
Tainted By Lies

Blair has been her family's outcast for all her life. She was always cast into her shadows where she remained to live alone. She spent her entire life struggling to break free from the cage that her family trapped her in along with the feeling for someone that she shouldn't feel for. struggling to get away from his father's prying eyes, Corbin finds himself finding refuge in the one person in this world who understood him. She was also the one person that he couldn't have in the ways he dreamed of. So he moved onto the next best person only to find himself in the same predicament as the last

booksbylayali · Urban
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ACING MY SHOES, I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs to the kitchen, "you look worse than ever."

I pulled the fridge open, grabbing water and some painkillers for him, "I feel worse than ever. What compelled me to have drinks before head needs to pay for it."

I shook my head at him, "Do you need me to get you anything well I'm out?"

"Where are you going?"

"The girls want to go out for brunch since Lana is back and then Giselle wants to go shopping for some dresses for her parents' banquet they're hosting this year."

"Right, I forgot about that."

I rolled my eyes, "I'm off. Try to not throw up everywhere."

Swinging the door open, I stumbled back almost colliding with a hard chest, "you going out?"

My eyes shot up finding Corbin's deep brown eyes staring down at me, "Yeah." I pressed my lips together. Neither of us made a move to get out of the other way.

It wasn't until a black Aston Martin pulled up to the curb Corbin stepped aside and let me walk. the back window rolled down and Lana stuck her head out pushing her glasses off her face, "morning Blair Bear!" I shook my head, jogging up to the car as she slipped out throwing her arms around me.

"Is that Ford?" I peered into the car. Ford Larsen had been Lana's designated bodyguard since her tenth birthday. He was always standoffish and cold. I get it came with the job title but somehow he instantly clicked with Lana. Given we didn't actually meet him or were aware of him until she was fourteen when she started hanging around a lot more with us.

His brown hair had seemed a lot lighter than I remember it being. His eyes drew a darker shade of blue than the bright ones. He was well-built as always. The wide shoulders and somewhat of a broad chest from what I could see.

For someone almost in his thirties, he was hot as hell.

"Yeah, I never go anywhere without my little proxy." she grinned back at him.

"Call me little again and I'll crash your precious car."

I chuckled as the two argued like siblings. They never grew up from their childish behaviour.

"Okay, get in before we're late for brunch."

I slid along the cool leather seats to the other side as Lana waved to Corbin before getting in herself. Ford put the car in gear and drove off.

"I'm surprised that Ford is still working for you. I thought we would have quit by now."

She chuckled, "I did too honestly but he knows too much for me to let him go."

"That and she can't find anyone to fill in my shoes if she does let me go."

She let out a scoff, leaning back into her seat, "have you seen your possible replacements?! they suck, Blair. I can do a better job than them"

"Sure, you can princess."

I chuckled, "what was Lana like over the last two years?"

"Annoying. Bossy. Rude. Obnoxious. Lazy. Ho—" Ford listed off with a slight hint of playfulness in his voice.

"Okay! I think she gets the idea now, Proxy."

He chuckled in front of the driver's seat. I don't know exactly what they went through together over the last two years, but they seemed a lot closer than usual.

"Is he still an all-around lock bodyguard?" I turned to Lana.

"Yep, he's staying with us at our manor for the time being. Ford wanted to say in his own place originally but Roman said it was best for him to stay with us until further notice so he's the only other person who has access to the property besides Roman and me."

"You mean Dracula's fucking home then yeah; I have access to it."

None of us remembered what Lana's house looked like. They were secluded on an entire block behind everyone else. the block was closed off with tall black fences and twenty-four supervision.

No one got onto the property without the clear approval of their father. I don't think Dad has been on their ground ever since Khadir Azad got married to his current wife.

it was weird but no one ever questioned it. We all knew better than to stick our noses in places that they didn't want us in.

So, we stayed silent and intervened when they asked us to.

After Ford finally found us a parking spot, he turned in his seat giving Lana a stern look, "don't you even dare open that door, you hear me?"

I see Ford never stopped giving her the princess treatment.

People always thought Khadir spoiled Lana. Well, that may be true, but Ford was the one who truly spoiled her and skyrocketed her standards in men, leaving her to be the hottest single bachelorette in all of Cambridge.

She released the handle and leaned back into her seat, Ford slipped out opening my door before he walked around and opened the door for Lana, "we don't need you denting another car, your majesty."

"That was one time!"

He shook his head washing away whatever playfulness he had on the car ride here.

"Come Blair Bear, your humble brunch awaits." I snorted, shaking my head as she linked our arms together.

Ford followed close behind us as we entered the restaurant and made our way to our table outside on the balcony. Hadley and Giselle were already seated and laughing over a shared joke or telling of Hadley's newest addition to her family.

"Looks like the party started without us, Blair Bear."

Giselle rolled her eyes, "you can't have a party without the party herself."

Lana flicked her, "well if you say so." she chuckled throwing her arms around Giselle.

It was a ray sight to see Lana so happy openly.

She was a lot like her father. Distant and cold but then again even Khadir has his select few that he was truly open with and showed how he really felt.

"I see Ford is still around."

"Am I seriously that bad?" She scoffed turning to Ford.

He simply shrugged and stood off to the side keeping his eye on the space around us and Lana, who had a disappointed scowl on her face, "You've wounded me Proxy."

His face remained indifferent, but anyone could tell from the look in his eyes he was enjoying annoying Lana like this.

"So how was two years away from Cambridge?"

"Boring…Vermont wasn't as interesting as I hoped it would be but at least it wasn't raining constantly."

I shook my head, "considering what you were there for, it's not shocking that you weren't having the best time of your life."

"Still, I spent two years under the leash that was Roman and my father. Just when I thought the two couldn't get more annoying, they do. If I ever go back, I'm going alone and I'm not going to Vermont this time"

I raised a brow, "where would you go? New York?"

"L.A. sounds more pleasing, plus hot naked men during the summer are definitely my thing."

Hadley let out a snort, "you still such a whore."

Indeed, she still was.