
Tactical Knights!

In the midst of a brutal modern war, three soldiers find themselves unexpectedly transported into a fantastical realm by an enigmatic goddess. Confronted with the opportunity to shape their destinies anew, the trio embarks on an unforeseen adventure in this magical world, unearthing mysteries, forging alliances, and confronting formidable adversaries. As they navigate the challenges of this unfamiliar landscape, the soldiers must unravel the secrets of their deployment and discover the true purpose behind their journey. In a realm where magic and warfare intertwine, the choices they make will not only determine their fates but also reshape the destiny of the entire fantastical realm. I'm new to making a story and still practicing, this is my very first story that I made and hope you like it.

CptCreed · Fantasy
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44 Chs

A Darkness loomed

[Four weeks ago, before the adventurers' guild reported a sighting of Wyvern]

In the barren land of darkness where monsters and demons roam a menacing city in the middle of this land, a kingdom of the demon race resides, the streets filled with demon human race and in the middle of the city a menacing palace of the demon lord, wyverns flying and circling the top of its peak and inside of one of its chamber is where the meeting room where the Demon Generals discuss their current plans.

The first to speak was demon general was Demon General Malphas. mischievous mistress of the demon generals, revels in chaos and revels in causing mayhem and confusion with her playful cruelty. Her youthful appearance belies her intelligence and cunning. With a penchant for pranks and a desire to toy with her enemies, Malphas wears a bold swimsuit-like outfit, complete with a demon tail, small wings, and an ever-present demonic gauntlet. Her quest for her desires knows no bounds, and she stops at nothing to achieve them. "Why everything is so boring!" she said as she lay down in her chair, she then looked at another demon general "Vexar any city that needs burning?".

Vexar, renowned for his tactical brilliance, is the Strategic Overlord. Sporting glasses and a single horn adorning his forehead, he dons a white and blue attire reminiscent of a military uniform with a long white jacket. With a stoic and serious demeanor, he is considered a powerful mage and often plays the role of a caring older brother to the mischievous Malphas, even as they butt heads over her behavior before Azazel Hellraven. He fixed his glass and with an annoyed tone he said "You damn brat. Show some respect will you".

"Tsk, sketchy!" she sneered at him, she then shifted to another demon general in the room "Got anything fun General Drekthar".

Drekthar, a towering demon general, seeks one thing above all else—a worthy opponent. With massive twisted horns and towering at eight feet in height, he wears imposing red full-plate armor adorned with two giant axes and a colossal shield and spear. His face remains concealed, and his relentless pursuit of a stronger adversary led him to join Azazel's elite ranks after a crushing defeat at the hands of Dark Vell. "The only fun for me to do is fighting anything beyond that is worthless"

Amidst the heated exchange, another demon general interjected, her voice oozing with calm and condescension. "Well, what do you expect from a meathead like him? All brawn, no brains," she remarked, her eyes narrowing slightly as she surveyed the room.

Drakthar, unable to contain his anger, brought his massive fist down upon the table with a resounding thud. His voice took on a menacing tone as he snarled, "You dare to test my patience, General Krynn?"

Krynn Bloodthorn, a master of dark magic among Azazel's elite demon generals, possessed an insatiable thirst for power and knowledge. Her elegant demeanor belied her deadly nature. At her side, she bore a long katana adorned with runic symbols, and her victims rarely realized their impending doom until it was far too late. She wore a sailor-like military uniform with a provocative short skirt, while her silver gauntlet and armor gleamed ominously. Her eyes, perpetually closed in an air of nonchalance, revealed their piercing intensity only when the battle was at hand.

In the background, while Drekthar and Krynn engaged in their clash of wills, Malphas shifted her attention to another demon general. With a mischievous grin, she inquired, "How about you, Lady Elowen? Do you have something intriguing to share?"

Elowen Voidheart, a bewitching and enigmatic demon with a curvaceous figure, exuded an air of irresistible allure. She was adorned in a strapless black gown intricately designed with a spider-web motif, emphasizing her power over arachnids. Her long black hair cascaded around her, framing her two striking purple horns. Although she remained steadfast in her loyalty to Azazel, there was an unspoken admiration for General Dark Vell in her eyes, hinting at deeper feelings. She chuckled in a sultry, playful tone, "Don't ask me, my dear. I'm not interested in much," pausing as she rested her chin on her delicate hand. She then turned her captivating gaze towards the imposing figure seated at the center of the round table. "Well, except for one," she purred, her voice laced with intrigue. "What do you think, General Dark Vell?"

At the mere mention of his name, General Dark Vell's crimson eyes seemed to ignite with an eerie glow, reflecting the ominous red radiance of his helmet's horns. His black-plated armor was nothing short of menacing, and his reputation as the Chaos Commander loomed large. His identity remained concealed behind his faceless helmet, but his commanding presence struck fear into the hearts of both allies and adversaries. With unwavering loyalty to Azazel, he recognized no authority except that of the demon lord, and his leadership was absolute. The room fell into an anticipatory hush as the Chaos Commander prepared to address the assembly.

Dark Vell's growl resonated with authority and a menacing intensity that stifled the room's atmosphere. He declared, "We have caused enough chaos to ensure our presence is felt across this land. Now, all the mortal beings will cower before our might." His crimson gaze then fixated on Vexar, radiating an aura of dominance that sent shivers down the strategic general's spine. Yet, Vexar remained composed and resolute, undeterred by the overwhelming pressure.

