
Tachibana Palace

in a society where people with super natural abilities are being Ostracised, Ken Tachibana sees a wonderful opportunity for the young Yuno Lin who has taken over the responsibility of taking care of her remaining family after her parents death and her sisters disappearance. the male billionaire makes it his very mission to push her towards a dream world she has never thought possible, to defy the odds and use her gift to save lives and change the worlds outlook on those with special abilities.

Sailow_Sanchez · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
246 Chs

Happy New Year!

Ryu wakes up when Izumi walks into the room he looks surprised to find the whole place full of books everywhere, "Where's Hitoshi?"

Ryu kicks Lynx awake stretching, "Gathering herbs, we found a shamanic ritual for your memories today is both a full moon and the 31st

"We asked Roku to bring the stone of channeling so Lynx can channel him to complete the ritual Aiko will be bringing them at 10 PM and I will take the place of the 6th sacrifice as per the deal we made."

Izumi nods, "This is great and all, but your sister is in dire need of comfort she just lost her child in a ritual that has absolutely nothing to do with her Hiroshima could've chosen any other child, but instead he chose her."

Ryu looks Izumi in the eyes, "Do you remember something?" Izumi nods.

"Hiroshima and I used to be best friends, when I was still human we were like brothers, but all that came to an end because of a woman.

"I loved her yet she loved him and he just toyed with her emotions I accepted her choice I let her go and they spent their happily ever after together I couldn't stick around for that so I moved on and moved away.

"I forgot about her had a child of my own, sweet Lily I loved her more than anything in the world came back home to show her my birth place this was after we fled England struck by famine and war.

"Her mother fell ill and none of my healing worked so I came home to save my daughter from a similar fate."

Lynx groans, "I hate that story."

Izumi chuckles, "I had no idea I told you this."

Izumi turns his attention back to Ryu, "After I came back I turned to an old God of immortality and offered a blood sacrifice on the 31st of December in 1418 I became the first Immortal and from there thousands of others were born, but you see I'm not a witch, or a Luxar or even a Negai

"I'm something else entirely I cannot be killed and this is something that I reserved for my bloodline alone." Izumi shows Ryu his birthmark, "This is the mark of my direct descendants Hiroshima went after the child because it would've been just like me, a true immortal."

"So, Hiroshima doesn't want any more immortals?"

Izumi nods, "He wants the other immortals gone hence why he coaxed Princess into cursing me to an existence so ratchet I couldn't kill her when I had the chance but messing with my family is one thing I do not forgive.

"The one thing that I can do that no one else can do is take away ones immortality with just a single touch it recently came back to me and I was surprised to learn the truth about myself

"I'm starting to not want my memories back it's, what can I call it? Fun to learn about my past life it makes the next day worth looking forward too."

Lynx throws a shoe at Izumi, "This is why I hate that story, you're lucky we didn't waste time trying to get your memories back." Lynx throws another item that was close by, "Oh wait! We did!"

Ryu laughs, "Lynx it's okay, I mean we were getting bored anyway it was nice having something to keep us preoccupied this whole time. It's new years eve anyway I'm thinking a day away from plotting and scheming could do us good."

Lynx glares at Izumi, "I blame you for this, I like it better when we're scheming and plotting."

Yuno holds her stomach kneeling in front of the toilet, "Ken I can't go out there like this people are supposed to believe I lost the child I've been sick all morning."

Ken nods dressing Xavier up who keeps throwing off his clothes, "What the hell do you want?" Ken yells frustratedly Xavier takes his clothes walking into the bathroom.

"I want mommy to dress me not you."

Ken picks him taking him back to the bedroom, "Mommy's sick so I dress you up unless you want to dress yourself up."

Xavier nods pushing Ken out of the way to see Yuno through the bathroom door throwing up again.

Roku rushes into the room locking it ASAP watching the pocket watch clock move, "Yuno! Now is not the time for that little devil to be going anywhere, why the hell is he rushing to get out?"

Heaven appears out of nowhere dressing Xavier in a suit and tie, "I can tell you why? But in exchange you do a little something for me."

Roku holds up the watch and nods, "Whatever you want."

