
Tactical Knights!

In the midst of a brutal modern war, three soldiers find themselves unexpectedly transported into a fantastical realm by an enigmatic goddess. Confronted with the opportunity to shape their destinies anew, the trio embarks on an unforeseen adventure in this magical world, unearthing mysteries, forging alliances, and confronting formidable adversaries. As they navigate the challenges of this unfamiliar landscape, the soldiers must unravel the secrets of their deployment and discover the true purpose behind their journey. In a realm where magic and warfare intertwine, the choices they make will not only determine their fates but also reshape the destiny of the entire fantastical realm. I'm new to making a story and still practicing, this is my very first story that I made and hope you like it.

CptCreed · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Captain of the Hydra

As the four continued their brawl, a sudden gunshot rang out, bringing the chaos to a halt. They turned to see a striking woman in a bold pirate outfit standing atop the stairs, her gun smoking in hand as she commanded attention.

"Enough!" she declared, her voice cutting through the clamor of the tavern. "If ye don't stop this nonsense, ye'll answer to me!"

Creed, still holding the beaten thug leader, paused, his fist clenched as he assessed the situation. Shiiyo and the others also froze, their eyes fixed on the formidable woman before them.

Kyru leaned towards Risky, whispering, "That's a flintlock pistol, right?"

Shiiyo nodded in agreement. "It appears so. Seems like firearms are commonplace in this region."

Risky's eyes widened with realization. "So, does that mean we won't need to hunt bosses to replenish our ammunition anymore?"

Meanwhile, the pirate woman, identified as Captain Aidel, approached with an air of authority. "Which one of ye started this ruckus?" she demanded, her gaze sweeping over the group.

The thug leader rose up, his face is beaten so bad his words slurred and muffled. "Thish...thish guysh right here, Captain Aidel!"

Captain Aidel's sharp eyes narrowed as she assessed the situation. "Ye lot don't seem like yer from around here," she remarked, her tone firm. "But ye've caused chaos in me guild. So, who exactly are ye, and what business do ye have here?"

Creed, maintaining his composure, stepped forward. "We're just here for trade, to fix our ship and continue on our journey," he explained calmly.

Aidel glanced behind 'im, her brow raised. "Seems to me, that's not the case, mate. You've put some proper good numbers on me men, and by your gear, you seem like you're from the far west side of the world, if I may reckon."

Aidel scrutinized them, her pistol loaded and ready. "Seems to me, there's more to yer story than that," she replied, her tone unwavering. "Why shouldn't I put a bullet in yer head right now?"

As tensions reached a peak, a female voice cut through the charged atmosphere, defusing the situation. It was none other than Aola, who stepped forward to intervene, positioning herself between Creed and Captain Aidel.

"Enough, Onee-sama," she implored, her voice calm yet firm. Turning to Aidel, she began to explain the events that had transpired, providing context to the situation.

"Captain Aidel, these travelers are not the instigators of the brawl," Aola clarified, her tone measured. "They came here seeking trade and inadvertently found themselves caught up in the chaos caused by these thugs."

Aidel regarded her younger sister with a mix of surprise and skepticism. "Aola, ye know better than to get involved in these matters," she admonished gently.

But Aola stood her ground, her expression resolute. "I cannot stand idly by and let an unjust judgment be passed," she declared, her gaze unwavering.

Taking a moment to assess the situation, Aidel eventually lowered her pistol, albeit reluctantly. "Very well, Aola," she conceded, her tone conceding to her sister's wisdom. "But mark me words, travelers," she warned, her eyes flickering with a hint of caution. "Ye best watch yer step in me guild."

With that, the tension in the room began to dissipate, and the atmosphere relaxed somewhat. Aola turned to Creed and the others, offering them a reassuring nod before turning back to her duties, leaving the travelers to continue their business in the guild.

As the revelation of Aola and Aidel's relationship sunk in, the group couldn't help but express their surprise.

"You two are siblings?" Kyru exclaimed, his eyebrows shooting up in astonishment. Aola, feeling a bit bashful, nodded sheepishly. "Unfortunately, yes," she replied.

Shiiyo, ever the observant one, couldn't resist making a comment, though his words inadvertently caused a bit of awkwardness. "Well, that explains the similarities," he remarked, gesturing vaguely in the direction of their chests, referring to their physical resemblance.

Aola blushed furiously at the unexpected comment, clearly uncomfortable with the sudden attention to her appearance. "Um, yes, well..." she stammered, at a loss for words.

Creed, ever the diplomat, stepped in to diffuse the situation. "No need to apologize, Miss Aola," he reassured her, offering a reassuring smile. "We understand that tensions were running high. We should have exercised more restraint."

Aola's expression softened at Creed's understanding demeanor. "Thank you," she murmured gratefully.

Seeking to make amends, Aola offered, "Be there anythin' we can do to make amends with ye?"

Shiiyo, ever pragmatic, saw an opportunity. "Well, how about this? Could you point us in the direction of where we can find supplies for our ship?" he suggested, his gaze hopeful.

Aola brightened at the request, relieved to have a chance to assist them. "Aye, surely! I can show you the finest spots in town to get what you need," she said, leading the group towards the guild's supply depot.

But Aola's sister, Aidel, stepped forward, a commanding presence despite her smaller stature compared to her sister. "I'll be joinin' ye on this little excursion," she declared, her tone brooking no argument.

But Aola was quick to object, her expression firm. "Sis, I can handle this on me own. Ye don't need to babysit me," she insisted, addressing her sister with a mixture of respect and familiarity.

Aidel crossed her arms, her expression unyielding. "Ye might think ye can handle yerself, but I ain't takin' no chances," she retorted, her tone firm. "I'll be keepin' an eye on these travelers, just to make sure they don't stir up any more trouble."

Aola sighed in resignation, realizing she wouldn't be able to dissuade her sister. "Very well, Sis. Do as ye please," she conceded, using the term of endearment for her elder sister.

Kyru, ever the curious one, interjected with a question. "So, Aidel lass, what's your story? Ye seem like quite the formidable captain."

Aola took the opportunity to introduce her sister. "Allow me to introduce Captain Aidel, the guild master of this area and the leader of the renowned Pirate Clan of the Silver Serpent," she explained, her tone respectful.

Aidel nodded in acknowledgment, a hint of pride in her expression. "Aye, that's me," she confirmed, her voice tinged with authority. "And let me tell ye, I've seen me fair share of troublemakers in me time."

With that, the group set off, Aola leading the way while Aidel kept a watchful eye on their every move, ensuring that their journey through the town and the acquisition of supplies went smoothly.