

Young journalist Isabella Jones is tasked with speaking with Robert Woods, the charismatic and influential CEO of Woods Enterprises. Given that Woods is extremely reclusive and rarely grants interviews, Isabella is anxious about the interview. She is adamant, though, that she will give it her all and get the story. When Isabella shows up at Woods' office on the day of the interview, she is immediately terrified by his presence. He is far more appealing than she had anticipated, and he exudes authority. But Isabella is determined to stand her ground and refuse to be intimidated by him. The interview goes well, and Isabella is successful in getting Woods to reveal some useful information. She is shocked by her attraction to him as well, though. She is aware that she should avoid him, but she still finds herself pulled to him. As Isabella gets to know Woods better, she begins to see that he is not the stolid, ruthless businessman she had assumed. In actuality, he is nice, humorous, and caring. Despite the fact that she is aware their connection is illegal, Isabella starts to fall for him. Woods also begins to feel something for Isabella, but he hesitates to express it out of concern for what might happen to her career. The two of them, however, are unable to resist their attraction to one another, and they subsequently begin a covert romance. They have to keep their employment a secret from everyone, which complicates their relationship. Nevertheless, they are adamant about making it work, and they eventually figure out how to be together without jeopardizing their professional success.

Katherineobasi · Urban
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54 Chs


He rubs it with a frown and asks, "Why'd he give you that?"

I continue, trying not to giggle, "I tried to push back a hair that fell out of his gorgeous hair."

He chuckles, "What?"

I chuckle and say, "Hey, it was instinct, okay?"

He laughed, "What made him push you up against a door."

I roll my eyes as I say, "Okay, so I introduced myself and my voice cracked cause I was nervous as fuck which he found quite amusing." He threatened to call security if I didn't speak up within a minute and sat forward, doing that sht where he clutched his hands together to scare me.

I made fun of him by saying in a deep voice, "Then he got cocky when I asked him how he knew that I wasn't there for an interview. Told me he knew because he specifically said no brunettes," which made Nate chuckle. "Then he threw a fucking bitch fit because I asked him what he had against brunettes."

Nate chuckled, "What'd he say back?"

"He said, and I quote, "Second of all, don't interrupt me when I'm talking. You pay attention and wait for me to finish when I speak. I say in a strong tone. Nate chuckles while tilting his head back. Then, he revealed to me how he came to understand that I was Isabella Jones for Olivia Global, who, I quote, "Asked nicely not to contact me."

Nate responds, "He fucking didn't ask you politely! He said he'd file a god damn restraining order against you.

I scream, "I know that's what I fucking said to him." Then he became enraged and informed me that my minute was up and that I needed to go.

Please don't say that you went right away without giving the man a taste of your Latina rage.

I exclaim, "Fuck yeah, I didn't leave," and Nate's eyes start to light up. I went up and came so near to his face that I could practically smell his minty breath. "I tried to get him to listen then the bastard demands I get out pretty rudely and it fucking ticked me the fuck off.

Nate beams and says, "Oh my god," eager for further details.

I scoff. "I know! So I'm leaning over his desk and words just fly out of my mouth. I'm like to him "You have no manners, you're fucking rude and thank god you refused to do an interview, because there is no way I would actually want to do an article about you. The fucking prick then smiles, and I turn to leave before slapping him, but by some stroke of luck, the doors didn't fucking open.

Nate chuckles while clenching his stomach, "No. You fucking moron, only you could experience that.

I whimper, humiliated, "Shut up." "It was the handles, those doors were huge, okay?"

He rolls his eyes and replies, "Yes El, the door was at fault. "Now, could you please tell me what happened next?"

I bit my lip and said, "That's where he grabbed me by the hips and pushed me against the door."

Nate pushed his chair all the way in and snuggled near to me while looking as egger as heck. His blue eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.

He then rubs his body against mine and approaches my face so closely that I thought my knees would give way. "I was so fucking nervous, B. He put his hands on either side of my head and fucking asked me if I scared you like what the fuck? I swear his insane," the speaker said.

I complain, "He laughs in my face and tells me I'm lying when I say I'm not scared. He is still a dick even though he was right," and Nate chuckles. When I finally had enough, I yelled at him, "You dick, get off me," and when he didn't like that, he tightened his grip on me.

Nate sighs, "That mouth of yours is going to get you in trouble one day, I just know it."

Nate, stop it," I hiss. He got upset because of how I spoke to him and warned me not to speak to him in that manner. Of course, I responded by saying that I could say whatever I want and that I could, regardless of how attractive he is.

I admit, embarrassed, "This is where I look like an idiot." I point to the bruise on my wrist and explain, "You know how I am, when I see something out of place, it's an instinct to fix it. His hair falls out of place and I reached up to put it back. Well, Woods doesn't really like to be touched, so he grabbed my wrist and slammed against the door.

Nate exclaims angrily, "What a dick!"

"I know," I sigh. "After shoving his forehead into mine and yelling at me for touching him, he had a change of heart," the witness said.

Nate raises an eyebrow and asks, "What do you mean?"

I nip at my lip, "Apparently he doesn't scare me, but he excites me." Which, I suppose, is accurate, and then he admits outright that he believes I want to fuck him.

Nate suffocates on his muffin and starts hacking up blood. I leaped forward and gave him a back rub. As soon as he settles down, he grins a little. He utters, "What a sexy bastard," incoherently. I slap his back after a loud laugh. You realize he is correct, right?

I sigh and smooth my hair with my palm. I grinned and said, "Yes, Nate. I'm well aware that I want to fuck the sexy CEO, but well, I told him he was dreaming.

Nate chuckles, "Mm, playing hard to get, aye?"

I snark, "Duh," as I answer. He accuses me of lying and declares that he despises liars before saying, "Anyway, that's where it ends. Get out of my office."

"Did he get off of you?"

"Yep, and I fucking turned around so quickly that I sprinted away from there without turning around."

He shouts, "Wait what?" What the heck, El, you didn't get the god damn interview?

I wave my hand towards him and say, "Shhh, kid." "Of course I got the job interview."

He says bewildered, "Wh-what?"

I take a mouthful of my cake and explain, "He ran after me when I was outside the building just before I was about to run to you."

He gasps, "Fuck. What did he say?"

I say jokingly, "Told me he'd do it on Friday but if I'm late he'll leave."

Wow, he exhales. He giggles, "That was, uh, rather eventful.

I chuckle, "Tell me about it.

I smirk triumphantly, "Well, at least now I can stick it in Victoria and Emily's face that I got the interview.

"Hell yeah you can," Nate chuckles. He smirks, "And who knows you might get a victory kiss from Daniel."

Thinking about Daniel kissing me causes me to flush wildly. Oh, how I would give anything to have it.

A Harry Styles story called "Suit & Tie" gave rise to the idea that Isabella should be shoved up against the door.

Okay, quit bringing up Kim Kardashian in your comments, guys. Whatever you guys want Isabella to be, she can be. Kim Kardashian's images will be included on the side in chapters for her clothes. Okay, so her attire is what I see Isabella wearing.

On a positive note, I've been receiving tons of love from you guys since I only recently began this narrative. You all are fantastic, and I like reading your comments. I'm more motivated to submit the next chapter as long as you guys keep leaving comments. Even though Robert hadn't yet appeared in the story, I adore how you all fell in love with it.

I adore you two! What do you think? Comment! #Staybeautiful

P.S. I extended it due to all of your support, xo