


Timeline of Aryan's previous life....

Aryan was fighting the Asura king. But none of his attacks were able to deal much damage.

" It's all futile. There is no one in this world who can harm me." Asura King says.

" No I can't give up I must defeat you here and now." Aryan shouts as he uses his sword to attack him.

" I have no time for someone so weak like you." The Asura king says and then uses his power and in an instant he is killed.

" What am I going to do without having a proper fight with him."

"Am I really that weak."

" If I knew that the Asura king was going to attack, I would have started to prepare beforehand."

" If my comrades were still alive ! "

" I don't want to yet. I want to fight one more time."

He kept saying this word in his mind as his consciousness was fading.

But suddenly a voice comes.

[ God has listened to your will]

[ Your will is stronger than we thought]

[ It's worth to give you a chance to save your world]

[ So go can save your world]

[ God gives a chance to regress]

[ Will you accept

Yes No ]

And then he clicks on yes and then suddenly he is inside in a room.

Present timeline....

When he looked around it was the room when he was 10 years old and a sword picking ceremony was going to be held in a week.

" The God gave me a second chance and I will make sure to use it to gain enough power to defeat the Asura king." He says with his clinched fist.



" Young master, young master the breakfast is ready and everyone is waiting for you." A man standing outside the door says.

" Coming I was just lost in my thoughts." He replies and then goes for breakfast with his family.

" What happened son, you never got late so what happened today are you sick?" The king Muichinche asks.

" Nothing father I just had a nightmare. But it's fine now." He replies with a cute smile. And then they had breakfast.

"Let's go to the training ground." Theriun says. Aryan's elder brother who was very talented for someone of his age.

He was able to chi when he was only 5 years old. He was powerful but also a humble. He always cared about his family and most of all he loves his younger brother more than anything. So he trains him for future.

In previous Aryan ignored him as he always thought that Theriun always wanted the king's position. But when he sacrificed himself in order to save he felt too much guilty for his behaviours but it was too late that time.

" Don't worry brother this time I will be sure to save you." He says to himself and goes in the training ground with his wooden sword.

" Your sword picking ceremony will be held soon, so you need to understand what a sword feels like, what a sword wants to tell you when you wield it. If you can understand that you will be sure to get a good Sword." Theriun explains Aryan about his experience of sword picking ceremony.

" Ok now put your sword straight, more up."

" Correct."

" Now slash it diagonally. Think that it's like pulling your hand back to your waist without folding your elbow." Theriun guided him in the training.

And with a slash Aryan splits the wooden training statue into half.

" Wow you have improved a lot in few days." Theriun compliments his achievement.

A few days he wasn't able to properly slash the wooden statue but now he split it in half.

" I knew ! My brother was also talented like me. It's just that he wasn't ready to show it before." He says proudly.

And then they both starts to train together.

Somewhere in a slum area.....

A child was running with a bread in his hand a few peoples where following him.

" Catch that child." Someone says.

" He is a thief." Other one says.

" Someone stop him he stole my bread." The owner of a bakery shouts.

As the boy was running he suddenly stumbled into a guy (Ziun Chi).

And he picks up the child with the collar.

" Hey give me that child." The owner of the bakery says.

" Why should I?" Ziun Chi asks.

" Cause that child just stole my bread." The owner says angrily.

As Ziun Chi was about to give that child to them he remembered something.

'if he contributed to this world he could get points.'

So he pulls back the child before the owner could touch his clothes.

" Why are you harassing this child for a small loaf of bread. How much does this cost I will for him." Ziun Chi says.

" Ohh you want to pay. Don't joke here, we all know that your family is going through the money crises and you just to show off paying for this child bread." The owner laughs at them.

Xiogu pulls him back and says

" Brother we don't have enough money we can only afford to buy enough for us only. So don't waste money here."

" Don't worry brother. I don't know how I lived earlier but believe me, I will surely change our family status." He says and then passes a bundle of money to owner.

" This much should be enough."

" Now let this child go." He says.

And then release the child.

" Now go, no one will follow you." He says to child.

When child saw this he was moved by his kind nature.

" I fuchi will surely pay you for this help." The child says with his head down and then runs away from there.

" What a waste of money why did you help him brother now we have to stay hungry for today." Xiogu says as now there was no money left for their food.

But Ziun Chi was smiling as many messages appeared in front of him stating he earned points.

[ You helped someone of this world]

[ You earned 10 points]

[ You can use this point to level up skills or increase it's proficiency level]

" 10 points is a good start for the time being I will become the most powerful person in this world soon." He says to himself as enjoying the first payment of his good deeds.