
Systems: Strongest

The year is 2300. The world starts changing as gates started appearing all around the world. These gates gave occurrences of super powered abilities in humans. As the population grows and more and more generations of super powers come, people of higher authority started a system called, 'The gates rankings'. These people who joined the system earn money by going into the gates or portals and defeating the monsters that lurk inside. Hiroto Saito became an adventurer of the system, but is extremely weak. His small frail body can't handle the pressure of adventuring, having to depend on joining guilds to help him make money by other expense. People call him, "weak" and "useless" for his dependency, however, one thing Hiroto has that nobody in the world has is knowledge of the gates and the future outcomes. After dying once already, Hiroto restarted, but died once again. Thinking he will pass on peacefully, he's wrong. He gains the chance to grow stronger, more stronger than the worlds strongest adventurer. He takes that chance, not knowing the obstacles of becoming more stronger by the minute. How will he deal with the gates? And how will he save humanity from the future that is bound to come?

AnaBananah · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Suspect Who?

I wake up the every morning, exercising and stretching as it's a daily quest from the 'System'

And go to sleep every night after my training classes.

'I've gotten quite used to this, but the daily missions and classes are getting harder by the day.'


After a few days at the academy, I could say this.-

One. I'm not the only 'System' user around now.

Two. Other 'System' users are among my classmates currently. Probably 2.

Three. All five other 'System' users are the academy in either different classes, higher grades or even a staff member.

As this information is very vague, it gave me a sense of reassurance.

'After all, the whole point of the 'System' is to save the world from the disaster awaiting us in the future.'


And nowadays, my interest is to find the other users, which should be quite easy. According to the 'System', no one around us should be able to see their Status windows except the people who have a 'system'.

I have 3 ideas on who the person could be in my class.

I walk over to my desk, and sit down on my chair.

I open my notebook and start writing…

— — —

Suspect 1: I met this person just yesterday during training, a girl named Yuki Hashimoto.

She is a spear wielder, has 4 skills, and has the ability to use water magic.

She's experienced and strong, tries to distance herself from the group and never stays in class for group activities.

She's definitely not as strong as me, but according to the training teacher, the kid with the 'system' in our class isn't stronger, they match the criteria.

The only issue is that this person isn't a boy…

I cross her name out.

Suspect 2:

This is a boy I met on the beginning of the second week of school,

His name is Ryan Malter.

This person uses a sword, and has 5 skills, and wields fire magic.

He's quite strong, and has amazing stamina along with a handsome face.

He goes out of class at certain moments during the day, and everytime he does, he always seems to gain more strength after returning.

Very suspicious on top of meeting all of the criteria.

I'll look into him more.

Suspect 3:

This person is the most likely to have the system.

His name is Kim Park.

He's more of an assassin-type that uses daggers, but is able to use other weapons like spears and swords. He has 7 skills, and can wield water AND ice magic.

But he has a trash personality and grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth.

But he's probably stronger than me…

I'll gather more dirt on him tomorrow.

— — —

I close my notebook.

'Phew… I'll have to do tons for this week.'

I get up from my desk chair and plop down on my bed.

'Readers, you must be wondering why I'm trying to find the other users of the 'system' users instead of allowing you guys to enjoy reading about my "fun" school life.

There's a reason. I must get every user together and convince them to help save the world with each other.'

It's the safest and most obvious option too.

'Well…. Let's just sleep for now….'

I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

…. …. …. …. …. ….

I wake up the next day, like always, and start off my normal workout.

At 6:20, I met up with Shizuku and Phoenix near the dormitory's elevator station and took the elevator up with them.

After eating breakfast with them, I started classes at 7:30, finished and started training at 10:30 and restarted the training at 13:30 after eating lunch.

– – –

'And here I am, in my 13:30 training room, as I'm observing suspect 3 currently. (Kim Park.)

He hangs out with Yuki Hashimoto (Suspect 1) and looks to be on good terms with even Shizuku and Phoenix.

But he can get mad by the slightest things and seems to be the type of person that would grow to be a con-man of some sorts…

'But he's quite attractive, even a few guys are giving a few looks toward his direction, not only the girls…"

As I stare at him, he looks at me back, meeting my gaze.


That gave me chills.

I look down.

'He's definitely suspicious, it makes me even more interested in him.'

I open my status.

- - - - -

<<Name: Hiroto Saito

Gender: Male

Rank: D+

Skills: 8

Magic: 0



SPEED: 310

- - - - -

It looks like I got stronger at least.

I feel a tap on my shoulder.


I look back and hide my status window.

"Uhm, Hiroto, well, are you feeling alright?"


It was Shizuku.

— — — —

I look back and turn around.

It was Shizuku.

… … …

"Uhm, Hiroto, are you alright, you seem to keep staring at the same place for a long time…?"

"Ah! Yes, sorry, I'm fine, sorry." I say, placing my hand on my head putting on an awkward smile.

Shizuku just stared at me.


I turned my head, finding myself looking at Kim Park again, as he was staring at me.

She looked in the direction of Suspect 3, and started waving.

He waved back with a smile.

She looks at me,

"Are you curious about him? Kim Park, I mean."

'Yes. I am.' I said internally..

"...Well, he's a good guy, sure he has some weak points, but overall, he's good with people in general."

"... How do you know him?"

"Well, he and I have known each other since we were kids, so… It just sorta turned out this way."


"I mean, well, obviously, we're both from quite influential companies, and my parents and his parents were friends, so it was bound to happen. Us, being friends."

'So he and her had some kind of relationship with each other?'

"Do you know anything more about Kim Park-?"


We look to the direction of the loud yelling to see our training teacher, furious, as other kids look at us.

"Ah! Yes Sir!!" We both say at the same time as we start running over.

I look back to Shizuku, "See you after training? Maybe…"

"Ah! Yes, see you, maybe. If you don't finish it faster than me…"

We both ran off in different directions of the training area and started.

Oof, it's turning out to be more of a mystery now. Sorry, we'll eventually get out of this! I swear there will be more action soon!

AnaBananahcreators' thoughts