With the Earth having been destroyed spacial cracks opened up through which other worlds found themselves visited by the last survivors of the Human Race, Jake was lucky or unlucky enough to find himself transported to one of these such worlds only to find it also facing its own apocalypse can he survive with the help of his system and prevent this other world from suffering the same fate as came about on Earth?
The days continued to pass, and it seems that Trent has accepted our position since they've stopped sending out forces and scouts, even going to far as to pull back some of their forces effectively abandoning their outposts.
Thanks to the information sent back by the color squad of spy's we now had a much better understanding of this world, for simplicity sake I shall just keep refering to this world as earth while my previous world I guess I'll call old earth or maybe my earth would be better?
These abandoned outposts had fallen into our control and with it expanding our own sphere of influence and control
At this point we controlled pretty much all of northern England and Southern Scotland save for the two Fortress Cities and the ruined cities still teaming with zombies.
At this point because of our sheer size, more so than the population of the base cities under the recommendation of the spy's along with pretty much every other of my units, we founded the rise of the Scarlet Dominion, this was our nationsakes name, with the capital being Axiom the original RA base.
This was done so that in the future if we meet up with humans or even intelligent beasts we can bluff them into believing we have a great power behind us which isn't really wrong since we had the system behind us but hadn't unlocked all of it yet.
With our expansion we'd increased the overall credit growth which allowed further production of weapons and gear to better equip the natives, while our own army continued to cull the mutant beasts and capturing those who can become livestock.
Numerous beast farms had been cropping up, and after successful testing we'd started to mass produce food through hydro and aero ponic farming.
The increased knowledge brought by the 2nd and third game engineers aided in this process and the first harvest surprisingly was reaped only 2 and a bit months since planting, which meant that we could have 3 harvest per year before winter hit.
As it stood now we could have one more harvest this year before winter hits, thanks to the increase in preserved foods we and the entire population of the Dominion could last through the long winter that lasts almost half the year here.
With further resources we might even be able to develop further to the point tha we could grow year round, but without access to central heating and the materials needed to create it the farms would drop to much in temperature during the winter to continue the operation.
Since the first harvest was just a test, the yield while massive was not that big on a national scale.
So within both Axiom and Prospect numerous apartment style buildings were erected until hundreds of them stood within both cities and hundreds more soldiers worked within to farm sheer insane amounts of rice and wheat crop that could provide grains to the entire populace.
The mobile corp meanwhile continued to explore, with the map still limited though not as much as before since the range had increase with my commander rank up and the establishment of Prospect we had fully mapped our immediate surroundings, but the mobile corp pressed on outside the range of the map, exploring completely unknown territory and without supervision.
They scouted looking for resources, outposts, beast domains and even getting an idea of what the former cities look like under the undead occupation.
We were beset by multiple opponents and I wasn't willing to let my new nation fall.
Our war captives were still classified as slaves, however their freedom had been increased as of late with Axiom's mine having been cleaned out some of the slaves were taken by convoy over to prospect, but the rest remained within Axiom, and the former mine was converted into the slave district.
A segregated walled off section of the city where all the captured slaves were free to do pretty much anything they wanted, however under the watch of Initiates and who were found to have the intent to escape were taken in for 'processing' and upon return they no longer had the desires to attempt escape.
We didn't leave them completely alone, instead starting a form of integration and the RA soldiers even off duty would go and visit, while the city issued quests and missions to the inhabitants completeing these missions would earn then cultivation materials, or even just luxury goods.
We provided the bare minimum for their survival but if they wanted more I'd make them work for it.
The Axiom was limited by it's industry, our war industry was strong but our consumer, and even industrial might was weak if not non-existent.
The RA Soliders were doing their best but they were soldiers not craftsmen, meanwhile the captured humans and even outpost dwellers had a range of skills useful to our developing nation.
Encouraging and raising these talents would help the nation and by rewarding them we'd entice others to do the same.
However with the start of our new nation one thing needed to be made clear.
And thanks to the Gacha my wish came true.
