
Tactical Knights!

In the midst of a brutal modern war, three soldiers find themselves unexpectedly transported into a fantastical realm by an enigmatic goddess. Confronted with the opportunity to shape their destinies anew, the trio embarks on an unforeseen adventure in this magical world, unearthing mysteries, forging alliances, and confronting formidable adversaries. As they navigate the challenges of this unfamiliar landscape, the soldiers must unravel the secrets of their deployment and discover the true purpose behind their journey. In a realm where magic and warfare intertwine, the choices they make will not only determine their fates but also reshape the destiny of the entire fantastical realm. I'm new to making a story and still practicing, this is my very first story that I made and hope you like it.

CptCreed · Fantasy
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44 Chs


As the morning sun began to cast its golden glow over the adventurers' camp, most of the team was already up and preparing for the day's mission. However, Kyru remained in the clutches of a pleasant dream, where he was the hero of a grand tale, surrounded by adoring admirers. Unfazed by the urgency of the waking world, he continued to enjoy his reverie.

Growing increasingly impatient, Shiiyo decided it was time to rouse Kyru from his dream world. Armed with a bucket of water, he executed a splash that left Kyru sputtering and wide-eyed. "What's the big idea, man?" Kyru protested, still shaking off the surprise.

Shiiyo, adjusting his glasses with a glint, retorted, "You were lost in hero land while the rest of us were getting ready. Come on, the others are waiting." Kyru, now thoroughly awake and slightly shivering from the unexpected cold, muttered, "Couldn't you wake me up like a normal person?"

As the duo regrouped with Creed and Risky, who had been patiently waiting in the carriage, Risky greeted them with a playful taunt, "Took you long enough."

"Alright, let's roll," declared Creed, taking charge of the situation. The convoy reached its destination by noon, and Aizeah, with an authoritative presence, gathered all the A-rank adventurers for an important briefing.

"Listen up," Aizeah commanded, "we're departing from this point. Our scouts have reported a significant presence of demons in these mountains, so be on high alert." Murmurs of concern spread among the A-rank adventurers.

"Demons? I thought we were only dealing with a Wyvern!"

"Darn, it's getting worse!"

Aizeah, maintaining her calm, silenced the murmurs. "Silence! Prepare whatever you need, and the moment darkness falls, we move out. I don't want any complaints—understood?" The A-rank adventurers responded in unison, "Yes, Ma'am!" Aizeah, smirking confidently, declared, "Good, now move out!" The anticipation and tension in the air heightened as the adventurers readied themselves for the challenges that awaited them.

As the team readied their equipment, Kyru proposed, "Hey, Cap, should we bring the new toys with us?" Creed, after a thoughtful pause, nodded decisively. "Hmm, you know what? I think we should." Kyru couldn't hide his excitement, grinning, "Hehe, can't wait to fire up these bad boys." Shiiyo chimed in with a practical suggestion, "We should switch to our night attire." Risky, already ahead in preparations, responded, "Oh yeah, good idea."

Amidst the clatter of gear being readied and the anticipation building in the air, Aizeah, the guild master, stepped forward. The scouts had completed their reports, and Aizeah unfurled a detailed map of the mountain, outlining the strategy for setting up an ambush against the wyvern.

With a commanding presence, Aizeah initiated her briefing. "Listen up, everyone! The scouts have provided crucial intel, and we've got a plan. We're setting up an ambush for the wyvern on this mountain." Her voice carried a sense of urgency and determination. "We need to be strategic and coordinated. The Wyvern is dangerous, but we're prepared. Follow the plan, and we'll succeed."

Aizeah's intense gaze swept across the assembled adventurers. "This is not the time to underestimate our enemy. We've got demons in the mix as well. Expect the unexpected, and stay vigilant." She pointed to key locations on the map. "Here and here, these are crucial points for our ambush. A coordinated attack will give us the upper hand."

As Aizeah concluded her briefing, she raised her voice, "Now, listen carefully! Does everyone understand the plan?" The response from the gathered adventurers was a resounding chorus of "Yes, Ma'am!" Aizeah's eyes flared with determination. "Good. Move out! Let's show them what we're made of."

The adventurers, now fueled by Aizeah's leadership, dispersed to their assigned positions, ready to face the challenges that awaited them in the approaching night.

Aizeah, growing impatient, called out to the A-rank adventurers while the other teams scattered to assemble. In the meantime, the four heroes were still preparing. Aizeah, tired of waiting, barked, "Tsk, where the hell are those idiots! Hey, you four, come out already!" Her command echoed through the camp.

Finally, the quartet emerged from their tent, revealing a startling transformation. The usual attire was replaced by sleek, black tactical armor, a stark contrast to their usual gear. Each member of the group now seemed like a shadowy force, a specialized unit prepared for the challenges of the night.

