
Tachyon: Rise to villainy

a young man who reincarnates in the CW flash universe with the power of superspeed. The main character, Myles Walley, initially escapes from a military facility after learning about his powers, and spends his time learning and exploring his abilities. Despite initially considering being a hero, Myles ultimately decides to embrace his villainous side and takes on the moniker of "Tachyon." The story follows Tachyon as he plans his heists, taunts the Flash, and navigates the complicated world of being a supervillain in Central City. An: Just a little heads up, the original author quit on this fanfic so the majority of these chapters are undergoing an intense rewrite.

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Chapter 37: Myles' Window

Chapter 37: Myles' Window

As the familiar hum of S.T.A.R. Labs reverberated through the air, Team Flash gathered in their headquarters, engrossed in their usual routines. However, their tranquility was abruptly shattered when an urgent news report blared from the television screen mounted on the wall. The team turned their attention, their faces a mosaic of surprise and concern, as the anchor delivered the shocking revelation.

"Breaking news! The IRS has just been hit by an audacious group of criminals, led by none other than the infamous speedster villain known as Myles ," the news anchor announced, his voice tinged with a mix of disbelief and trepidation.

Barry Allen, the scarlet speedster at the heart of Team Flash, felt his heartbeat quicken as his mind raced to process the implications of this unforeseen development. His eyes widened, his face mirroring the astonishment that filled the room. The weight of responsibility settled heavily upon him, and he knew he had to guide his team through this storm.

Cisco Ramon, the jovial and tech-savvy member of the team, blinked rapidly, his mouth agape in disbelief. "No way, man! Myles robbed the IRS!?"

Robbing a bank was normal, but the IRS? Only the most mentally insane criminal would do something that crazy. Actually, even the most mentally insane criminal wouldn't take on the IRS.

Caitlin Snow, the brilliant and composed scientist, crossed her arms, a mixture of concern and determination etched across her face. "He's upping his game."

Harrison Wells, the enigmatic and calculating figure, regarded the unfolding news with a thoughtful gaze. He adjusted his glasses, his voice carrying an air of authority as he addressed the team. "This is a significant shift in Myles 's modus operandi. It seems he is escalating his efforts, challenging our assumptions. We need to anticipate his next move."

As the team mulled over the situation, Barry's mind began to race, not just with his superhuman speed, but with a newfound ability that had recently surfaced—Speed Thinking. He could feel the neurons firing in his brain at a velocity beyond comprehension, granting him a remarkable gift of foresight.

In the midst of the chaotic thoughts swirling within him, Barry's inner voice whispered, urging him to tap into this newfound power. His brow furrowed as he focused, attempting to access the vast potential of his Speed Thinking. Time seemed to slow as a rush of information flooded his mind.

In his mind's eye, Barry visualized the patterns, the echoes of their encounters with Myles. Scenes flickered before him, snippets of battles and confrontations, all converging into a tapestry of insight. He saw the intricate web of Myles' schemes, the calculated precision in each move.

"It's... it's like a puzzle," Barry muttered, his voice tinged with confusion. "I can see it now. The way Myles thinks, plans... I can predict his next heist."

"I... I think I know what he's planning next," Barry muttered, his voice laced with confusion. "Based on our past encounters, his methods, and the targets he's chosen... I can see a pattern."

Cisco, the tech genius with a penchant for pop culture references, scratched his head in disbelief. "Wait, are you telling me that you can actually predict what this dude is gonna do next? Like some kind of superspeed Sherlock?"

Barry nodded, a flicker of excitement dancing in his eyes. "Exactly! It's like my mind is working in overdrive, calculating every possible move and outcome. Myles has a method to his madness, and I think I can decipher it."

Caitlin, the cool and collected scientist, crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. "Alright, Barry, spill the bean"

Barry took a deep breath, his voice gaining confidence as he delved into his insights. "Considering his previous heists, Myles is drawn to places of immense financial importance. The IRS was just the beginning. He's targeting symbols of power and control. My calculations he'll be hiding somewhere no one expects him to go. Somewhere high profile."

Harrison Wells, the enigmatic and meticulous mastermind, leaned forward, his voice betraying a touch of formality. "Barry, if what you say is true, then we must act swiftly. You need to call Mr. Queen for help. Myles must be captured at all cost. Our city's economy is at stake."