Heaven smiles watching Xavier put on his socks on his own, "Hiroshima's little ritual failed all together because he got the ingredients mixed up.

"His blood was not part of the equation and thanks to Rex and Setsuno his eye hasn't been healing at all, but also the main ingredient is an unborn child, not children."

Heaven takes Xavier downstairs so he can find Tori who ran away before they could dress him up running around the Palace half naked chasing Lorry up and down. Snow is sitting by the pool having a lazy day using his icy tail to fan Sensen.

"I hate it when he does that." Roku comments turning his attention from the door to the couple frozen by realisation.

"Relax, I can fix this after I get the answer out of Heaven I'll leave you two to talk." Roku walks down the stairs looking up and down the building to find Heaven giving Xavier a haircut.

"Oh, for this next piece of information I'd like to bargain something else." Heaven states when his eyes meet with Roku's

"I know, I already let you out of the prison it was supposed to be your new years gift. I realised that here you'll be safe and if they come for you we'll be here to fight for you this place is one big happy family

"Most likely getting fired tomorrow morning but don't worry everyone gets rehired again when Ken is in a better mood."

Heaven smirks looking around the Palace all he sees are happy employees and confused guests surprised by how much freedom the employees are given.

Rex walks through the Palace doors and is surprised by how psyched everyone is, "I've never been to a Palace party, have you?" Rex asks Kai who shakes his head.

"I heard the second Palace is where it's at though."

Akali elbows Chinami on the nose glaring at him, "If my chest is not to your liking quit staring."

Saito looks around the place before his face falls realising that Setsuno isn't here, "He promised to take us to the secret game room in the lower level so we have some alone time today, are we really going to just be okay with this issue of his missing body?"

Kai turns his attention back to Saito, "He's our leader he can't lead us if he's dead, today let's have fun and tomorrow we'll keep looking."

Rex turns around crossing his arms, "Who voted him the leader?"

Everyone points at Saito while Akali and Chinami dodge a flying dragon and bump into each other making way for a half-naked toddler.

"Is that?" Akali asks pointing a finger at Tori while Kai turns away moving forward.

"I saw nothing." Kai says out loud walking to the main hall.

Roku ties the silver bracelet around Yuno's wrist using a spell to keep it on. "There, when we're sure it's safe we'll take it off for today try to have fun."

Yuno nods standing up taking a long shower fixing up her hair opening her bedroom door to bump into a hard chest, "Fricking giants." She looks up and Ken is smiling brushing her cheek.

"You look boring."

Yuno kicks him and Ken winces out of the way surprised by how much it hurts. Yuno walks into the kitchen opening the fridge door pouring herself a glass of juice.

"Hey sis."

She turns around smiling at Kai taking her glass in hand and it breaks, "Ow!" Yuno takes a cloth wrapping her bleeding hand walking to her room to wash her hand in the bathroom.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Yuno is shocked to see Ryu's reflection in the mirror she turns around and Ryu stops in her tracks smelling Yuno's blood.

"Mhmm I guess you really were pregnant I can smell the immortal's blood in yours, so odd I wonder how your pregnancy differs from a normal one, oh wait you're not anymore."

Yuno glares at Ryu splashing water in her face, "For some reason I feel so much better after hearing that from you, you're terrible at being nice."

Ryu smiles, "I'm the nicest person I know." Ryu takes Yuno's hand watching it heal, "You sure you're okay? That's healing very slow."

Yuno takes her hand back feeling light headed, "I'm not really in the mood for people I think I'll join everyone later."

Ryu nods letting Yuno get in bed walking to the kitchen drawn to her blood Roku notices the lingering scent in his nostrils obviously the blood of an immortal.

"Heaven you genius." Roku comments more to himself with the spell he cast Yuno will temporarily be an immortal until she takes the string off.

"Where's Yuno?" Kai asks wondering why she didn't come back down with Ryu.

"She's feeling a little under the whether her cut was healing really slow I was thinking a bit of sleep would do her some good."

Rex opens the door waving at Yuno in bed who just so happened to turn her head at the perfect time to catch his flirty smile aimed at her. "If you're not in the mood to be out there I'm cool with joining you under the covers."

