
T.I.A.R: Writers Bizarre Adventures.

Writer: "Hello, there." He said to you—reader. "Don't worry. This whole 4th wall-breaking thingy, won't be the main theme of this novel. I promise" he said winking. "And like your first time, it's gonna end real quick." He said holding his laughter. "Anyways, If you are looking for a novel: full of bad parodies, jokes that don't land quite right, and gore scenes that might make you question the author's sanity. And of course, without forgetting to mention, a bunch of Jojo-like characters, meaning: Hot, and beefy dudes—by the way, I'm one of them.—that will make you question your sexuality, I can assure you that. And all of it covered with cringe; and when I say cringe, I meant it, a lot of it. If you are looking for that, and somehow, wasn't locked up in an asylum yet. Oh, boy! Do I have a novel for you? Oh! I almost forget to say; so I'm gonna say it now, for some reason, the author of this "thing" decided to only introduce me—the main character—in the story later on. So it gonna take some time for your boy here, to show up. But don't worry, I will show up—inevitably, at some point, I think. And one more thing, my name is Writer and the author calls himself Author; so if it gets confusing in the future, blame that uncreative pile of garbage, not me."

Alucard_616 · Urban
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6 Chs



I'm the guy who wrote this thing. Sorry about that. You don't need to read the next part if you don't want to. I'm just gonna let off some steam—"let off some steam" is this even a real expression?—but if, for some reason, you want to know more about the novel; you can skip to the end.

.To be honest, this is the first story I ever wrote. And to make it worst: English isn't even my first language—Not that I'm trying to get your pity, or trying to justify why my writing is shit, either—I wrote it in English because my writing in my original language is also kind of bad—Don't even get me started on the school system on my country, that pile of garbage—so it wouldn't make to much of a difference, either way.

.I always thought I didn't have what it takes to write something. And I was in a very dark place lately, I even lost my job—at the time I wrote this—and stuck in my bed, depressed again. Without any dreams or goals to strive for, I was—am feeling empty. Then, at some point, I remembered that I wanted to write a book when I was a kid. So after that, I forced myself to write something, and now—even though I'm still down in a dump—I'll try to keep doing it because I like it.

.Now, after this whole ordeal, I'm gonna talk about the story—Not that anyone stayed this long to read the next part, anyway—it's situated in the 60s, but not the real world 60s; it's more of a steampunk kind deal, by the way, there's no spoiler in this. The story will be centered around the supernatural that fills the in and outs of the city that it passes on, and people; how they struggle to pass by life, and how some people, for example, LGBTQ have to struggle an extra mile—this is one of the reasons why I decided to make it pass in the 60s—One of the things that I'll try to do is: have multiple main characters and show their stories, and how the stories intertwined with each other. But if you read it and that never happens, it's because I'm bad at writing and couldn't deliver it. then... sorry in advance.

.Oh! One more thing. If you find an error in my writing, I would much appreciate it if you let me know.