As the weight of their impending battle settled upon the team, a palpable determination replaced their initial shock. They knew they had to stand against Myles' reign of chaos and protect their city from his calculated rampage.

With a mix of astonishment, determination, and a touch of uncertainty, the members of Team Flash prepared to face their formidable foe once again. They would rely on Barry's newfound ability to peer into the storm of possibilities, hoping it would guide them to victory.

Little did they know that their encounter with Myles would challenge their limits, push their relationships to the brink, and ultimately shape the destiny of Central City in ways they could never have imagined.

In a dimly lit hideout, suffused with an air of opulence and danger, Myles Walley, known to his crew as Tachyon, stood at the head of a large table. Surrounding him were his formidable allies: Gorilla Grodd, Hartley Rathaway, Leonard Snart, and a select group of trusted associates. The room crackled with palpable tension as they reveled in the success of their recent raid on the IRS.

Myles, exuding an aura of confidence, addressed his crew with a casual yet commanding tone. "Alright, everyone, gather 'round. First things first, I want to express my gratitude to each and every one of you. Our hit on the IRS was a resounding success, thanks to your exceptional skills and unwavering loyalty. You all played a crucial role in this, and for that, I'm thankful."

As he spoke, excitement radiated through the hideout. The crew members exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of anticipation and satisfaction.

Myles, ever the showman, reached into a nearby safe and withdrew stacks of cash. With a mischievous smile, he distributed the appropriate sums to his crew members. Gorilla Grodd received a folder containing meticulously compiled files of his previous tormentors, a gesture that earned a nod of appreciation from the formidable simian.

"Now, my friends, it's time for a celebration," Myles continued. "I've made reservations at Apple Bee. We're going to enjoy a well-deserved feast on me. Consider it a token of my appreciation for your hard work."

The room buzzed with excitement as plans for the evening started taking shape. But just as the crew began to relax, the sound of shattering glass echoed through the hideout, shattering the jovial atmosphere. All eyes turned toward the broken window, revealing the unmistakable figure of Green Arrow standing tall amidst the shards.

His charming composure momentarily shattered, Myles uttered in disbelief, "My window! You've broken my damn window!" The shock of the intrusion mingled with a hint of annoyance, his casual facade momentarily overshadowed by the reality of the damage caused.

Green Arrow, his bow at the ready, gazed back at Tachyon with an unyielding determination. "Save the small talk, Tachyon. Your reign of chaos ends here."

"Look at this mess!" Myles exclaimed, his tone a mix of exasperation and irritation. "Kim just finished cleaning this place! It took her months to get it all shiny!"

His crew exchanged glances, their faces a mix of caution and amusement Some were well-acquainted with Myles' volatile nature, his ability to transition from playfulness to rage in the blink of an eye. They knew better than to provoke him further, their loyalty outweighing any desire to joke about the situation.

Myles took a deep breath, his anger subsiding into a controlled frustration. He turned back towards the broken window, his eyes narrowing as he mentally estimated the cost of repairs. "I'd say at least a few thousand bucks. Maybe even more. And let's not forget the inconvenience of it all," he muttered, his words tinged with a hint of resentment.

Unable to hold back some of his annoyance he turns to his henchmen. "Excuse me, can someone call Timmy to fix this? Yeah, thanks."

His attention shifted back to Green Arrow, his face contorted into a wicked smirk. "Well, well, well. Look who decided to make an entrance," Myles remarked, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Couldn't resist the urge to break something, huh? I suppose subtlety isn't your strong suit, Arrow."

Green Arrow, his voice filled with conviction, stared at Myles. "Tachyon... you have failed this city!"

Myles, unable to contain his mounting anger, snapped. "Failed? Failed? You're the one who failed to use the damn door!" In a burst of uncontrolled rage, he released a surge of lightning, striking Green Arrow with electrifying force. Oliver Queen crumpled to the ground, momentarily incapacitated.

"Is it just me or is it a trend for superheroes to smash windows and for villains to use the front door?" The kingpin ranted. "I'm never gonna recover financially from this.

Myles panted as rage continued to boil over his blood and the interloper started to take deep breaths to control his anger while repeating a mantra 'calm...' as if it was a lifeline.

The crew exchanged uneasy glances, unsure of how to approach their leader in this state of unchecked anger. Myles' obsession with the broken window seemed disproportionate, but they knew better than to question him in moments like these.

