
Tactical Knights!

In the midst of a brutal modern war, three soldiers find themselves unexpectedly transported into a fantastical realm by an enigmatic goddess. Confronted with the opportunity to shape their destinies anew, the trio embarks on an unforeseen adventure in this magical world, unearthing mysteries, forging alliances, and confronting formidable adversaries. As they navigate the challenges of this unfamiliar landscape, the soldiers must unravel the secrets of their deployment and discover the true purpose behind their journey. In a realm where magic and warfare intertwine, the choices they make will not only determine their fates but also reshape the destiny of the entire fantastical realm. I'm new to making a story and still practicing, this is my very first story that I made and hope you like it.

CptCreed · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Boss battle

The group quickly finished equipping their armor and were ready to head out again. However, as they were about to finish putting on their gear, a tremor rumbled through the cave. Risky voiced his concern, "I don't know about you guys, but I don't like the sound of that." Kyru shared his unease, saying, "Yeah, you're right. Let's keep going." Creed acknowledged the need for vigilance, "Agreed. Let's stay vigilant."

As they ventured deeper into the cave, the tremors intensified. "I think it's getting closer!" Shiiyo exclaimed. But just as they were about to move forward, the wall behind them suddenly burst open, and the demon returned. "This fatty won't just give up, will he?!" Kyru exclaimed.

Risky quickly alerted the others, "RUN!" They sprinted through the narrow cave, trying to put as much distance as possible between them and the pursuing demon. "Shit. shit. shit. shit!" Kyru yelled in a panic. "Shiiyo, do something!" he urged him. But Shiiyo, also running for his life, retorted, "What do you want me to do?! Throw a turd at it?! The moment we stop, we'll get crushed!"

As the two of them argued in the background, Creed finally spotted what looked like the end of the line. "Boys, over there!" he pointed. The squad made their way back inside the dungeon, but this time, there was no passage back—the one they had come from was now blocked due to the rampaging demon.

Risky, catching his breath, asked, "So what now? What's the plan?" Creed, with a determined expression, declared, "We'll face it here." The group took their stances, preparing for a final showdown.

Shiiyo suggested to Creed, "Hey, Cap! Looks like it's time to use the big gun!" Creed acknowledged the idea and said, "Let's see what this baby can do." He pulled out his new weapon, an M249 machine gun, and muttered to himself, "Lock and load, you ugly bastard."

The room reverberated with the cacophony of multiple gunshots as Creed unleashed a hail of bullets from his LMG, but frustration crept into his voice as he noticed the demon barely budging. "This sucker won't budge!" he exclaimed.

Shiiyo, his elemental bombs exploding around the demon, shared Creed's frustration. "Gah! His layers of fat are too thick to damage!" his attacks had little effect, and she felt the weight of the situation.

Kyru, with his dual-wielded Desert Eagles, continued to circle the demon, firing precise shots at it. "Come on, you ugly son of a bitch!" he taunted. The demon swung its massive war hammer in response, but Kyru's agility allowed him to dodge its every move. "Whoops. You need to be faster than that, big guy!" he jeered.

The demon's relentless assault continued, but the group managed to evade its attacks. As the battle wore on, the squad started to wear down. Creed, panting heavily under his helmet, voiced his concern, "This guy is relentless. We'll be out of breath before we can kill this thing!"

Risky, with a determined grin, decided it was time to take action. He drew his sword and began chanting an incantation, his voice carrying a commanding presence. "By thy grace, O radiant orb of yore, bestow upon thee, thy vigor to restore. Thine weariness, cast away like night's shroud. In thy heart, may strength and light be endowed. Shining Light!" With a flourish, he raised his sword, causing it to emit a blinding light.

The sudden burst of radiance forced the demon to close its eyes, shielding itself from the intense brightness. As the spell took effect, the group felt a surge of energy coursing through their veins. Their stamina was restored, and the fatigue that had weighed them down disappeared.

Creed clenched his fist with newfound determination and a smirk on his face. "Hmm, alright, gang. Time to roll out!" With their strength renewed, the group launched a fresh assault on the demon, emboldened by their second wind and ready to face the formidable foe.

The group, reinvigorated by Risky's Shining Light spell, locked and loaded their weapons. Risky swapped to his VHS-2 AR, Kyru reloaded both his Deagles with a flourish, Shiiyo pulled out his MP7, and Creed cocked back his LMG with a determined expression. Their eyes met, and the banter began.

Creed, with a stoic resolve and a hint of humor in his voice, called out, "Alright, lads, looks like we're in for a jolly good time."

Kyru, his signature smirk in place, quipped, "I've always wanted to fight an oversized, angry potato with a hammer."

Shiiyo, creating elemental orbs with a sly grin, chimed in, "Well, this potato's about to get roasted."

Risky, confidently holding his VHS-2 AR, added, "Let's give this demon a taste of modern warfare, shall we?"

With that, they opened fire on the colossal demon once more. Bullets and elemental attacks rained upon it, and its hideous form writhed in agony.

The battle raged on, with the demon roaring and swinging its hammer with even greater fury. The squad dodged and weaved, their weapons blazing in a symphony of destruction. The cave trembled with each thunderous shot, rocks fell from the ceiling, and the ground shook beneath them.

As the demon's health dwindled, it let out an ear-piercing shriek. With one final, coordinated volley of bullets and spells, they brought the beast to its knees. It collapsed with a deafening crash, causing a cascade of rubble around them.

The squad, panting but victorious, shared a moment of relief. Creed wiped the sweat from his brow, a smirk forming behind his helmet. "Well done, lads. I'd say we've got this one in the bag."

Shiiyo, his MP7 smoldering, chuckled, "Who knew we'd become demon slayers in this new world?"

