
Taboo Incest sex stories

some sort stories of taboo This story is a complete work of fiction; any resemblance to anyone, alive or dead is pure coincidence. All of the characters in this story are 18 years and older.

DJROM · Urban
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4034 Chs


My sister Linda and I are a year apart in age so we've always been very close. Growing up in a rural area, we only had each other as playmates as children. As we grew older, we continued to be the best of friends. We shared all our dreams and secrets with each other.

When Linda was 13 and I was 12 she came to me and rather bluntly told me she wanted to practice kissing with me. I was a bit nervous about the idea but she pleaded. "Rick, I don't want to look like a fool when I kiss my first real boyfriend so I want to practice with you. You want to be good at it for your first girlfriend, right?" I didn't have a reasonable argument so I gave in. We practiced almost daily over the entire summer but that's as far as it went.

As time went by, Linda found her first boyfriend and I my first girl. I guess I was a good kisser. I didn't hear any complaints. I assume it went about the same for Linda.

One Christmas when I was 18 and a senior in high school and Linda 19 and starting community college, our parents announced that we'd all be going to spend the holiday at our grandparent's house. We hadn't seen them in a few years so Linda and I were both up for it.

Our grandparents had a modest three bedroom house. Whenever we'd gone to visit before, Linda and I had shared a bedroom with twin beds. We didn't think anything about it and apparently neither did our parents. When we arrived Dad handed Linda's and my bags to me and said "Take these up to your room."

It was already late when we arrived and Linda announced almost immediately that she was tired and going to bed. I stayed up a bit longer to let my granddad beat me at a few games of checkers. After the third game I decided I'd had enough for the day and headed for bed.

When I walked into the room I could see that Linda was already asleep. She always slept in just her panties and a tee shirt and I'd seen her that way a thousand times. The house was kept pretty warm as older people tend to do and Linda had kicked the covers down below her knees. Her left hand had pushed her shirt up to just below her breasts and it looked like her hand was cupping her right breast. I felt a small stirring in my loins at the sexy sight and tried to shrug it off.

I sat on the other bed facing her and kicked off my shoes and socks. As I pulled my shirt over my head I heard Linda stir. I pulled the shirt from my head and saw that Linda had pulled her shirt up higher until it was above her right breast with her hand just covering her mound. Again I felt the rising feeling in my crotch. As I tugged off my jeans I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I chastised myself for thinking about my sister this way and silently wished she'd move her hand out of the way at the same time.

My hand involuntarily moved inside my boxers and massaged my growing cock as I sat on the edge of the bed facing my beautiful sister. My eyes travelled from her barely hidden tits down to the bulging mound of her pussy in those tiny panties and back up again.

Linda stirred again and shook me from my incestuous thoughts. I quickly rolled back and pulled the covers over me. I looked over to see that she had rolled onto her side facing me and now both her tits were completely exposed. I hadn't seen them since they had first started to bud. They were amazing. Perfect globes with areolas about an inch and a half in diameter topped by pinky sized nipples. My imagination was going wild.

She still appeared to be sound asleep so I lowered my covers and pulled my boxers down and started stroking myself. I quickly grew to my full size of about seven and a half inches. Precum was already seeping from my engorged head. I thumbed the tip and continued jerking myself while staring at my sister's fantastic tits and panty covered pussy. I wasn't going to last long.

Suddenly, I felt my balls tighten and the inflamed head of my cock swell to bursting. I couldn't cum all over my grandparents sheets. It might look a little suspicious coming down to breakfast in the morning with an armload of bedclothes. Left without much choice, I came all over my chest and belly. I knew I wasn't going to make it down the hall to the bathroom coated with my cream. It was already starting to dribble off the side of my stomach towards the sheets. Thinking quickly, I scraped the cum up with the side of my hand and licked it off. I'd tasted my own cum before out of curiosity but never actually scooped it up and ate it as I was doing now. The taste didn't bother me and I quickly finished cleaning myself up in the same manner. When I was done, I lay there with my rapidly deflating cock still laying across my lower belly. My breathing was just starting to return to normal.

