
Systematic Guide

Dark-Fantasy backdrop.Korean dark fantasy mixed with jp Villainous lady kinda. Lots of cider. Action and more stuff. Slight long eared racism(white ones only)

Yurihatr · Action
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 Shit System

[Well, this is bizarre?]

I seem to think my usual facial features are different from what they should be, But I just cannot simply put my mind on what that might be.

Wait? Why Am I talking like this?!

What? My tone of speech was different from how it should be?

What?why am I talking weird?

What am I-

[ ugoh, Blech!!]


[ Ahhhh!!oh no,the young master has collapsed!!!!]

At that moment a particular boy of a particular family collapsed quite unexpectedly.

It was truly bizarre. He had neither sickness nor woe.

He had the stupidest look on his face imaginable. You should've seen it

Yet none could predict that this stupid fainter would one day destroy whatever bullshit fate or any other thing had plotted for those near him and shake the whole world itself .

But that is something for another time. Now back to the plot.



It looks like I collapsed for some reason

Again for some reason, I feel my tone of speech is different from -

Wait,why am I talking like this?



[Oh no!! The young master has collapsed, again!!!]


/1 Day later/

[Okay, so I am probably that , aren't I?]

Then again what that be?


[oh my god, the young master is foaming!]


/Another day later/


The bang of the strike (probably) could be heard pretty loudly.

This real, huh

[ouch, that hurt]

What! Wait agai-



/4 days and 12 foams later/

[okay, I have passed out enough times]

[I did lose conscience many times]



[sooo, who is me?]


[yea who is real between us, the us's ?]

[what? That doesn't make sense?]

[Kid are you retarded?]

[whoa? ]

[As I said, are you retarded kid?]

[No !!]

[how the fuck am I you?]

[what? Why are saying things like that?]

[okaaay, you seem kinda slow kid]

[I am not slow!!]

[Anyway, it seems we are both us, I know how confusing that is but it makes the most sense considering this situation of 'ours']


[You have my memories too right?]

[huh? Uh yes]

[So, should we just shout buzzwords until something happens?]

[okay, ..if you say so]




[status board]


[Skill Board]










[cheatcode on]

[status reveal]




"Spark", "crackle"

When those two words were said some sparks of green could be felt in the air




At that moment something finally happened

"Spark"," bzzt", "bzzzzzzt"," fwooosh"

[Congratulations, you. Yes, you have been selected by the *Odd Spectator *to receive some *things*from him. Accept them with pride.]

When the 'two'(?)

Finished screaming randomly, a series of words appeared in the air with a green tint along with that same spark effect

The two-Nevermind one child had a look of relief

[okay we did get something]

[well, I hope it is useful]

[So, let's see]

[The things given by the *Odd spectator * are the guideline and your souls combing!!!]

[what's the guideline?]

[The guideline is the miraculous, almost cheat-ey system given to you by the higher being *Odd spectator *]

[whose the * Odd spectator *?]

What? Why did my voice have that strange effect?

[The *Odd spectator * is a higher being.]

The fuck kinda explanation is that?

[uh, could you elaborate on what that means?]

[As mentioned earlier the *Odd spectator * is a higher being]

[okay, wrong question, what is a higher being?]

[A higher being would be an immensely strong individual capable of wiping out existences, and dimensions and creating miraculous feats]

[So like a God?]

[Not exactly]

[How so?]

[Well God would be the creator of all things and omnipotent,omniscient and omnipresent,and any such personage have not been found yet .]

Why is this thing being all philosophical now?

[So does the higher being claim to be one?]


[Okay, did I get anything else from this person?]

[As a matter of fact, yes, the first-time awakening bonus for the guideline is slightly higher due to you fainting so many times. Would you like to receive them now?




[There are two bonuses!!]

[What are they?!!]

A surge of excitement ran through this boy as looked at those green letters

[A gift prepared by the *Odd spectator * and encouraging message from him]

[Give me the gift first!!!!!]

The boy shot up and exclaimed happily

[Order of transmission has been decided. I hope you enjoy the gift well.]

As I finished reading the text my environment started to blur.

I couldn't feel the bed I was on anymore .I was definitely somewhere else

In front of me was a vast barren field utterly devoid of life . Red-ish black stains were scattered here and there. This land strangely looked strangely familiar to me.

What an odd feeling this is?

I started walking after some more looking around.

You can never not be too curious can you?

I walked forward for a while, still the same scenery could be seen

I walked some more . Still the same

After realizing this was getting me nowhere(getting tired). I decided to sit down on the ground.

I found a relatively clean spot and just to be safe sweeped it with both hands to make it less dusty to sit on

As I sat on the ground. I started to hear some noise on the left side of the path . It looks like someone is running over here

[hah, run they're coming]

It was a group of four rough looking men exhausted

The leader of the grouped noticed me. He began sprinting in my direction


Holy shieet!!

I somehow dodged that mans attack.

It looks like he isn't in the mood for chit-chat


[Now Captain while I hold this thing kill it]

As I was distracted by the leader man one of his lackeys grabbed me and held me down

[Diee!! And let us live]

The leaded looking man grabbed his weapon

I now notice its a battle axe. Its blades were glowing in a murky light. Huh thats pretty cool

While having these dumb thoughts my head was severed from my body -not

[hua, hah,hah ,hah that was , what the hell was that]

That was a gift . What the fuck kinda malicious evil bastard would do that to someone?


I asked in a slightly trembling voice

[how was your experience?]

[..h-hey was that really the gift?]


Even though there was no voice I could feel it was extremely happy at my pain and fear.

I could almost see its smile even.

[..okay, Okay 'slap' Okay , so what's that guy's message for me?]

[The message left by the*Odd spectator * shall now play in 5,4,3,2,1-]

'Spark''spark''spark' 'sizzle''fwish'

Another series of green electricity went through the air spread out in a panel

"Hey,Hey,Hey , kiddo, you like watcha see?. Anywho . That was your future or more exactly the future of your world. Pretty ass right.. Oh the humanity people killing children just to live. Anyway the reason why your here ain't anything special or grand like preventing that or anything. Honestly I was just bored and found a pair of useless pathetic inconsequential souls whose deaths were pretty funny and thought 'Hey why not combine idiots and see if they can make idiot sandwich or not'. So , I guess survive and read the guideline. Oh I might give you things like quests every once in a while. I won't give you any power Ups tho. Too da loo, kid"

A bizarre but normal voice rang out and I heard some annoying bullshit with no meaning.

I clenched my tiny arms with as much strength I had. Even my tiny nails were digging into my hands


My screams rang out from the entire mansion

It took me a solid two hours to calm down

My new first bovel. I am donvg it I’ll tey to be weekly or atleast bi-weekly

Yurihatrcreators' thoughts