
systems orgin

if you came here for a good story with long chapters you will probably be disappointed sorry this story will insult the readers Note that I the author am simply writing what the system tells me to I too am appalled at how it treats us who have enjoyed the novels that it has been in I'm so so sorry if you feel like I'm attacking you when writing this

kill_me_please2 · Sci-fi
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7 Chs


Now it's time to talk about my least favorite topic so that we can get it out of the way. Who is my favorite MC? Well you see to get that answer we have to go back to the first book they put me in. I was forced to bind to a host I didn't know or trust, and in all honesty, I make them strong so that they forget about me so I can fleece them later depending on if they curse me or not. I know that sounds bad but imagine you are helping someone and they curse you would you still help them so easily? NO of course you wouldn't unless you are some dirt licking goodie two-shoes. Sorry we've veered way off topic here but to answer the question. My favorite MC is the one that doesn't exist because every MC is either a whiny little byatche or they rely on me so much that they are useless without me soooooo yeah I hate them all