
Tactical Knights!

In the midst of a brutal modern war, three soldiers find themselves unexpectedly transported into a fantastical realm by an enigmatic goddess. Confronted with the opportunity to shape their destinies anew, the trio embarks on an unforeseen adventure in this magical world, unearthing mysteries, forging alliances, and confronting formidable adversaries. As they navigate the challenges of this unfamiliar landscape, the soldiers must unravel the secrets of their deployment and discover the true purpose behind their journey. In a realm where magic and warfare intertwine, the choices they make will not only determine their fates but also reshape the destiny of the entire fantastical realm. I'm new to making a story and still practicing, this is my very first story that I made and hope you like it.

CptCreed · Fantasy
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44 Chs

New Threat is Approaching

As the squad, now complete with their new member Risky, headed back to the guild to make their report, the atmosphere was filled with a sense of accomplishment. Rested from their recent trials and fueled by their shared success, they prepared themselves to face the guild master, Aizeah, and her ever-intimidating presence.

[At the Guild]

They stood before her in the guildmaster's office, military reflexes kicking in as they straightened up in unison. Aizeah, seemingly lost in thought as she gazed out the window, turned around to face them, her demeanor cryptic.

"You boys really put me through a lot," she remarked with a sinister smile, and without hesitation, the trio responded in military fashion, "Yes, Ma'am!"

Aizeah then directed her attention toward Risky, who was less familiar with the guild's protocols. With a raised eyebrow, she inquired, "And who might this be?"

Risky, reverting to his military habits, executed a precise salute and replied, "Good afternoon, Ma'am. I'm Master Sergeant Risky, from the 1st Marine Division, 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines."

Aizeah, clearly unaccustomed to the intricacies of military titles, shrugged off the specifics and carried on, "I don't know what you just said, but anyway."

With a snap of her fingers, Lila extended her hand to collect their guild licenses, the source of their rank and reputation in the adventurer's guild. Risky hesitated for a moment, unsure if he should hand his license over, but a nod from Lila confirmed that he should.

The trio watched with curiosity as Lila took their licenses downstairs to Aizeah's office. Meanwhile, the four adventurers were left alone with Aizeah, who maintained her piercing gaze, keeping them on edge.

Kyru attempted to break the tension with a touch of humor, "Uhm... are we in trouble?" The guildmaster's response was to put her foot up on her desk, causing the four to flinch and straighten up even more.

In the silence that followed, Risky couldn't help but whisper to Creed, "Hey, Cap, do you know what's going on?" Creed replied in a hushed tone, "Beats me." Kyru chimed in as well, "I think we're in trouble. Remember, we just said we were only exploring the dungeon? We ended up fighting a demon."

The moment of reckoning arrived when Lila returned to the room, bearing a tray. Aizeah stood up abruptly, causing the squad to flinch and stand even straighter. Her piercing gaze intensified as she spoke, "Congratulations! I... Aizeah Rheavyn, am promoting you four to A-rank adventurers." The trio's surprise turned to pure elation.

"A rank, really?!" Kyru exclaimed, his excitement evident. Lila confirmed, "Yes! The researchers who examined the demon parts you provided were ecstatic. They even discovered that the parts you brought are still alive. It seems the guild got more than it bargained for." Shiiyo couldn't help but smile, "We've been promoted several times before, but this feels different."

Creed added, "Indeed, we didn't face such enormous challenges just to stay where we are."

Aizeah, now with their attention, picked up the new Guild Licenses that Lila had prepared. The squad's anticipation grew as they listened closely. Aizeah couldn't resist adding a mischievous smile to her face, which immediately extinguished their excitement.

Kyru, ever the straightforward one, couldn't help but voice his concern, "I... don't like that smile." Aizeah, crossing her arms, delivered her ominous statement, "Remember what I told you. I will personally hand over your quests from now on." Kyru's anxiety was palpable, and he muttered, "Shit."

Lila chimed in to offer more context, "The demon you killed was classified as an S rank. Ordinarily, you'd be promoted to S rank yourselves, but that might raise suspicions among others. So, for now, the guild has decided to list you as A rank."

Aizeah nodded, bringing the meeting to a close, "Well then, boys, you've earned the right to celebrate your promotion. Enjoy yourselves for now. I'll prepare the new quest for you, and I'll be the one to hand it over when it's ready." The squad left her office with mixed feelings, their A-rank promotion tinged with a newfound sense of trepidation about the future challenges that awaited them.

