
chapter 9


: who are you? !

where am i!?!

i asked as i woke up in a hospital bed with a man kissing my forehead.

??: AaaaA! stop it ! it hurts!!! aaaaA!

i quickly removed my grip on his hair then suddenly a doctor came in.

doctor: oh you're already awake..

??: doctor what happened to her

doctor : uh she had a temporary amnesia it is cause by the injury in her head.. her memory will be back soon but for now ... take care of her ... uh are you her....?

??: oh umm im her ...


: h-husband?

doctor: oh right so i will leave you for now but i will be back later and btw you may discharge her but just monitor ok.. excuse me

: s-sorry i d-didn't k-know..

i-i forgot your name. i forgot my name..

Liam: my name is liam...and yours is....

: is.....?

Liam: alexa