
System world

Mumba_Gang · Fantasy
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14 Chs

system boot up? introduction

Hey guys nice to meet you, my name is Sam. and I have been reincarnated in to this new world. What world you say, only the most amazing world there is. System world this place is different then most web novels. It also have a lot of similarities, like action pack fights,grinding levels,adventures,romance all the favorites. Will you just hurry and get to the main point Maurice. I know they want to get on with this amazing story we have for them.ok let me introduce my self... (cough cough) hey fellas and ladies my name is Maurice I am the writer for the System world.i came up with System world in my room watching System style Manga.(lol) Sam is a reincarnated soldier that died on the battle field doing what he loves most... battle, no matter if it's humans or goblins Sam will go through many obstacles to become the best necromancer ever to hit the System world (oh did I forget to say he's a necro..lol) join me in making a whole new world to explore welcome to