
Chapter 7

Jinx POV

I opened my eyes and saw an empty glass room . I tried to stand up but i was chained in my chair.

Tyler: hi avy....! Welcome back!

: tyler? What the fuck let me go!

Tyler : no i already let you go once not again...

: huh what?

Tyler : you dont remember? ... oh right i forgot...

: what are you saying?

Tyler: do you want me tell you? Okay fine..

Years ago you are a sweet innocent girl..you help a lot , care a lot and spread joy and you know what... youre also my girlfriend * he smiled*

but then one day you broke up with me because of my fucking brother!

You choose him and not me but youre mine ! Only mine! * he laughed* then i came up with a plan ... my father want to change me because im a pyschopath or what ever but he got his calculations wrong and made a something to make it more stronger. I thought that if i swap you and me for that test you'll be same as me and choose to be with me ... but instead you forgot everything ... you turned into a killing machine

But now you have no where to go..it's choose me or die... *smiles*

I was perplexed by the words he said. But i need to get out of here. Suddenly the door slams on the wall and a group of men holding a briefcase walk to us with a man with a white lab coat .

Tyler: father im glad-

He cut him off by slapping him.

Mr.revamonte: dont act like you dont have a sin. But thank you for bringing this whore...

: tsk i should have known its you..

Mr.revamonte: did you miss me?

: of course i did * i said sarcasticly*

Mr.revamonte: *he smiles* ah so we failed on the first test but * he pulled out a injection and fill it* now i think we will succesed . Oh and btw its time for you to pay back . * he smirked*

: *i sighed*why would i pay back ? He deserved it all..

He slaps me making my face turn to the side . I closed my eyes and face him.

: your fucking brother made me a slave . Force me to fuck other guys! and i almost die in his hands . What do you want me to just smile and let things happened haha are you dumb . I KILLED YOUR BROTHER BECAUSE I HAVE TO.

Mr.revamonte : and that's your biggest mistake. Now let me do the test.

: what if i dont want to.

Mr.revamonte: *a smirk plastered in his face * then this girl will die.

his assistant opened a laptop and inside was my sister with a gun on her temple.

: let her go.

Mr Revamonte: what if i dont want to?

my blood started to boil hearing those words . Little did he know a figure a way to loosen up the chain

: fine I'll take that but let go my sister

He smirked and take a close look at me . The needles is only a few inches away. I quickly remove my hands on the chains and Tyler seems to notice it. I catches the syringe and instead i inject it on Mr.Revamonte's eye . He screamed in pain and command his "minions" to go after me . I run to where my foot lead me . Then i crashed to a body with a familiar scent . It was Liam... He asked me why i am here but theres no time to lose i pinned him in the wall and took his gun . I can hear running steps towards us.

: shit..

I ran leaving him behind . We got up to rooftop.

Liam: theres no way to go avy! Just give up!

I look down on the cars in the street.

: there's is one way * i smiled* bye

I jump off

But a hand catch me causing my head to smack in the building. Then everything black out.