
Tactical Knights!

In the midst of a brutal modern war, three soldiers find themselves unexpectedly transported into a fantastical realm by an enigmatic goddess. Confronted with the opportunity to shape their destinies anew, the trio embarks on an unforeseen adventure in this magical world, unearthing mysteries, forging alliances, and confronting formidable adversaries. As they navigate the challenges of this unfamiliar landscape, the soldiers must unravel the secrets of their deployment and discover the true purpose behind their journey. In a realm where magic and warfare intertwine, the choices they make will not only determine their fates but also reshape the destiny of the entire fantastical realm. I'm new to making a story and still practicing, this is my very first story that I made and hope you like it.

CptCreed · Fantasy
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44 Chs

The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend

From far away land a City lay in ruins, the scorching fires of battle casting a deadly silence over the land. The lifeless bodies of civilians and brave knight soldiers were strewn about a grim testament to the horrors that had transpired. Up on the hills overlooking a burning city, a menacing figure in full black armor stood. His horned helmet gave him a demonic and imposing presence, and he surveyed the devastation with an air of malevolence.

From behind, a charismatic and mature demon general named Elowen Voidheart emerged to join the black knight. Her presence was alluring, and her voice, like honey, added to the eerie atmosphere of the scene.

Elowen, with sultry admiration, began to speak, "Well, well, well... it looks like another city has fallen under your command. The Demon Lord will be most pleased to have you among our ranks, Demon General Vell."

At the mention of his name, the black knight, known as Demon General Vell, emitted a faint growl, his eyes glowing a fierce shade of crimson. He was a serious and formidable individual, driven by unwavering loyalty to the Demon Lord.

Vell responded with a deep, resolute voice, "Our work here is far from finished. The whole world awaits us, and these humans are but feeble obstacles in our path. Our power far surpasses theirs, and we shall conquer all that stands before us."

Elowen couldn't help but chuckle, her laughter carrying an unnerving and seductive quality. "Ah... there's nothing more exquisite in this world than the sweet harmony of chaos and death," she purred in a voice filled with excitement. She then clung and pressed her chest to Vell's armored arm with alluring intent, and in a seductive tone continued, "General Vell, you have created a masterful masterpiece here. It won't be long before you offer this world to our Demon Lord, and I'll be right there to witness your ascension."

With those ominous words, the demon horde pressed forward, driven by their malevolent intentions to sow chaos and despair throughout the world of Eldora.

Meanwhile, inside the grand hall of the royal palace of Isendelle, a round table was the center of attention. Gathered around it were a group of scholars and royal knight captains, their expressions reflecting growing concern. They engaged in a heated discussion about the advancing demonic threat that was leaving a trail of destruction across the land.

A scholarly voice voiced his deep concern, his tone filled with urgency. "We must take action against this demon rampaging across the land! Our inaction will spell doom for us all!"

Another scholar chimed in with equal urgency. "Indeed! If we do not act swiftly, these demons will reach our very city, and they will annihilate everything in their path!"

One of the Royal Knight Captains, Captain Argonis, lounged in his chair and scoffed, a hint of arrogance in his voice. "Why are you all so afraid? If these demons dare to come to our city, I will personally show them the extent of my powers!"

Captain Leona, known for her composed demeanor, interjected with a calm but cautionary tone. "Do not underestimate our foes, Captain Argonis. We still know very little about these demons and what they are truly capable of."

Captain Melody, with her mature voice and closed eyes, added to the discussion. "Captain Jack is correct. I've heard that this demon single-handedly laid waste to an entire city in just one day. This is a cause for great concern."

Leona, the senior among them, turned to the scholars and inquired, "So, what information do we have on these demons, or who we are dealing with?" One of the scholars adjusted his glasses, cleared his throat, and held up a piece of paper. "We are facing none other than..." He paused for dramatic effect as he revealed the name. The room fell into a momentary hush.

"Vell," the scholar concluded.

The mention of the name sent shockwaves through the room. Panic and despair filled the voices of the scholars.

"Wait? Demon General Vell?!" exclaimed one scholar.

"No, this can't be," another scholar lamented.

"We're doomed... We're so done," yet another scholar whispered, clutching his hands in despair.

Captain Argonis, still brimming with arrogance, questioned, "Who is this Vell?"

Captain Melody, her eyes closed, explained, "Demon General Vell is a merciless demon, a harbinger of war and destruction. His loyalty to the demon lord is unwavering, and his power is immense. He is a formidable adversary."

Captain Argonis remained undeterred, a smile playing on his lips. "Heh, I don't care how powerful he is. He has yet to face someone like me."

In the midst of the commotion, an elderly scholar raised his voice, silencing the room. He addressed the king with an echo that filled the space. "Silence!"

The room fell into stillness, and all eyes turned to King Alistair, who sat authoritatively in the middle of the meeting table. In a calm yet resolute tone, he began, "Captains of the Royal Knights."

The Royal Knight Captains rose and bowed in unison, their voices in harmony. "Yes, Your Majesty."

The king continued, "I want each of you to double the number of troops and intensify the training regimen. Do whatever is necessary to ensure the safety of this city from the demon threat."

The Royal Knight Captains acknowledged their orders with another respectful bow. "Yes, Your Majesty."

He then turned his attention to the scholars. "Gather more information about what we are dealing with. We need to be well-prepared."

The elder scholar bowed and departed from the room. King Alistair's expression shifted to one of seriousness mixed with concern as he silently prayed to the goddess Elysia, gazing at a divine statue. "By the goddess Elysia, please guide us."

As the four Captains of the Royal Knights walked together through the palace hallway, Leona was the first to speak, her voice calm and composed. "I couldn't help but notice our king's deep concern regarding this demon threat."

Melody, with her mature voice and eyes closed, agreed, "Yes, he maintains his composure, but his face betrays his worry."

Jack, the ever-confident captain, chimed in, "This Demon General Vell is quite something. He can send shivers down anyone's spine with just his name."

Argonis, his arrogance still evident, had a different reaction. He couldn't help but smile and pumped his fist. "Well, I don't know about you all, but hearing his name only makes me more eager to fight."

Their conversation continued as they strolled down the hallway. Melody directed a question to Leona, her voice filled with curiosity. "Leona, I heard that Cedric, your lieutenant, was defeated by someone. Is that true?"

Leona smiled and confirmed, "Yes, it's true. He was defeated by an E-rank adventurer."

Jack, surprised, couldn't hide his reaction. "Wait, really? That fan of yours got defeated?" Leona nodded, her smile unwavering. "Yes, that's right. It's quite an interesting story."

Argonis, with a raised eyebrow, inquired further. "How could an E-rank adventurer defeat Cedric? He's your lieutenant, isn't he?"

Leona explained confidently, "Don't underestimate this adventurer. He's quite special, and he's not from our land."

Melody, intrigued, continued to ask questions. "Why don't you recruit him into our ranks? If he defeated Cedric, he must have some exceptional skills."

Leona chuckled, her eyes filled with amusement. "I actually offered him the opportunity, but he turned me down."

Jack clenched his fist with excitement. "Well, I haven't met this man, but now I'm eager to see what he's all about."

Melody, with a smile, agreed, "Yes, he does sound intriguing. I'd like to meet this adventurer of yours."

Leona, chuckling, gave her friends a playful look. "I'm not sure if you'll get the chance, but who knows? Perhaps we'll meet him somewhere along the way."