
system wizard

Chris Kim was a Potterhead. While he was reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows for the 15th time, he felt the force sucking him inside the book. He realized he was in the Harry Potter World with the Wizardry System. How will he change the Harry Potter world with his knowledge? obs: good morning Good afternoon Good night this sponsorship is for you to feel willing to collaborate for a more pleasant story with less mistakes because today I don't have time to write a lot because I need to uber to support myself and study in advance thanks for the sponsorship thanks https://www.patreon.com/thiagomal1

thiagomal1 · Others
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12 Chs


"So System, tell me what you can do," Chris said.

[Host can view your status as long as you wish to do so. Not only is the status the information you saw before, there are also other statistics that Host can view if you desire. The second function that Host has is the Shop. The shop contains everything that Host will ever need. Potions material, pets, and basically everything you'll ever need in this world will be sold. The last function is the Wizarding book. This is the learning function where Host can learn any spell that may exist in the book or completely created by the System. Just an addition Host, there will also be quests given to earn both EXP and money. EXP can also be learned by successfully brewing a potion, casting a spell, or other similar means.]

"That's quite the system," Chris realized just how overpowered the System was. Not only can he instantly buy materials and other necessities, he can even buy instantaneous spell use. Furthermore, money wasn't that hard to make as well.

[However, that's not all the System can provide. When Host is at a higher level, Host can replace wands, create new spells, and more.]

"Spell creation as well?" Chris was quite surprised. The fact that he can create spells with the System made this a whole lot better.

[Yes, while the spells Host can make can be limiting sometimes, once Host's level is high enough, there are limitless possibilities. Furthermore, you can also make money by creating new spells depending on its usefulness or raw power.]

"Alright so now enough about the System, what shall I do about the accidental magic portion so I could get a letter?" Chris asked.

[It's quite simple. Host, please look at that vase on your desk.]

Chris turned around to see a huge desk and on that desk was a sky blue vase that looked pretty ugly. Suddenly, the vase moved and it fell on the ground shattering it.

"What happened?!" Suddenly, the man outside came in the room.

"What happened son?" He asked.

"Umm..." Chris pointed to the shattered vase.

"Wait... Son did you touch that vase?" asked Bradley, Chris' new father.

Chris shook his head.

"Lorraine! Lorraine come in here!" Bradley screamed in pure joy.

Soon a woman came in. It turned out to be the woman that was being screamed at by Bradley.

"What Bradley? You want to insult your son in front of him now?!" Lorraine asked. "If you utter one more word about his magical prowess, don't blame me for-"

"Stop! Look at that vase!" Bradley said.

Lorraine turned to look at the broken vase nearby.

"It's a broken vase. What are you trying to tell me?" She asked angrily.

"You must have heard the loud crash sound too. I came in as soon as I heard the sound and Chris was already at the position he was in now when I came in. There's no way for him physically be that far, move that vase, and come back immediately. Are you getting what I'm saying?"

Lorraine's face changed from an angry face to a shocked one.

"Are... Are you saying-?" She asked with uncertainty.

"Yes Lorraine! Our son... Our son is a wizard. He's going to Hogwarts!" He said with happiness.

"Ahhhhh!" Lorraine screamed and she hugged Bradley. "Our son's not a Squib!"

"Yeah Lorraine, our son did it," Bradley said as he hugged Lorraine back.

Chris just looked at his new parents and their interaction.

"Riajuu explode," He thought as his new parents also came to hug him. After a while of talking and his parents praising him for being a wizard, Bradley and Lorraine went back outside leaving Chris alone.

"Finally... I think I found parents who are more clingy than my parents," Chris said. He was tired from everything that happened so he went to sleep. The next morning, an owl came in and holding up the Hogwarts letter making even Chris extremely excited. Needless to say, his parents were much more excited than he was.

"Ahh it's already the end of July! We have to buy Chris supplies for school!" Lorraine screamed out in the afternoon. "Minkie, get me my purse!"

A house elf suddenly appeared with a purse.

"Here you go ma'am," Minkie said.

"Thank you, Minkie," Lorraine said. "Alright Chris let's go to Diagon Alley,"

Chris walked with Lorraine to find the fireplace and while he was walking around, he realized just how big the place was.

"Wow, even 10 of my old apartment rooms won't be a 10th of this place," Chris thought as he walked through the never-ending hallway. Soon him and Lorraine reached the room with the fireplace. Lorraine then took a miniature sized pot hanging next the fireplace. She then handed Chris some powder. Chris immediately recognized what this was.

"Alright Chris, here's the Floo powder. You know what to do," Lorraine said with a smile.

Chris nodded and excitedly went inside the fireplace.

"Diagon Alley!" Chris shouted and threw the powder. Green flame exploded and Chris quickly disappeared.

It felt surreal. While it wasn't as bad as when he first came to this world, Chris still felt a bit uncomfortable with the Floo Network transportation. However, the journey was quick this time and he arrived at Diagon Alley. Lorraine soon followed. They visited various shops to get supplies such as books and robes. As they owned a lot of the shops at Diagon Alley, most of their supplies were free. They soon arrived where Chris fantasized most about: Ollivander's.

When Chris went inside, Ollivander was sitting on his chair as if waiting for something.

"Oh well hello there. You are quite the unexpected guest Mr. Evergreen. And hello there Mrs. Evergreen,"

"Hello Ollivander," Lorraine greeted amicably.

"Yes, I remember your wand. 11 inch Ebony with Unicorn tail hair as the core. It was a duelist wand. As for Mr. Evergreen's father, I remember his wand as well. It was the 13 inch Cypress wand with dragon heartstring. It was a wand for the nobility and chivalrous," Ollivander said.

"It seems that your memory is as good as ever," Lorraine said.

"Yes, now we're here for the heir I suppose. Alright let's get you measured,"

Soon the measuring tape moved on its own and started to measure Chris. When that was done, Ollivander got out a wand.

"Well let's try this one. 10 inch English Oak and Dragon Heartstring. Wave,"

Chris complied and waved.

[Does Host want the English Oak and Dragon Heartstring wand? +5 Magical Power and 9/10 Wand Loyalty.]

"System is this wand good?" Chris asked.

[The only wands that will be featured here are beginner wands that will not have the best of stats. This is around the middle in terms of power, but loyalty is quite high.]

"Hmm... I'm sure there are better ones. No, I don't want this wand,"

Soon Ollivander took away the wand.

"Here 12 inch Holly with Unicorn tail hair. Wave," Ollivander said.

Chris once again waved.

[Does Host want the Holly and Unicorn tail hair wand? +15 Magical Power and 7/10 Loyalty.]

"Wow this quality increase is amazing... Well this is like a draw isn't it? If +5 is considered middle then +15 must be extremely high. Loyalty is acceptable. Since the chances of me getting a wand like this is low. I'll choose this one," Chris said to the system.

[Wand has been accepted. Host's status has changed. 15 EXP will be given as a reward. Host is now level 2.]