
System world

Mumba_Gang · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Tutorial! chapter two

Upon saying tutorial every thing went white,I was sucked in to another place. It looks like when goku and vegeta go in the time Chamber. System starts to tell me about our new world. Everything here sounds just like this rpg i use to play when I was a teenager. " everything is simple here kill to not be kill, any hesitant decision can get you killed. You will get to pick a class from me at level 12 once you get an class you will become stronger as will I." So I have to wait to level 12

How would I level? "You would be giving 2 skills base on your tutorial program. I will be testing you on all battle tactics, gun play,speed,strength,etc. You will have to choose yourself however,I cannot make any decisions for you." Gunplay? There's guns in this world?!? " Yes there are guns in this world our creators are big on your worlds.. culture " did the System just try to play us... this will be godsend my mastery with guns are the best in my class when I was in the army."ok are ready to start the first test" come at me!! 2 hours in to tutorial I'm already getting the hang of the movements here. It's really game like, I can chain together attacks and combine skills this is pretty op. Hey system do everybody have these same skills? No this is what you call traits you are the only person unless you teach it to somebody else that can use combined skill .

Now the attack chain is another system that this world have to offer. Anybody can obtain attack chain simply walking in the shop and getting them."that is so awesome that you can buy from the shops, how did i get one by just doing Exercises? " some veassls are different you humans can do many that we do not understand. This is why you was reincarnated." What do you mean this is why i was reincarnated?" Our gods brought you here out of Pure Curiosity, they want to see how would you humans cope in this world."

You humans why are you referring me to you humans? Are there more of my kind here? " Yes there are humans from yours and ours,but our humans our different and more.. civilized." I didn't know what to be angry or happy about what he said about my people.. wait is it even a he? System are you male or female? " I can be any gender some times I'm male sometimes I'm female ." Wow that's pretty useful. As the day went on I was on my tenth set of 1000 Push ups. the system taught me a lot he/she basically helped me with all my senses and strengths. Some system are upgradable and some are not there are 3 different types of systems common,rare,legendary. system was wait.. system do you have a name I can call you?

'We beings do have names but mine was lost long ago... you can give me a name.. my power would climb depending on how much spirit you put in the name" spirit? "Yes spirit is also a form of power you can use in this plane of existence." So you telling me I can cultivate?!? "Yes it is possible to cultivate one vessel by consuming medical herbs and spiritual plants." This information is godsend to know that can put me in head of the game. " it is time to pick your skills you have completed the tutorial will you like a mage or fighter type skill?" Are those the only two types? "No there are many different types of skills these are based off of your tutorial." Of what skills can I get for them? " for fighers you get like punch,kick ,taunt. for mages you get heal,air missile,fire ball." So you only can pick two out of the six

" Yes sam that is correct"

Did the System... OK system I'm going to be giving you a name it's to complicated to keep saying system. The system seem happy when I told him this. "Ok master whatever you shall call me I shall be" ok system your new name will be REX







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