
Tainted Destiny

In a realm teeming with fantastical creatures, a determined young man sets out on a perilous journey to fulfill his destiny. Armed with only his wits and the unwavering strength of his spirit, he battles his way through a treacherous landscape filled with dangerous beasts, powerful demons, and awe-inspiring angels. With every challenge he faces, he grows stronger and more resolute, determined to overcome any obstacle that stands in his way. But as he rises through the ranks and gains the attention of powerful allies and enemies alike, he begins to question whether he can truly change his fate or whether he is destined for a darker, more tragic end. Will he triumph against all odds, or will he succumb to the forces that seek to bring him down? Only time will tell in this epic tale of courage, perseverance, and the power of destiny.

CANON_Player · Fantasy
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18 Chs

The Speech

Before he went to the entrance exam, Neo spent his time studying and practicing to improve his skills. He also spent time with his grandparents, exploring the capital city and learning more about its history and culture.

Neo continued his training, honing his sword skills and practicing his magic. He also read books about the history and mythology of the world, hoping to gain a better understanding of the forces that shape it. Neo knew that he had to be at his best if he wanted to succeed in the entrance exam and be accepted into the Emerald Academy.

Aside from his training, Neo also spent time with his new friend, the Viscount's daughter, who was also preparing for the entrance exam. They would often practice magic together and spar, testing each other's skills and pushing each other to improve. The time they spent together made them get closer to each other.

As the date of the entrance exam drew near, Neo grew more and more nervous. He knew that the competition would be fierce, and that many other talented young knights and mages would be vying for a spot at the Emerald Academy but only a hundred students are accepted to the academy.

Elena and Neo were talking about the academy. Mostly Elena talked as she was the most informed one as she lived in the capital all her life.

Elena: "Well, as you know to attend the academy someone has to be at least twelve and at most twenty three and the academy is made out of the knight classes and the mage classes. To get accepted to the academy there is an entrance exam. The entrance exam is made out of three parts for each path. The first one is the written exam in which both mages and knights write together and general questions about the realm and history are asked, this one is also the easiest one and most people can pass it. The second one for knights is a physical test, where people are expected to run a certain track as fast as possible, lift the heaviest stone they can from the ground, and use a weapon on an instructor until the instructor is satisfied. Based on their performance, students receive points, and the top hundred students pass the second knight test. The third test for a knight is a battle scenario where hundred knights that passed the previous exam fight in a free for all. Many knight instructors and a few knight professors watch them and accept fifty students from them."

Neo asks: "Can someone attend both knight and mage classes at the same time." Elena nods and says: "There have been a few cases of people attending them at the same time but you have to be very talented for both classes and get an approval from the headmaster."

Elena continues: "The second exam for the mage class is a talent assessment, where your talent for magic and affinity with your element is important. Like knights, only a hundred people passes this exam. In the third test instructors ask you to show something impressive from you like a magic spell or a powerful attack, you just have to impress them."

Neo interrupts: "What about when someone joins the school?"

Elena: "Once someone joins, the academy goes on for three years and the students learn from the topics that interest them. After graduating you have many possibilities. The most common ones are continuing a higher education, joining the military, joining guilds and hunting beasts and so on."

As they were talking Viscountess Asbury interrupts: "You guys should get going, the headmaster is going to give a speech before the day of the exam." Hearing this the two of them quickly left the mansion and went to the academy entrance. They had to go with a magical beast called Wind Salamander which works for a taxi service in the city. Most people use a beast as a transportation tool in the city as the city is too big to have someone walk from one place to another. Their journey took only slightly over half an hour as these Wind Salamanders are faster than even the fastest sports car on earth.

The entrance of the academy had huge ancient emerald doors. Rumors say that these doors were here before Mother Nuwa, the first human was born and was the entrance of one the greatest cities in history. Neo felt weird about this as such a great and powerful city was now a few ruins and he felt even more weak as he compared himself to other races. Inside the academy were thousands of students and parents talking and waiting for the headmaster. Neo and Elena slowly make their way towards the front of the crowd.

After a few minutes of waiting the headmaster made his way up to the podium and started his speech: "Dear students,

Welcome to the Emerald Academy. Today, you stand at the threshold of a great journey that will define the course of your life. You have all come here with the hopes and dreams of becoming great knights and mages, and I assure you that the Emerald Academy will provide you with the knowledge and skills that you need to achieve your goals.

But let me make one thing clear: the path ahead is not an easy one. It will require hard work, dedication, and a never-give-up attitude. You will face challenges that will test your limits and make you question your abilities. But that is precisely what makes this journey worth taking.

The journey to becoming a great knight or mage is not just about learning swordsmanship or casting spells. It's about finding your inner strength, your purpose, and your passion. It's about learning to overcome your fears and weaknesses and becoming the best version of yourself.

Remember, greatness is not bestowed upon you; it is something you have to earn through your hard work and perseverance. The exams you are about to take are just the beginning of your journey, and even if you don't make it through this time, it does not mean that you are not capable or worthy. Keep pushing forward and keep striving to improve yourself.

The Emerald Academy is not just a school; it is a community of like-minded individuals who share the same passion and drive as you. I encourage you to make connections, form friendships, and support each other through your highs and lows.

So, my dear students, go out there and show us what you're made of. Believe in yourself, and remember that every great journey begins with a single step. I wish you all the very best, and I hope to see you all on the other side as proud graduates of the Emerald Academy."

After finishing his speech the headmaster made his way down the platform and entered the academy building. Slowly people started to leave talking about the big day tomorrow and getting ready. Neo and Elena each went to their own home and prepared themselves for tomorrow.