Kai shakes his head, "Where's Setsuno when you need him?"

Yuno jumps out of bed taking Rex out of the way in time before Ken killed him, "I think I'm okay with joining everyone later."

Tori runs past Ken crying his lungs out running away like his life depends on it.


Tori mindless turns around Running into Ken's arms scared, a little boy around Xavier's age in a skeleton jumpsuit runs up the stairs Tori screams burying his face in the crook of Ken's neck.

"I'm going to kill him." Ken mutters glaring at the boy while Yuno walks downstairs with him to save his life from the children hating monster.

Ken still hates kids he's just made an exception for his own.

Lynx and Roku sit on the roof using the stone of channeling to practice for later by putting up a barrier around the entire building. The barrier is taken down alarming the both of them looking down to see their worst nightmare walking through the gates of the Palace.

"What now?" Lynx asks seeing as how Roku is calm.

"He won't do anything with all these people here, but let's go in just in case."

Yuno freezes in her tracks when she gets out of the pool finding herself face to face with Hiroshima who cups her chin breathing in her scent.

"Stay back boy, if I wanted her dead she would've been dead the first time we met."

Rex takes out his knife, "Lucky for me I want you dead right now." Yuno takes a step back Ken jumps down hugging Yuno shielding her with his wings.

"Just as I thought …"

Roku squeezes his heart slowly stopping him from finishing his sentence, "Leave and pick someone else to complete your ritual or die here."

Kai kicks him in the face punching him repeatedly, "Bring him back you bastard! Where the hell is Setsuno's body?"

Hiroshima pushes Kai off of him standing up adjusting his eye patch, "An eye for an eye." He turns his attention to Rex.

"Bring it on you bastard."

Ken looks Yuno in the eyes holding her hand noticing that it's still healing. "Breathe Yuno, he won't hurt you I won't let him." His hand rests on her stomach before he takes her hands into his.

Hiroshima holds up a rubber duck pressing it making a squeaking sound three times. Yuno winces holding her stomach.

"Hands off Yuno." Ken whispers in her ear holding her hands intertwining them with his.

Ryu stands in front of Hiroshima touching his rubber duck turning it to water looking him in the eyes, "I don't appreciate you bullying my family so much, leave or I'll make you and you know I can."

"Mark my words Lin, I've got my eye on you." Hiroshima turns to Roku, "Have fun while you can, but the clan will drag you back if it's the last thing they do."

Roku smirks, "Why would they come after me when they can have you?"

Hiroshima snaps his finger giving Yuno a severe migraine, "That's the thing Roku, they can't have me." Hiroshima leaves while Ken lays Yuno in bed he got away while he had the chance he doesn't get how Hiroshima could still hurt her.

"Yuno? Are you okay?"

"My head hurts a little." Ken pulls on the string on her hand it doesn't budge no matter how hard he pulls.

"Do you have any idea what he wants?" Yuno asks Ken who shakes his head.

"I don't know, but I'll keep you safe. Rest up I'm not letting you miss the fireworks tonight it's going to be Tori's first new year his mother should be there."

Yuno nods hugging Ken, "Stay with me?"

Ken pecks her cheek, "Whatever you need."

Izumi looks over the city from the roof of the building his attention is turned to Aiko walking through the elevator doors with the 5 sacrifices.


He turns around smiling at Aiko, "I should say you never seize to amaze me." Aiko bows surprising everyone with an audience with the future Emperor. Ryu, Lynx and Roku also get off the elevator soon after with Yuno as a surprise guest.

"Why is she here?" Izumi asks and Lynx smacks him with a spell in the face.

"To see that you've regained your full power that is the spell you will cast on her."

Yuno groans, "Why did I think it's a good idea to listen to a drunk Ken?"

Roku pulls on her cheeks, "This is for your own good momma bear, say thank you and shut up."

Everyone gathers in a circle around Izumi their feet glued to the floor thanks to Roku, "Promise you won't scream." Roku says to Yuno she nods turning her attention back to the ritual conducted by Lynx channeling Roku's Luxar power.