The squad decided to celebrate their recent promotion at the Silver Sparrow Inn. Kyru, exuding excitement, called out to the inn's owner, Mrs. Elara, "Mrs. Elara! Can we have a bunch of beers and steaks? We're here to celebrate our promotion!" Mrs. Elara, taken aback by the news, replied with a warm smile, "Oh my, well, in that case, everything is on the house." She winked and called for her husband in the kitchen to prepare a delicious meal for the group.

As the aroma of sizzling steaks filled the air, the four adventurers were served their meals. They raised their mugs and made a toast, "To our promotion, and for more adventures to come!" In unison, they exclaimed, "CHEERS!"

Mrs. Elara, curious about their newfound rank, couldn't help but ask, "So, what kind of promotion did you boys receive?" Kyru responded enthusiastically, "Well, the four of us just got promoted to A-rank at the guild." Mrs. Elara congratulated them with a smile, "Oh, that's wonderful news!"

Her daughter, Lily, who was also present, chimed in with curiosity, "So, does that mean you guys will be accepting more dangerous quests now?" Risky confirmed, "Yes, that's right, little one." Shiiyo added with a smile, "But don't worry, we'll always be careful." Kyru, still bubbling with excitement, declared, "And at the same time, we'll have even more adventures to experience!"

The group spent a joyous time at the inn, sharing laughter, camaraderie, and more than a few drinks. It was a well-deserved celebration of their recent accomplishments, and their future adventures awaited with anticipation and excitement.

The next day, the squad arrived at the guild's front counter, where Lila greeted them and guided them to the meeting room, where Guild Master Aizeah awaited.

The room exuded a solemn atmosphere that reminded Kyru of their days in the army. He couldn't help but share his sentiments, "You know, this reminds me of one of our most dangerous operations. The sheer pressure still gets me." Shiiyo nodded in agreement, "Yeah, I hate the briefing room with just one flickering light, a huge screen map projection, and that suffocating atmosphere."

Creed and Risky clenched their fists, the memories of similar intense situations etched into their minds. Inside the meeting room, they found numerous A-rank adventurers, all focused on the matter at hand.

Standing side by side, fully equipped in their tactical gear and brand-new reinforced armor, the squad was ready for the mission ahead. Aizeah's faint smile couldn't mask the gravity of the situation as she addressed the gathering of adventurers. In her authoritative voice, she declared, "Okay, listen up, you buffoons. Today, we are embarking on a joint force operation! Each team will have a specific role, and your success in that role is key to the success of this quest."

Aizeah signaled to one of her staff, who unrolled a large map on the table. She pointed at the marked location and continued, "Our operation will take place in this vast mountain area. We'll establish a base camp at the mountain's entrance. Upon arrival, we'll initiate a thorough scouting mission. The scouts will survey the entire perimeter, identify potential locations for traps, and prepare for the impending confrontation. We are dealing with a formidable opponent this time."

The squad listened intently, knowing that the joint force operation would test their abilities and teamwork, while the prospect of facing a significant adversary loomed large.

Aizeah proceeded to point at each team, designating their roles within the operation. "Team One," she declared, "will consist of our mages and spellcasters. Shiiyo, Mori, Kisara, Terance, you will be responsible for setting up a magical barrier and explosive traps while providing support to Team Two on the frontlines." Each member of Team One nodded in solemn agreement, understanding the gravity of their task.

"Team Two," Aizeah continued, "will be led by Risky, Creed, Darrel, Mew, and Leo. You'll be the primary fighting force on the frontlines, supported by our mage team." This team also acknowledged their duties with seriousness.

Finally, Aizeah turned her attention to "Team Three, consisting of Kyru, Elis, Garen, and Dixon. Your primary role will be handling the smaller threats." The members of Team Three nodded in unison, ready to tackle the challenges they would face.

Aizeah then asked if there were any questions. The adventurers replied in unison, "No, ma'am!"

But as she was about to conclude the briefing, Kyru raised his hand. "Uhm... Miss Aizeah? May I ask what exactly are we dealing with?" The other adventurers voiced their agreement, sharing Kyru's curiosity. "Yeah, what's our main objective for this expedition?"

Aizeah couldn't help but give a sinister smirk in response to their question. "We are dealing with a Wyvern," she announced. The room was filled with a collective gasp as everyone realized the magnitude of the challenge they were about to face. None of them had ever confronted such a formidable adversary.