"That was cool." I just about had a heart attack at the sound of Linda's voice. I looked over at her to see her staring wide eyed at me laying there. Quickly, I snatched the covers up over myself.


"There's no sense in covering up now, Rick. I've already seen it all." I could see that her breasts were still uncovered and she was rolling her nipple between her fingers. "I never knew you were so big."

"Linda!" I wanted to die.

"Oh, quit being embarrassed. I really liked watching you." Suddenly realizing that she was still playing with herself, she removed her hand from her breast and pulled her shirt down. "I'd like to watch you do it again if you'll let me."

"Shut up!" I couldn't believe I was hearing this from my own sister. Yeah, that would be the same sister I just jerked off to thoughts of.

"You shut up Rick, or the whole house will be in here wondering what's going on. Not only that, if you don't let me watch you do it again I'll tell Mom and Dad that you jerked off while looking at me." Suddenly, an evil grin loomed on her face.

"Linda, don't be crazy. You're my sister!"

"That's your defense? I'm going to tell Mom." She swung her legs off the bed as if to head for the door.

"No, wait, wait."

Linda turned back to me. "So it's a deal?"

I didn't see any way out of it. Besides, something about the idea was starting to turn me on. I'd never seen this forceful side of my sister before. "I, I guess so."

"Good." She plopped back onto her bed and sat cross legged facing me. I've got some questions too." She said with a big grin on her face.

"Great. You're really enjoying this aren't you?" I said, beaten.

"Yes, I am little brother." Her grin widened. "First question. Do you always eat your cum?"

"No. I didn't have any tissues."

"What's it taste like?"

I was getting strangely aroused by this. "It's kind of hard to describe. You don't know?"

"No. I've never let anyone get past kissing and a little feel of my tits. Maybe I'll have to try it when I watch you do it again.

Next question. Were you thinking about me when you were doing it?"

"Linda! No of course not!" I lied.

"Liar. You were looking at my tits. I saw you."

"How long were you awake?"

"I was awake when you came in the room." I was really confused now. The look on my face must have shown it because she said "Yeah, I gave you a little show. I wanted to see what you'd do."

"That's hardly fair Linda."

"Sure it is. I gave you a little show and you gave me a great one." She laughed at my embarrassment. Even in my compromising condition I couldn't help being somewhat aroused. "Would you like to see them again Rick?"

I knew I did but all I could stammer out was "Uh, sure."

"Well, you first. Take off your boxers. I want to see it again." I hesitated. "Go ahead. I'll show you my tits but I want to see your cock again first."

I didn't have a will of my own anymore. I was under her spell. Slowly, I lowered my boxers revealing my already hardening member.

"All the way off, Rick."

I looked at Linda then leaned back and slid my underwear all the way off and tossed them on the bed beside me.

"Spread your legs so I can see it better." I did as she instructed. "Wow, it's already growing again isn't it?" I looked down and saw that it was. I nodded to her. "Well let's see if this has any effect on it." With that she reached down and pulled her tee off over her head. "Like what you see?"

"They're beautiful Sis. Beautiful."

She hefted one then the other in her small hands. "34C. Maybe someday you'll get to touch them." The thought of that made my cock twitch. It didn't go without Linda noticing. "Did you just make it move?" Her eyes were fastened on my rising manhood.

"No, it did that by itself."

"Can you make it do that? I mean can you control it like that?"

"Yeah, sort of."

"Really! Make it move." Linda dropped from her bed and knelt in front of me for a better view. I concentrated and willed my now half erect cock to move. It jumped a little and lay there. Apparently without thinking, Linda reached out a finger and touched the head of it. It jumped again in response. She jerked her hand back and let out a nervous laugh.

It was my turn to ask a question. "Linda, haven't you ever touched a guy before?"