"Our intelligence reports indicate that the neighboring kingdoms have begun mobilizing their forces," Vexar reported. "Furthermore, we've received word that the kingdom of Isendelle has recently discovered a substantial mithril deposit within its borders. Capturing that gold mine would significantly bolster our advantage in this realm. I suggest dispatching a contingent to assess the situation in that area. What are your thoughts, General Vell?"

Dark Vell acknowledged Vexar's strategic analysis with a nod, offering a commendation that eased Vexar's tension. "Well done, General," he intoned. "You have exceeded my expectations, and as a reward, I entrust you with the responsibility of summoning one of our Wyverns."

Vell's gaze then shifted to Malphas, who had been exchanging contentious remarks with Vexar. Despite her initial reluctance, Vell issued a command, "Malphas, you will lead this mission. I'm aware of your penchant for mischief, and this should provide ample opportunity for your particular skills."

Malphas voiced her discontent, whining, "Aww, babysitting these lowly creatures? Why not have Four Eyes here do it?" She pointed to Vexar, further inciting his irritation.

Vexar's patience ran thin as he reprimanded the mischievous demon general, "You impertinent brat, cease your incessant complaints!"

As the two continued their banter, General Dark Vell's patience reached its limit. His eyes began to glow, and an overpowering aura enveloped the room, instantly silencing the argument. General Vexar was the first to break the tense silence, apologizing profusely with a drop of sweat, "I humbly apologize for my behavior, General Vell."

Dark Vell acknowledged his apology with a nod before turning his attention to Malphas. She flinched under his piercing gaze and stammered, "Y-yes, General Vell."

With a sense of finality, Dark Vell delivered his ultimate directive, "This is not a request, Malphas. It's an order." Malphas had no choice but to bow her head in acknowledgment, understanding the gravity of the situation and the consequences of defying her commanding general's command.

In the wake of General Vell's departure, the room descended into an eerie silence, the profound weight of his presence still lingering. It was General Malphas who eventually broke the quietude with a long, exasperated sigh, resting her chin on the table. "Ahhhh... General Vell is so scary," she admitted with a hint of frustration as if the air had been released from a pressure cooker.

General Vexar, always the composed strategist, adjusted his glasses and offered a thoughtful response, "That's the Chaos Commander for you. He will stop at nothing to please our Demon Lord."

General Drakthar, the massive warrior, crossed his arms and nodded in agreement. "Indeed, the man is unstoppable. He's evil among evil, and he will not rest until he achieves his goals."

Meanwhile, General Elowen's reaction was a stark contrast to the solemn mood in the room. She clenched her fists, her demeanor suddenly filled with enthusiasm. Her voice carried a girlish excitement as she exclaimed, "Aahh, are you all blind? It's all about him!" The other generals were taken aback by her sudden display of emotion. Elowen continued, "Everything about that man is shrouded in mystery, from his unwavering composure to his silent nature and those piercing eyes. It makes me positively giddy... Ah, I can't get over him!"

Malphas chuckled awkwardly, "Ah... hehehe... Lady Elowen truly admires General Vell, it seems."

Krynn, always the calm and mature voice of reason among the group, posed a thoughtful question to Elowen. "But aren't you concerned that you face some stiff competition?" She tilted her head inquisitively.

Elowen, still caught up in her infatuation, inquired, "Competition? What competition?"

Krynn continued, her eyes opening slightly to emphasize her point, "The Demon Lord." She then elaborated, "General Vell's devotion is unparalleled. He has eyes for no one but our Demon Lord, Azazel."

Elowen pondered Krynn's statement, realizing its truth. "I suppose you're right. His heart belongs only to Lord Azazel, and no one else."

Vexar contributed to the conversation with his own observations. "Yes, the enigmatic Demon Lord Azazel, clad in obsidian-black armor. The only distinguishing feature is the blue horn protruding from the helm. And that's all we know."

Drakthar nodded in agreement, reinforcing the sentiment. "Even to this day, Azazel's true gender and origin remain shrouded in mystery, a secret that only deepens our loyalty."

The room was enveloped in reflective silence as the generals ruminated on their unwavering allegiance to the enigmatic Demon Lord Azazel.

In the dimly lit throne room, General Dark Vell knelt before the enigmatic figure of Demon Lord Azazel Hellraven. Azazel was seated in shadow, their identity carefully concealed, an aura of mystery and secrecy shrouding their presence. With a face partially veiled, their contemplative and calculating expression was revealed as they gazed out into the darkness. Bright blood-red eyes shone with a haunting intensity, and a distorted, deep voice resonated in the room as Azazel spoke.

"Dark Vell, one of my most trusted generals," the Demon Lord began, their eyes fixated on the loyal servant. "How is everything progressing with our plans?"

Dark Vell rose to his feet with unwavering confidence. "Everything is proceeding according to your will, my lord. The other generals under my command have discovered a rich mine of mithril. With your permission, we can seize this treasure and use it to bolster our firepower. More magical weapons can be crafted, and our army will become an unstoppable force."

A subtle amusement flickered in Azazel's eyes upon hearing the news. "Very well. Continue your efforts diligently, but do not bring me any results that would displease me."

With a deep bow, General Dark Vell respectfully took his leave, exiting the throne room and leaving the Demon Lord alone in the darkened chamber. Azazel's piercing gaze remained fixed in the direction of the empty throne, a mastermind behind the machinations that would shape the destiny of their demon realm.