No no no it wasn't another woman, I pulled the Premier Alexander Romanov of the Soviet Union from the Second game.
A leader.
Upon his summoning he would be the face of the nation, while I the commander would be seen as the leader of it's military.
In reality the Premier would be my puppet since he'd always be eternally loyal to me, but I didn't have a mind for not the time to deal with domestic issues.
Leaving things in Alex's hands at least when it comes to managing the outposts freed me up to focus more on our defense and further expansion.
However short of located another core and founding a naval base on the south to access would only yield access to Ireland and Iceland along with France, or one in the north to access the Nordic and Easter European nations.
Britain was hamstrung in this world without direct access to the real oceans.
Regardless of which location the base was created another would need to be made in order to gain access to the real ocean that spanned the globe.
But this also meant that they had access to a great source of freshwater.
And worst case a land based route could be created however unless we could take on Trent a 4th stage city or the one in Scotland founded over the former capital of Inverness.
At our present strength we still stand a very slim chance of being able to take down either of these Fortress Cities even if Inverness is only a 5th rank.
Since reinforcements will be called regardless our forces might win the battle only to lose the war.
However if we can continue to develop the Spy's could be elevated to the point of usurping overall control of these cities from within.
Color team is working diligently within Trent while Frats was a newly developed squad of spys being sent to Inverness.
This new squad was named using Greed Letters the Leader being another Alpha, while the original Alpha had been nicknamed as simply Alph he being the first to get up to the 5th rank of awakening which also brought me up to the 5th rank as well thanks to my commander ability.
But we also found out the reason behind out earlier information leak.
Seems that Sarah had sold us out for an advanatage within Trent.
She'd been located by the spy's and they asked if we should take her out.
But at this point she did us more good than harm really, so we should leave her be for now until Trent is under our control at which point we'll show her what happens to those humans who act upon their greed and betray their friends.
Aside from Alex the Gacha itself seems to have gotten a boost lately as the number of RA1 pulls im getting since rising to Rank 4 were becoming almost even with pulls from RA2, with Ultra Rares now coming from RA3 instead.
The pulls coming in from the RA2 side weren't all that amazing, we got a couple of Military Commanders who could serve as the Officer corp within our ranks and better coordinate the operations, along with a couple of Grizzly, and Rhino Battle tanks with a mix of regular infantry units thrown in.
While the treasures we'd found scattered about with the expansion of the map were just a couple caches of credits which was welcomed, and then one which was certainly a boon.
The system called it a power sphere.
But really it was the same as the veterancy crate in the game, when it was crushed all units within a 1km radius were raised to the next rank of their veterancy which meant most of Axiom wound up becoming Elites.
The last amazing drop was a tech building, which allowed me to deploy a hospital, the facility was easily one of our largest building and simply by entering any infantry would be healed, we experimented with the natives and it seems light wounds would also be healed but at a slower rate, while major injuries such as loss of limb could not be fixed within.
However an RA soldier could be fully restored even if they were limbless, seconds away from death.
Testing on myself I found I fell in the RA side of this as a simple nick on my finger healed almost instantly, which compared to the test subject took close to 10 seconds to heal.
Even with our first 5th tier, we couldn't compete against the cities, so instead I turned our focus to the ruins and beast domains.
As it stands now we had at least 7 former major cities that were occupied by the undead, while there were 6 5th tier, and 4 6th tier beast domains within our territory.
Compared to going against the city these targets would be much softer however we'd need to be careful with the beast domains since the spy results showed 5th tier is when mutants gain human level intelligence.
The biggest unknown of all would be the zombies.
Their method of attack was Mass Assault, but against armored units like Tanks how could they hold up?
So to start with the first targets would be the reclamation of the fallen cities.
The nearest city of York appeared to already be clear of the undead, but they could have gone off towards Leeds to dine on a greater target or disappeared while chasing after what remained of the survivors at the time they turned.
The Assault force was going to be comprised of close to 20,000 infantry total riding a mixed complement of Light, Medium, Heavy, and Super Heavy tanks, with Rangers, and APC's in the mix as well.
