bedroom, right?" he asked in a nonchalant manner, before entering the bathroom and showering.

Gwen stood rooted to the spot.

Why was he here again? Was he going to do it again?

She felt she's in an emotional shambles. All she wanted was to be left alone. The last thing she needed was to be near him.

Shaking her head, Gwen just went to the dressing room and dried her hair with the hair dryer. The sound of the handheld device calmed her heart, and she was able to mute any other thoughts besides the task at hand.

Until she realized he had entered the dressing room and was walking towards her, wearing only a towel around his waist.

She tried to ignore his intense look and kept drying her hair, but he pulled the hair dryer from her, turning it off and putting it aside.

"Tell me, did you learn how to seduce people at the Police Academy?"

She looked at him through the mirror.

"Now, what?"

"They seemed to be in love with you."

"They who?"

"Princess Ayris and Madam Ruby."

"Oh..... I didn't seduce them. I was only.... "

"Being yourself?" he suggested, pulling her up by her hand.

She was suddenly face to face with him, before being lifted and put to sit on the vanity table, after he blindly pushed away the skincare products and perfume bottles there.

"Are you saying you're born with the skills to make people fall for you?" he asked, standing close to her, his deep, brown eyes were demanding her to answer.

"I don't even know what you're talking about," she answered, knowing she sounded annoyed but feeling very nervous deep inside.

"Those ladies. They met you for the first time two days ago, and today they looked like they're ready to give you their firstborns."

She chuckled. "You're being ridiculous. They're just nice."

"No. It's you. You make people root for you without knowing it."

"Is that a flaw?"

"Yes, Gwen Hamilton, it is."


"Because I hate sharing you. Your time, your focus. If I can't have it, no one else can."

He ran his hands down her bathrobe without untying it, making her suddenly sit still when she felt his touch.

"You make me do things I never thought I would."

He ran a hand up and down the front of her body, gliding it on the fabric she was wearing, which was from wool and thick. But nevertheless, they both knew she was naked beneath it.

She fought to keep her mind steady.

"I never asked you to do anything."

"I know. And that's even more annoying. Because other girls begged, Gwen. For things. For fame. For me. They wanted to be mine. They wanted to be the queen. They're even grateful to have me for one night. But you..... you push me away."

"I'm sorry for not knowing how to worship you," she replied in sarcasm.

"That's alright. At least your body likes me."

"No, it doesn't!"

He thumbed her nipple. Although she was covered with the robe, they both knew her breast hardened after two slight touches. "Yes, it does. Shall I teach you how to enjoy sex, Gwen?"

"No. Are you going to keep forcing me?"

He didn't answer that and just stared at her lips.

Gwen hated how her heart beat faster. Her body was her own worst enemy.

"I'm not going to take you again tonight, My Queen. But I will on Friday night."

She stared at him, already feeling her anger rising up.

"You'll be my Friday night. You'll be my reward after working hard for this kingdom the whole week."

"You're not a reward for me. You're my nightmare!"

He blinked in shock.

But the next second, his hand was cupping her chin.

"When I brought you here, I knew you were going to hate me. I had no time to make you fall for me. And even if I tried, perhaps you still wouldn't want me. But I need you. I'd rather live with you thinking I'm the worst demon on earth than live without you a day longer. I can't go on with you on a different world. At least now, though you think I'm a monster, I have you here."

He kissed her. He had wanted to kiss her all day. His lips ate hers, his tongue swirled inside her.

His hands wandered around her body without taking off her robe. From her back to her sides, her thighs to her belly.

He had many women before her, but she was the only one that tasted this amazing.

He pulled back and they both gasped for air.

The way he looked at her made Gwen want to hide somewhere.

He went for her neck, kissing all over, licking and nibbling, then sucking under her ear.

She started breathing faster, her strength leaving her.

He returned to her lips and kissed her again, one hand holding her back, the other teasing her covered breast.

She pulled back to gasp for air, and he greedily caught her head to return back to those tasty lips.

He kept kissing her as his hands played with her breasts, pressing against the wool fabric and kneading them.

She started to feel dizzy, as she tried to swallow all her moans.

When he pulled back, they were silent together, as their loud breathing filled the dressing room.

He had a thousand things he wished to tell her. All his problems and burdens, he wanted her to be the one to hear them.

But he didn't know how to begin.

Gwen stared at him, realizing that he was indeed stopping, and felt relieved.

He looked torn like he wanted to do more and say more.

"What is it?"

But the second she asked it, he took a step back.

"I'll give you time to hate me a bit less."

She frowned, as he walked out of the dressing room.


She saw him opening his laptop on his desk when she reappeared in the bedroom.

Gwen went to bed and covered herself with the bedcover, feeling a little safe because he said he wouldn't touch her until Friday.

She read the book she got from the library, titled "King Rainier Hansen's Policies: Analysis and Impact."

She read silently, as he sat on his desk, answering important emails from his ministers on his laptop.

An hour later, he climbed the bed.

Gwen, who had fallen asleep, woke up immediately. Panicking, she saw him sitting in bed.

"You said it wouldn't be until Friday!"

"I just want to sleep on my own bed."

"No! Get out! Sleep in another room!"

"No. I'm sleeping here tonight."

She left the bed, "Then I'll sleep on the couch."

He caught her wrist before she went further.


"I don't want to be near you! I won't be able to sleep!"

"Learn to do it," he said shortly, pulling her back.

He lay down on his side and exhaled because he finally could rest.

"What if I kill you in your sleep?"

"I'll take that risk."

And how would she try to kill him? By strangling him? Smothering him with a pillow? Was she really going to?

Annoyed but knowing nothing she said would change anything, she lied down and turned her back on him.

Unseen by her, Rainier smiled.

Less than thirty minutes later, Gwen fell asleep.

He listened to her breathing for a long time, the sound was strangely soothing for him. He had never truly spent a night with any other woman before. He usually left after sex. However, being with Gwen just like that felt rewarding.

At one point, she turned in her sleep and faced him.

His heart stopped beating.

It's his first time sleeping with a woman, and the woman was her, an angel he stole from heaven.

She's so beautiful in his eyes. So beautiful his heart hurt seeing her.

He loved rough sex. It's his favorite kind of sex.

But he reached a hand, and he was glad she was asleep. He wouldn't want her to see his hand shake just because he'd touched her face.

He touched her cheek, then shut his eyes.

Gwen, you're here with me. I'm so glad you're here by my side.


Thank you jte_lg, aznxgrlx92, Kim_Gimbap, diane_f and hati2_hati for being the top 5 supporters of this book. I'm grateful to the rest of supporters as well.

Posting daily make me feel my life is really organized, lol.

There are thousands of stories in webnovel. I feel that people will quickly forget this story if I don't update daily.

Have a great day and see you tomorrow.

LadyAzaleacreators' thoughts