Creed and Risky are both wearing heavy medieval plates, with still the mix of medieval and modern, their armor consists of lightweight material. The moon hung low in the night sky, casting an ethereal glow over them as they prepared for their nocturnal mission. The air was charged with an otherworldly tension as they donned their newly acquired armor — a fusion of centuries-old craftsmanship and state-of-the-art protection.

Creed, the stalwart Paladin knight, adorned his frame with a suit that echoed the glory of ancient plate mail. The steel plates, intricately etched with divine motifs, are seamlessly integrated with the RBS Full Coverage Bulletproof Suit Ballistic Body Armor Level III+. The armor bore a spectral luminescence, casting an aura of protection around him.

His gauntlets, forged from enchanted metal, gripped the medieval ballistic shield with unwavering strength. The shield, emblazoned with the sigil of his order, bore the scars of battles fought and won. Strapped across his back was the AA-12, a modern automatic shotgun whose matte black finish melded seamlessly with the medieval aesthetic. Its presence whispered tales of thunderous volleys echoing through ancient corridors.

Beside him stood Risky, the Warrior Healer, clad in armor that exuded both resilience and grace. The plates, adorned with healing runes, shimmered with an iridescent glow. The RBS armor embraced him, offering both protection and flexibility as he moved with the agility of a seasoned warrior.

Their belts, adorned with pouches and straps, held an array of accessories essential for their mission. Nightshade Goggles adorned their helms, sleek yet potent, providing them with unparalleled vision in the darkened landscape. Magazine straps, expertly arranged, held the ammunition needed for the night's endeavors.

Creed's medieval ballistic shield, adorned with blessed wards, stood as a bastion against the shadows that sought to encroach upon the realm of men. The AA-12, a guardian in his hands, awaited its call to unleash a storm of lead and thunder.

Risky, with the imposing M82A1 cradled in his arms, carried a weapon that spoke of precision and power. The sniper rifle's elongated barrel gleamed with a modern sheen, its sleek design belying the devastation it could unleash upon their foes.

In the inky cloak of night, beside Creed and Risky, stood Kryu and Shiiyo. Shiiyo, the tactical strategist, adorned himself in a black tactical night robe hoodie, a seamless blend of modern design and ancient mystique. His advanced glasses, a technological marvel, flickered with data as he analyzed the battlefield, foreseeing every move with a keen strategic eye.

Dual P90s, sleek and lethal, hung at his sides, ready to unleash controlled bursts of ammunition at his command. Shiiyo, not merely a tactician but a mage, wore the RBS Full Coverage Bulletproof Suit, its lightweight design allowing him to move with swift precision in the shadows.

Kryu, the agile scout and marksman, bore the weight of an MK18 EBR with a Nightforce ATACR 7-35×56 Scope. His shots, guided by unparalleled precision, had the potential to pierce the veil of night and strike with silent accuracy. The canted red dot sight affixed for close-quarters engagements, added a layer of versatility to his arsenal.

Draped in a black tactical hood, Kryu moved like a phantom through the shadows. His every step, a dance of agility, spoke of the mastery he held over his craft. The RBS armor adorned him like a second skin, providing the necessary protection without compromising his speed.

In a symbiotic display of support, Kryu deployed an aerial drone, a sentinel in the night sky. The drone's watchful eye transmitted valuable data to the team's military goggles, aiding in the survey of the surroundings and providing a tactical advantage from the rear.

Aizeah, momentarily taken aback by their transformation, quickly regained her composure. "Took you long enough. What's with the get-up?" she inquired, eyeing their new tactical gear.

Creed, adjusting the straps of his armor, responded with a determined look. "Time to level the playing field. We're not taking any chances tonight."

Shiiyo added, "This armor enhances our mobility and provides better protection. We'll be more efficient."

The other adventurers couldn't help but be amazed by the squad's menacing outfits. Aizeah, despite her usual stern demeanor, couldn't help but praise them, "Not bad, you four. So this is what you got after defeating that demon."

Kyru, with a smirk, replied, "Well, not to brag, but I guess we earned it." Risky chimed in, "We're gonna need all the help we can get, am I right?"

Aizeah smiled, though she couldn't help but notice Creed carrying something substantial behind him. "And what's that you were carrying?" she inquired. Creed, with a proud tone, answered, "Oh, this?" He presented the case in front of Aizeah without opening it. With a heavy thud, he placed it on the ground. "Let's just say it will turn the tide for at least 30 seconds."

Aizeah chuckled, "Hmph, I hope you idiots know what you are doing." She then turned back to assemble the entire A-rank adventurers, rallying them for the impending battle. "Alright, everyone, listen up! This is it. Let's show these rats who we really are! Move out!" The adventurers responded with a resounding battle cry as they started their march.

Creed, filled with determination, rallied his team, "Alright, lads! Let's go monster hunting!" The four walked side by side, their menacing black tactical armor contrasting with the backdrop of the approaching night as they embarked on a significant hunt.