Waking up, Albedo felt the greatest that she had all week, maybe even since she had last left Nazarick.
Despite her sweat covered, aroused, and lethargic body being stuck in extraordinarily tight and uncomfortable clothes, she let herself lay staring at the ceiling while she remembered her dream.
Lord Ainz had finally touched her like he did during their first moments in this new world. She was blushing like a schoolgirl as she felt his strong hands move all over her body.
Keeping those thoughts in mind, she was practically beaming throughout her morning.
As she was drying herself in her and Phillip's room- on any other day, the fact that they were now properly sharing a room made her feel disgusted, but right now that thought was overshadowed- she opened her dresser to find only one outfit available for her to pick.
Still with a dumb smile on her face, she thought nothing of it as her mind was only full of thoughts of her master.
Putting on the new whorish outfit, a fabric that was perfectly her skin tone, came with no underwear at all as the entire back was open, the dress being held by four bands going across her back.
It was too short to cover her breasts fully without leaving her pussy on full display, and vice versa, so she was able to hide her nipples while her areolas were clearly visible peeking from it, and her pussy was going to be fully uncovered whenever she sat down or tried to spread her legs even the slightest bit apart.
Even in her attempts to look through the rest of her wardrobe, she couldn't find anything, the help had completely cleared this place out.
Throughout the day, Albedo was feeling cynicism and doubt seep into her mind as she heard the resounding chime of the clocks, making her think of how Phillip had not even walked into the same room as her.
Just two days ago, she was being forced to gargle his cock, but anytime she sneered at him for looking into the room or walking through the halls, he was already walking away. Truly Lord Ainz had blessed this day.
It was nearly sundown as Albedo felt a strange serenity, putting the finishing touches on her plan that she would soon share with her fellow Floor Guardians currently having a far better time in Re-Estize than she was. And it was here that Phillip finally interfered with her perfect day.
"I got it!" His scream echoed throughout the house as he ran in a dead sprint to Albedo, instantly catching her attention as she heard his thundering footsteps. "I got Count Lytton's support. One of the Six Great Nobles are going to suppo-OH!"
In his hurry to enter the room, Phillip got his foot caught on a rug as he fell, the letter with the House of Lytton's seal on it fell beneath his massive bed.
The succubus had wide eyes, surprised that such a bumbling idiot could manage to gain the favor of anyone, much less one of the bigger pieces on the board.
Even though Lytton was the lowest of the Six, any one of them showing support would help tremendously. And as the dumb blond screwed up something as simple as handing off such an important letter, Albedo rushed to get it. She had to see what information was given in the letter and if there were any caveats to their blessings.
Quickly diving to the floor, Albedo could see the letter far beneath the bed, too far for her to reach as she outstretched her hand.
Pushing herself under the bed, her horns were nearly scratching against the wooden bottom, and her breasts were pressed hard against the floor, but the letter was just at the tips of her fingers, just a smaller push and she'd reach it.
But then the nice and warm reality she had witnessed throughout the day was quickly and efficiently crushed as she felt hands deep harshly and deeply into her ass, but what made her blood turn to ice was feeling a burning hot cock pressing against her slit.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Her voice was venom and eyes piercing as her magic was sparking and pooling in her hands while she readied to summon a weapon.
Then as dick grinded back and forth against her slit, Albedo had to choke down a moan that shocked her.
The waves of pleasure rolling through her body made her lose focus as her magic fizzled out.
"I heard who you were dreaming about last night." He growled out, jealousy thick in his voice. "And it got me thinking about something-."
"I don't give a da-AH~!" As she tried to interrupt him, he gave her ass the most powerful slap that he could muster, leaving a bright red spot on her white skin as she was once again floored by the feeling of pleasure that echoed through her body as her nipples pressing against the cold wood floor became erect.
"We've forgotten to do one of the most important things for a marriage." He continued, having his hand rub the hand mark he just made. "We need to consummate our holy matrimony."
As her mouth opened to scream at him, fear and hate pulsing from her eyes, what came out was a loud and powerful squeal. His cock thrusted into her wet cunt as her head threw back in rapture.
Trying to summon any weapon or tool, her mind kept blanking as his thick and bulbous head was pushing in and out of her tight vice.
She tried weakly to try and crawl away, but her hands shook uncontrollably and her ass was being held on tightly, not that she could even feel her legs at this moment.
Her mind was full of rage and disgust, anger and bloodlust, she had to fight against this human filth, but all she could do was scream over and over again as his giant rod shoved deeper and deeper inside of her.
Never before in her life did she experience a sense of bliss and fullness that consumed her being.
While Phillip had his hands on his wife's ass to help support him, he could see her delicate and beauteous wings twitching and flapping as they spasmed uncontrollably.
So as a courteous husband would do, he grabbed hold of the base to help hold them down.
It just so happened that doing so let him thrust even harder into her waiting cunt as he pulled her into his thrusts.
As he finally bottomed out, he nearly came, when his tip collided with Albedo's cervix, it made her entire cunt tighten and try its damndest to milk his shaft.
And when his dick slammed against her cervix, it sent another wave of pleasure surging through the now-no-longer virgin succubus's body, making it feel like a thunderbolt had struck her.