"No way. I'd be too scared. I've never even seen one except for you and once when I walked in on Dad peeing. I'm not afraid to touch yours though." She reached out and touched the head again, this time leaving her hand there when it twitched. She lightly stroked the helmet with her fingertips. "It's so soft. I mean it's hard sort of but soft to the touch. How long before you can come again?"

"Not long at this rate" I replied honestly.

"I want to make it come. You tell me if I do it right." Her fingers continued stroking trailing further down my shaft.

I was speechless watching my sister lightly toy with my rapidly hardening cock. "Ooh, It's getting even bigger." Linda wrapped her fingers around the shaft and began stroking harder. I watched as her tits swung in sync with her motions. This was all so wrong but I was in heaven. A moan escaped my lips.

"You're not going to come already are you?" she looked up at me.

"No. It just feels so good."

"So I'm doing ok? What else should I do? I saw both your hands moving when you did it but I couldn't see what you were doing."

"I was playing with my balls and pulling on my scrotum."

Linda's other hand moved in and started fondling my balls, squeezing gently. "Oh, I thought you might have put a finger in your butt. A girl at college said her boyfriend likes that."

"Uh, no. I've never done that." I hadn't but I'd thought about it so I was being truthful.

"Oh, well, we can try that another time."

"Another time? What do you mean by that?"

She stopped what she was doing and dropped her hands to her thighs. "You thought I was only going to make you do this once? Oh no little brother. You're mine now. Like a new toy. Don't think you can say no either. I've got the ace in the hole, remember. You're going to do what I say, when I say."

My head was spinning. I had no idea where this was leading. I wasn't sure that I didn't like it either.

"Now shut up. I want to see you cum again." Linda's hand returned to her stroking. "Don't worry Rick. I think this will be fun for both of us."

While Linda's right hand flashed up and down my shaft her left reached under and grabbed my scrotum and lightly pulled. "How hard can I pull on this?" she asked as she tugged my sack.

"Pretty hard. It doesn't hurt."

"Tell me if I pull too hard. I don't want to really hurt you."

As her hands worked together I could feel my balls tightening up again. "I'm gonna' cum soon Sis." I managed to gasp.

"Lie back and I'll shoot it on your belly."

I fell back onto the bed. Linda moved forward to continue. As she did I felt her tits against the insides of my legs. They rubbed my thighs just above my knees. It put me over the edge. "I'm cumming!" I grunted. Rope after rope shot forth as my beautiful sister continued to jerk me.

I looked down to see her smiling and leaning in close to see it.

"I can't believe I made that happen. That was sooo cool! Did you like it? Was I good at it?"

"Oh god, Linda. That was incredible! It never feels that good when I do it."

"Good. Now I want to taste it." She moved closer, still holding my spent dick in her hand. There was a dribble of cum still at the tip. Linda bent her head to it and delicately flicked it off with her tongue. "Doesn't taste like much but that was just a drop." My sister then leaned over me, her breasts cradling my cock and balls and licked a dollop of cum from my belly. Looking up at me, she smiled, "mmmmmm, not bad. I could acquire a taste for this!" With that she proceeded to completely clean every drop off of me, working her way up from my belly to my chest. Her tits slid up over me as she made her way. After she checked and made sure she hadn't missed any Linda climbed up onto me mashing her nearly naked body into mine and gently kissed me on the lips. "Good night little brother. I love you."

"I love you too Sis."

Linda climbed off me and hopped back into her own bed, pulling the covers to her chin. After some movement she reached one arm out and deposited her panties on the floor beside her. I could tell by her sounds and movements that she was masturbating under the covers.

"Linda, are you masturbating?"

"Yeah, that made me so horny. I can't stand it."

"Can I watch you?"

"Not tonight little brother. Go to sleep. Oh, and don't go jerking off unless you check with me first. I might want to be there. Ace in the hole Rick. Don't forget."