A full and proper army times two.
With the first they'd travel East to storm Glasgow and Edinburgh liberating Scotland from the Undead.
While the 2nd army would head for Liverpool, and drive across West England through Manchester, Leeds, before circling over to the port city of Hull.
A third force not large enough to be called an army would be heading north first to Middlesbrough, before going East towards Newcastle.
With this one action we could wipe out most if not all the undead from out territory at once, while also scoping out places to create our future naval bases.
After all there were reasons these port cities were created where they were to begin with and bringing them back to life to serve as our commercial and military ports would be easier than creating brand new ones that would need the land and waters to be adapted.
Life in the two base cities had reach modern living standards by now, while the outposts upgraded by us had risen from the squalor we'd found them in into prospering outposts who'd given up on ever bothering to return under the Fortress cities control knowing full well they knew only how to take not give, while Prospect and Axiom took in the form of taxes but beyond that they opened avenues of trade, sent out lucrative missions and provided proper security and just rule of law.
Within the outposts a rumor was spreading that the Scarlet Mercenaries, and Scarlet Merchant group that were responsible for their safety and trade were provided by the same Base, or series of bases.
And well due to a lack of differential naming convention on my part these outposts all spread the same rumor internally about a single ruler having the power to control multiple bases and in doing so absorb the surrounding lands under his control.
Since this rumor was already spreading we had the local forces pull out a radio and crank it up to 11 for the first ever address from the only nation on the planet and it's illustrious Leader Alexander.
"Good Afternoon Citizens, I am Premier Alexander Romanov, On behalf of the Scarlet Dominion I am greeting you and congratulating you on the birth of our nation!
Comrades, we are beset on all sides by hostile forces but with the might of our Military Commanders we have persevered, thanks to the valiant actions of our armed forces the number of mutant beasts within the immediate area have been brought down to record lows, while the reclamation of the fallen cities is still underway.
The Fortress City of Trent sees our actions as threatening to their own control of the region and sent an army to quell our rising, however this force was met with one of our own and turned away.
Rejoice Comrades, for Trent has relinquished their outer regions to our sphere, which our forces have already moved to occupy and secure the new borders before winter comes.
The future is still uncertain but so long as I am your premier you shall never know hunger, rise up and join in our glorious revolution comrades and join alongside your brothers and sisters as we lead our nation on to a bigger and brighter tomorrow!
Long live our glorious Motherland, her liberty and Independence.
Long may we reign!
Death to the Mutants!
Death to the Undead!
Forward my Comrades, Forward to victory!"
While we could have pushed the signal to travel further we instead only used the power required to broadcast the signal in a range that encompassed only all of our territory so that ever man, woman, and child under our command could hear the address.
Peering into the eyes of the soldiers stationed around the outposts, I could see all over people were rejoicing, cheering and clapping their hands.
Many had even broken down in tears at the thought that there really was a future worth having out there.
In the last hundred years there hadn't ever been a public address such as this, there were times when a fortress city would address the city itself to warn of an incoming emergency, but as for the outposts the only time they ever heard from the City was when an official accompanied for forces marched in to demand additional tribute.
The idea of being freed from Trents control while being given their new life at limited cost to themselves was a godsend.
The local mayoral offices opened up in each Outpost served as the local seat of government which reported back to Axiom, and issues out Axiom's request unto the citizens.
While a Barracks was created within each Outpost as well thanks to the perk of being able to create any building within the range of my radar.
And no I did not choose the Soviet barrack for this…
Mainly because when built it had a massive 50ft statue of myself standing atop the building.
No no no, I made Alexander the face of the nation for a reason, I'm not going to retract that by broadcasting my face to everyone, so instead Alliance barracks sprung up all over, which allowed us to not only house our own forces but also accept the enlistment of the locals into the militia.
Our revolution came late in the year but still gave everyone a warm feeling deep in their hearts which would surely keep them alive and well throughout the harsh winter yet to come.