With murder on her mind, Albedo thought of obliterating him right then and there, but doing so would result in her last week of agony and torture to be for naught.
Grasping the wooden floor beneath her hands, it instantly splintered as she closed her hands and tried to hurt herself, attempting in vain to force her body to focus on something else long enough that she could try to escape.
'How?' The thought kept repeating in her mind as she felt her body rock back and forth with his thrusts and pleasure to dig deep into her soul.
She couldn't fathom how anything or anyone, let alone a human, could rock her body so much that she was unable to do even the simplest of spells.
Not even a single word could escape her lips, just her tongue lolling about as she drooled over herself and on the floor.
As he pulled both wings into one hand, he harshly yanked them to pull her hips against his before he started to abuse her ass.
While his slaps didn't actually hurt her, each one made her tighten up a little bit just for a split second.
It was only natural that he would then front hand and back hand each cheek as he could feel his long overdue climax coming.
"Fuck! I'd like to see Ainz fuck you as hard as I can when he doesn't have a dick!" He screamed out, venting all his frustrations out. "Let's see how much you like my cum, I'm looking forward to a boy coming in nine months, but we can keep trying for as long as it takes!"
Realizing what he meant, Albedo felt horrified at the thought of carrying Phillip's children. Her body gained a massive adrenaline rush as her fight or flight soared into overdrive.
Just as she could feel his cock pumping, Albedo to reach a hand out to strangle him, she felt her body go haywire as this scum of the earth thrust his hips with the force enough to crush her womb.
A choked moan leaving her mouth as she tried to force herself to attack him, but she couldn't find the strength to move her arms with so much pleasure surging through her body.
"No one of the Montserrat House has ever, nor will ever be, insignificant. I'll show you just how powerful an 'insect' I am." One of his fingers rubbed against her clit and sent her head rolling back as her tongue lolled out. "With a single touch you're nearly pissing yourself like a whore, or did you think I was to stupid to realize that you are drunk on my touch?"
Desperately trying to refute his claims, as he leaned in to lick, kiss, and nibble at her neck, she felt her words get lodged in her throat.
"You say that your everything belongs to someone else, but that just won't do." He nibbled her earlobe. "You are mine. Even before we wed, I knew that you were destined to be with me, because of one simple fact." He bottomed out inside of her cunt as he held her close and looked her in her furious golden eyes. "I fell in love with you the moment we met."
As the weight and the intensity of those words sent Albedo reeling back, as her heart fluttered in hearing those words said so powerfully towards her, as her body felt a happiness beyond anything she ever knew, the succubus came.
"FUCK!" Phillip screamed out as Albedo released a silent scream. Her already magnificent pussy tightened around him, practically begging him to cum alongside her.
Not one to disappoint, the blond noble let his load go free and paint the insides of his wife.
Quickly running out of room as his seed started to leak out and stain the mattress beneath them, but he kept pumping back and forth like a madman.
It took minutes before he finally stopped, panting like he had run a marathon. But he wasn't alone as he saw the rapid rise and fall of her chest.
Quickly growing revitalized from the sight, Phillip grabbed one leg and put it over his shoulder. "Now I'll show you just how much I love you."
As the couple fucked like animals, Albedo's hate and rage stayed deep in her conscious mind, but she hated even more that there was a speck inside of her heart that enjoyed Phillip and his lunacy.
Albedo now was lying on the ground with her legs spread in the air as Philip continued plowing his lovely spouse in a mating press position. Now Philip had a clearer view of Albedo whose face was now twisted into an expression of an ugly slut and ruined all because of his cock. He loved it. He never thought he would be able to see this side of the infamous Prime Minister of the Sorcerer Kingdom and he was probably the first and last able to witness it. After all, she belonged to him only.
His big cock continued squeezing inside, making it way deeper through each powerful slam he made as he also began attacking Albedo's top half as well. His hands reached out and groped those plump melon-sized tits. They were so soft and warm that he felt like he had become a baby and fallen into his mother's breasts again. And so to experience that childhood memory again, he dived his face into the huge cleavage of the succubus and rubbed his in between it. Not only did it feel so nice, but it also smelled so good~ And then he spotted his target, the succubus exposed erect nipple. His eyes were on the target and when the time came, he launched his mouth at the nipple and sucked it.
Albedo's eyes expanded as she moaned louder when Philip sucked her nipple all of a sudden. She tried to get him off by holding his head but she was too weak to pull him away so now she looked like she was hugging his head, like a mother hugging her baby when she was breastfeeding them.
Albedo was furious but she couldn't help but feel so good about everything. Her eyes rolled up and her tongue lolled out like a dirty slut. She wondered how her Lord Ainz would react if he saw her like this. Then the thought of Ainz abandoning her appeared in her mind. That would explain why he wanted her to marry this human because he had no interest in marrying her anymore. She didn't want to believe it and as she was trying to tough her mind up, she suddenly felt her inside explode with something hot and thick.
"Take my seeds, Albedo! Bear my child!!~" Philip grunted as he poured his incompetent and inferior seeds inside of Albedo and filled her up until her womb was full and it would be a miracle that Albedo didn't get her precious fertilized by this amount of cum.