Yuno covers her eyes when Lynx kills the sacrifices Roku is casting a spell to cloak the entire thing.

"If he's channelling you doesn't it mean they'll come back?" Yuno asks Roku getting a wink as a response.

"What exactly is the spell you're going to use?" Aiko asks observing how Roku is acting like Yuno will run off if they tell her the plan.

Roku glares at Aiko burning her throat with a single glance, "We're going to rewrite her memory and she'll believe like she lost her child and it will affect everyone except the select few we want to know."

Yuno sighs, "I knew it."

Roku stands in front of Yuno surprised she's not angry, "Why aren't you upset?"

Yuno punches him in the face knocking his tooth out, "I'm not upset I'm pissed, but I don't have a choice in the matter so I'd rather be mentally prepared for this maybe if I stay calm it'll hurt less."

Aiko crosses her arms, "Must be nice having people you trust so loosely, I'd be half way to the Palace by now."

Yuno rolls her eyes at Aiko, "Why did she just talk to me? It shouldn't be speaking." Yuno glares at Roku who apologises profusely before turning to Aiko glaring daggers at her.

"Boss lady loves everyone, why does she hate you?"

Aiko stretches replying in a casual tone, "Lied to her, tricked her, and I don't know what else, there's a long list of things I've done I'm not sure which box she ticks in the long list."

Yuno punches Aiko in the face, "I've been meaning to do that."

Aiko shakes her head, "What was that for?"

"You need the ever-loving crap beat out of you that's why, you have people you trust that you call family and they call you family too."

Yuno points at Lynx reviving the sacrifices. Ryu who smiles looking at Izumi with hopeful eyes that the ritual worked.

Izumi holds out his hand to Yuno who slowly walks towards him taking a deep breath to kill her nerves.

Izumi looks her in the eyes rewriting her memory snapping his finger and the memory of anyone who knows the truth or suspects a thing is rewritten.

Kai and Rex pass out at the same time as everyone on the roof except for Izumi and Roku. Saito tries to resist, but is knocked unconscious by the spell Mitsuko feels a jolt run up his spine helping Sensen in the car taking her to the hospital she's feeling the contractions.

"Jet!" Mitsuko yells from being startled by his sudden collapsing he throws Jet in the car driving to the hospital.

Hiroshima collapses on the floor of his apartment all the notes he has on Yuno and the entire Lin bloodline of this Era burning up.

Melody smirks feeling the jolt run up her spine Setsuno catches her before her body hits the ground laying her down looking around the room sending Roku his location since his number is the first one that came to mind.

He passes out his body slumping on top of Melody's.

Kudesai opens the door closing it immediately, "Geez put a sign on the door Mel."

Izumi takes Yuno's make shift bracelet fortifying the spell laying her down taking a deep breath searching Yuno's future for any sign of the twins.

He catches a glimpse of the two running in the field at the Royal house with smiles running from Snow with Tori on his back. Izumi releases a heavy breath satisfied with his vision.

"Well?" Ken asks flying in after putting Tori and Xavier to sleep.

"You're so dead when she finds out this was your idea." Roku comments reading a message from a foreign number. "One more spell please." Roku gives Izumi his phone, "Get a vision of who sent that text."

"Setsuno." Izumi carries Aiko waking Lynx and Ryu. "We're leaving it worked."


"Your majesty, are you alright? You just suddenly collapsed." She looks up and sighs, "Damn that Izumi I could never get him to fess up what kind of Immortal he is. Did you deliver the gift to Aphina?"

"Yes Mam."

"Good, as long as Hiroshima is back this is the safest place for us more like for me his timing has always been the worst I was so close to getting my hands on those stones.

Send Tiyo in I need the last stone whole or not I need it before it's too late it's almost here with Izumi and Hiroshima back we stand a better chance of finding it and destroying it for good."

"We have a slight problem in regards to that, we never managed to identify who it is this time, you know Izumi is the prodigal son in it's eyes we thought bringing him back would bring it out of hiding.

"It's been one step ahead we'll just have to hope for the best and keep watching Izumi closely the entire Lin family. It's bound to make contact with anyone of them."

Imagine the story ended here.

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