Eventually, Myles gathered himself, his rage simmering beneath the surface. With a determined stride, he motioned for his crew to follow him towards the garage, the broken window temporarily forgotten. Little did they know that their path would be intercepted by an unexpected force.

The sound of lightning crackling through the air heralded the arrival of the Flash, the speedster hero who had encountered Myles on numerous occasions. A mix of surprise and disbelief washed over Myles' face as he took in the audacity of the Flash's intrusion.

But any semblance of calm shattered like the shards of glass from his broken window when the Scarlet Speedster, in a moment of reckless abandon, smashed through the window of Myles' prized Bugatti. The culmination of frustration, rage, and an irrational attachment to material possessions fueled Myles' blind rage.

With a primal scream, Myles launched himself at the Flash, his fists a blur of unbridled fury. The clash of speed and power reverberated through the hideout, the air crackling with raw energy as Myles unleashed his pent-up rage upon his crimson-clad adversary.

At that moment, the hideout transformed into an arena of chaos and vengeance, where the collision of two forces unleashed a storm that would forever alter the course of their destinies.

The clash between Myles Walley and Barry Allen, shattered the boundaries of perception and reality. Their bodies blurred, mere streaks of motion that defied comprehension with blinding speed.

Myles, fueled by an otherworldly velocity that surpassed even the swiftest actions of the Scarlet Speedster, reveled in the sheer power at his disposal. Every punch, every kick was delivered with a ferocity that defied comprehension. His movements were a symphony of brutality and grace, a deadly dance that left a trail of destruction in its wake.

As the fight escalated, Myles' psychotic side emerged like a shadowy specter. A sadistic grin etched itself across his face, his eyes burning with a mad fervor. He taunted and jeered at Barry, his words laced with a twisted delight in the chaos they created.

"Is this the best you've got, Flash? I expected more!" Myles sneered, his voice dripping with malicious glee. "I was expecting more."

But beneath the veneer of sadism, there were raw emotions coursing through both fighters. Barry's determination was unyielding, his every move driven by a relentless desire to bring Myles down. Anger, frustration, and a lingering sense of guilt fueled his actions, propelling him to match Myles' every strike.

However, despite Barry's best efforts even with his speed thinking, Myles emerged victorious by a landslide. His speed was an unstoppable force, an avalanche of velocity that overwhelmed the Flash at every turn. The battleground shifted, as Myles dragged Barry out of his hideout and into a graveyard, the somber silence of the tombstones serving as an eerie backdrop to their clash.

"Slow and dumb." Myles sneered, his voice dripping with malicious glee. "Did you really think I wouldn't notice you using 'speed thinking' Flash? News Flash, I can do that too!"

Myles' footsteps echoed with a haunting finality as he dragged Barry towards Nora Allen's grave. With the use of his telekinesis, Myles unearthed Nora's casket before opening the lid. A sinister grin played upon his lips as he engaged in a macabre conversation with the lifeless form before him.

"Oh, Nora, I think this belong to you." Myles spoke his voice a chilling whisper that reverberated through the stillness.

Barry, his body battered and bruised, stared at Myles with a mix of defiance and desperation. Despite the grave circumstances, a fire burned in his eyes, a testament to his unwavering spirit.

"You won't get away with this, Myles. I'll stop you," Barry vowed, his voice trembling with determination.

Myles' laughter filled the air, a twisted symphony of derision and triumph. He gestured towards the open grave, his voice laden with dark satisfaction.

"Right, that would have been so terrifying if it weren't for the fact I just beat you. Tell me what bother you more? That I'm faster than you or is it because you miss the old Myles?" Myles taunted, his words laced with an unsettling delight. "Perhaps in death, you'll finally learn not to smash my car!"

Myles tosses Barry inside the casket before returning it to the hole and buried it. "If you can still hear me, tell your mom I said hi." With his deed done, Myles left the grave, his mind still lingering over his car and windows, muttering. "I'm never gonna recover financially from this."

AN: And we're done. Now I have bad news and good news. First the bad news, the original author; Jake has decided to quit making this fanfic. Don't worry he finished making up to the Savitar arc. The good news is, he recovered from his depression and I don't know if he really means it but I guess I can rewrite his story now. I'd probably fix the cage arc if I have free time.