Albedo couldn't only moan in frustration and helplessness as she reached another big orgasm. After Philip stopped, she lay tiredly on the ground with tears in her eyes. Her life was over, now she was not worthy of becoming Ainz's bride anymore if he still needed her. And as Albedo thought about her grim future, Philip, on the other hand, looked more lively than ever as he pulled his cock out and saw the thick cum ooze out like a waterfall.
"That was amazing, Albedo-chan~ I can't wait to do this again tomorrow night~ Don't worry, my balls will always have enough cum to fill you up~ Now then, I will take a shower first and please don't mind joining with me~" He said with a grin and took a last look at Albedo before leaving the room.
After the human left, Albedo began sobbing as she wondered what she did to deserve this. It was lucky that he stopped before he actually broke her mind but…how long she could keep it like this. He said that they would do this every single night! And so she was afraid that someday…she might become a slave addicted to his human cock…
Walking meekly through the halls, Mare looked unsure as he looked for Albedo. She had sent a message to all the Floor Guardians in the city to meet at this specific time, but as everyone else arrived and time kept on going, it seemed that she was late to the meeting that she organized.
Wanting to leave the arguments brewing between Shaltear and Aura, Mare volunteered to check what was taking their team leader so long.
When he arrived, the boy noticed the tarp covering the hole in the wall besides the balcony, which had been reduced to a slab of stone as the ripped to shreds mattress was still being moved out of the front lawn with chunks of wood and rock spread across the grass.
Asking one of the humans, he learned Albedo would be in the master bedroom.
Nodding in thanks, the cross-dresser walked throughout the house with far less confidence than they should have.
Reaching a newly installed door, Mare raised a hand to knock, but from the tiniest crack in the door, the tan boy could see something.
Peeking through, he saw deep claw marks scattered on the walls, many chunks of destroyed furniture littered about, and some strange white substance over the floor, but his attention was entirely captivated by what he saw reflected in a giant mirror.
Mare witnessed Albedo being bent over the bed, her arms bracing herself while her hair was being pulled by Phillip, his hips thrusting against her large butt.
Despite the expressions on their faces, and skin making contact, no sound escaped the room.
'Is this the work of a sound barrier?' The inquisitive 76 year old boy was watching with an intense gaze as their private parts went together.
When Phillip reached around to grope Albedo's breasts, Mare felt a peculiar sensation in their skirt.
Seeing every sordid detail in stellar quality made him feel strangely warm and tingly.
Pulling down at the hem of their skirt, he started to blush and rub his legs together.
Being enraptured by the way Albedo's fat tits and ass quaked and shook.
Without even realizing it, he began to imagine the noises coming from their mouths as pleasure, anger, disgust, and regret were all splashed on the Succubus's face in a captivating way. He felt his head getting fuzzy and his entire body getting hotter as things progressed.
Seeing Phillip's thrusting get more and more aggressive as he seemed to be crying out with tremendous pleasure, Mare saw the man bottom himself in and let his moans go free while Albedo just bit her lip as her eyes rolled to the back of her head.
White goop quickly starting to come out of her vagina as she was being filled with that substance Mare saw earlier.
'What is that stuff, and why does he want it to all go inside of her?' He asked his second question when he saw the blond man pull out and snap her underwear back in place.
And as his hands dug deeply into the golden eyed vixen's heavy cheeks, Mare could see him ask for something that made Albedo bark out something over her shoulder in annoyance, but he didn't seem perturbed by it as he spoke more.
Finally, Albedo turned around to face him, but was smacked in the face by Phillip's dick, still completely wet from that strange action they were just doing.
The look in her eyes made Mare feel a very strange combination of fear, that tingling, and excitement.
Only feeling more as the succubus began to suck on his penis! Mare's jaw dropped at seeing the Throne Room's Guardian putting something in her mouth that was just inside of her privates, and she looked like she was enjoying it too.
Then when her hair was grabbed at the roots and the outline of Phillip's shaft bulged against Albedo's throat, Mare felt his eyes widen and penis grow even more erect.
As Phillip pulled his wife off of him, he showed off his proudly standing member as he said something.
Quickly blinking herself out of her fugue state, Albedo snarled something back to him as she got off the bed and walked to the door.
Fearing for their life, Mare scurried backwards, still pulling the hem of their skirt and a massive blush splashed on their face.
Unfortunately missing the sight of Phillip spanking Albedo's ass, the flora lover nearly jumped out of their skin as his leader took a step outside of the room and he heard a step.
His mouth opening and closing with no actual words coming out, Mare felt death encroaching as Albedo looked at him.
"I understand that I am late, I take it you came to bring me to the meeting? Well, worry not, I was just… preoccupied for a moment." Albedo walked away as the dread encircling Mare's chest faded.
"Hurry up, I don't need you to hold up the meeting by lagging behind." Jumping at her words, the boy just nodded silently as he followed, still red faced and pulling his skirt to hide his burning erection.
'I need to read up what this is.' He thought as he tried to calm his body down before they returned to the others.