

A forbidden love affair between an outcast Demon and the Divine Emperor of the realms sets off a trail of events that threaten to endanger all around. The birth of their hybrid daughter Sza puts the realms in a state of uncertainty as she could either pose as a threat to it's existence or bring down the evil doers who hide behind the palace walls. can Sza transcend the evil within her or would she let it consume her before she comes in terms with her real identity?

Anh_7 · Realistic
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4 Chs

My lord

My lord the Princess Iremi seeks your audience in the court hall" A young man suited up in a silver armor announced, his face lifted high so as to avoid making eye contact with the Emperor.

"Tell her to come back at sunset"

Emperor Kan replied, finally acknowledging the presence of the guard with his eyes still focused on the chest board before him.

"Forgive me my lord but she asked to plead with you that her request requires urgency" The guard Spoke once more daring to incure the anger of the king cause although Emperor Kan was a fair and wise leader his short temper and dislike for interruption especially whenever he was playing chest which he often did alone made the guard uncertain of his fate.

With no words the emperor lifted his piercing gaze to the guard who quickly apologized, bowed and hurriedly marched out.

Emperor Kans brows furrowed as he tried to think of what might have brought the princess of the snake clan to his Court. He has taken her in as one of his wives a hundred lights back and she has since tried to always be around him, he hadn't taken her in cause he liked her it was a strategic plan to keep the snake clan which seemed to be brewing some kind of rebellion under wraps and now she wanted him all for herself even going as far as confessing her feelings. It wasn't that Princess Iremi wasn't beautiful, she was the fairest among all his other wives and concubines, much more intelligent which in actuality was just the slyness that snakes naturally have. Now less than 24hours since he returned she was already at the Court, most likely to ask about his well being since the news of his attack had spread even before he returned to the realms.

Reluctantly Emperor Kan made his way to the court hall in his white robes which meant he was to retire to his Chambers but knowing the simplicity of Emperor Kan he was probably still going to visit Lord Bai-ling to play the Harp and discuss about his haunting expedition as usual.

Immediately Princess Iremi sighted the emperor she fell to her knees paying respect to her husband it was only when he lifted his hand which hand the ring of authority was she allowed to stand up.

"I thought I ordered that you return at sunset?" Emperor Kan asked taking his seat on the throne as he gestured for her to stand up.

"..... Greetings my lord... I beg your mercy my lord for this lowly handmaid of yours could not bring herself to return to her Chambers without seeking to find how the Emperor her lord was fairing. " Princess Iremi spoke softly with her eyes on the floor which was made of gold and Crystals.

King Kan felt like scoffing as he knew that she wouldn't have any urgent reason as to why she wanted his audience. Although if felt good that at least someone among his wives dared to refute his order whenever it came to wanting to see him.

"I am well Princess Iremi, I appreciate your concern. You may return to your Chambers it's late.."

"As my lord please" Princess Iremi replied taking a bow one more time before turning to leave.

"What happened to your ankle? " Emperor Kan inquired on noticing that she was limping and the anklets which she wore was only on her right leg.

"I was bitten by a spirit plant your highness. " Princess Iremi replied lightly raising her royal blue dress which she wore so the emperor could see her injury which had almost healed up only that she had opened it up once more on her way to the Court hall.

Emperor Kan looked around for a female servant to help the limping Princess to her Chambers but there was none around as it was forbidden that a male other than the Emperor should touch the Emperor's wives and Concubines Emperor Kan was left with no other option than to help Princess Iremi to her Chambers after she insisted the Royal doctor asked that she walked rather than using powers to get to wherever she wanted so her leg could heal properly.

As emperor Kan scooped her in his hands whilst avoiding her eyes Princess Iremi smirked to herself.

Her plan was going according to how she wanted it. She had purposely sent her handmaidens away under the guise of allowing them to go back to their families ahead of the imperial celebration which was to hold four nights away.

As emperor Kan made his way to her Chambers the maids, guards and concubines couldn't believe their eyes, this was the same Emperor that had little to know time for any women and now he was headed to that snake's Chambers with her in his arms!

Some wives peaked out in jealousy, some to catch a glimpse of the most handsome divine form in all the realms as he had been tagged because of his stricking looks, the white robe which he wore wasn't helping as a part of his well defined chest could be seen. His long curly golden hair although many had never touched it was romoured to be as soft as that of a new born, his skin a light shade of brown, his eyes emrade, his beautiful eyes that looked so freighting yet so gentle , his jaw line well defined his heavenly looks had caused a rumor when he was born that he was the child of the god of war a rumor that almost destroyed his chance for the throne but since it had been long proven to be void it had died off in the mouths of inhabitants of the realms but not in their hearts as his beauty invoked such assumption.

Towering above everyone he made his way into the dimly lit Chambers of Princess Iremi.