Kyru, dual Deagles still in hand, couldn't resist a tease, "Aye, not too shabby for a bunch of rookies."

Risky, his VHS-2 AR still smoking, grinned and offered a nod of approval. "You guys aren't half bad. Perhaps I've found myself a team of true warriors."

But just as they began to turn away from the fallen demon, its grotesque form began to shift and contort. The squad froze in place, their eyes locked on the nightmarish transformation. The demon was far from defeated—it had entered Phase 2.

Kyru broke the tense silence with a wry smile, "Looks like we're in a Dark Souls game."

The squad quickly reloaded their weapons and assumed their battle stances. Creed tightened his grip on his LMG, determination burning in his eyes. "Round two, lads. Let's show this monstrosity what we're made of."

The demon's thunderous roar echoed throughout the cave, causing the squad to stagger and cover their ears. The monster's transformation had amplified its speed and ferocity, leaving them with little room to breathe.

Kyru, dodging the demon's swipes, shouted over the chaos, "This one's faster than a headshot in a gunfight! Any plans?"

Risky, agilely avoiding its strikes, responded with a nervous chuckle, "Don't look at me, mate! I'm good at shooting stuff, not wrangling this monstrosity!"

Shiiyo, conjuring up elemental spells, yelled, "We're not fighting a run-of-the-mill monster! Does anyone have a better idea than duck and cover?"

Creed, gunning down some nearby creatures, grunted, "I didn't expect we'd need a strategy for this! But we need to think of something fast!"

The group continued dodging the demon's furious attacks, trying to come up with a plan amid the chaos.

Kyru, reloading his Deagles, glanced at Risky, "How about a frontal assault, mate? Or maybe a tactical retreat?"

Risky, firing a burst from his VHS-2 AR, replied with a nervous laugh, "Oh, sure! What's our plan? Flatter it with some fancy speeches?"

Shiiyo, keeping his distance and evading the demon, teased, "Right, because 'hello, demon friend' might just work wonders!"

Creed, struggling to maintain their defense, retorted, "This is no time for jests! We need to think of something effective, and fast!"

The demon's relentless attacks kept the squad on their toes, their breaths quickened from the adrenaline-fueled combat.

Kyru, with a playful smirk, remarked, "Why don't we ask it for a cup of tea? Maybe it's just misunderstood!"

Risky, evading a massive swing, retorted with a grin, "Right, I'm sure it's just mad because it ran out of biscuits!"

Shiiyo, rolling away from a sweeping strike, chuckled, "Maybe we should invite it to join us on our quest instead!"

Creed, barking orders in the midst of battle, tried to bring them back to the task at hand, "Focus! We need a plan or we'll be squashed like bugs!"

Despite the humor amidst their dire situation, the squad knew they had to come up with a strategy, and quickly, to tackle the monstrous demon that was now proving to be a fearsome opponent.

As they continued their desperate evasion of the rampaging demon, Kyru's frustration grew, and he shouted, "Enough with the jokes and running around; it's time to get serious!" He swiftly reloaded his dual pistols, his hands moving with the fluid grace of a gunslinger, and declared, "I'm about to make this devil cry!"

With a determined gleam in his eye, Kyru launched a fearless frontal assault on the beast, his acrobatic gunfu style reminiscent of a true devil hunter. He taunted the monstrous creature and provoked it with bold words, "Come on you fat brute! Time to swallow some lead!"

Creed, trying to maintain some order in the chaos, called out to Kyru, "Hold on, soldier! Charging in like that is suicide!" However, Kyru remained undeterred, proclaiming, "I've got this, Cap!" His relentless gunplay and acrobatics continued to test the demon's resolve.

Seeing Kyru's valiant charge, Creed realized that they couldn't leave him to face the demon alone. He barked orders to the others, "Cover Kyru! Give him suppressive fire and support his assault!"

Meanwhile, Shiiyo analyzed the demon through his advanced glasses, quickly identifying a vulnerable glowing orb on its chest. He shouted out to Kyru, his voice cutting through the tumult, "Kyru! Aim for that glowing spot on its chest!" Kyru, still in the midst of his daring attack, acknowledged the crucial information with a determined nod.

The demon attempted to seize Kyru in mid-air, but with remarkable agility and speed, Kyru slipped out of its grasp. "Too slow!" he taunted, utilizing this opportunity to inch closer to the beast's chest. He seamlessly transitioned from his dual pistols to his trusty sniper rifle, a wicked grin on his face, as he said, "This is where it ends for you, you overgrown sack of—"

Before he could finish his words, a powerful tentacle strike from the demon sent Kyru hurtling through the air. The other three members of the squad watched in shock as Kyru was struck, his body sent flying.

Shiiyo cried out Kyru's name in concern, but Kyru, suspended mid-air, summoned the last reserves of his strength and willpower. His eyes, a glowing shade of yellow, underwent a remarkable transformation, pupils forming into crosshairs. Time appeared to slow, his senses sharpening.

With an unyielding resolve, he took aim at the glowing orb within the demon's chest, determination etched across his face. "JACKPOT!" he declared with unwavering focus. Activating his unique skill, Wyvern Piercer, Kyru's shot unleashed a powerful beam that pierced through the demon's multiple tentacles and struck its heart.

Kyru was propelled forcefully into the cave wall, the impact causing immense pain. Yet, thanks to the blessings of the goddess, they withstood the blow without severe injury. As he crumpled to the ground, the other three members rushed to his side to ensure his safety.

Still concussed from the powerful collision, Kyru weakly inquired, "Did... did we win?" Creed, a proud smile on his face, replied, "Yes, it's a confirmed kill." The group shared a collective sigh of relief and a moment of lighthearted laughter, their bond strengthened by their victory in the face of such a formidable foe.