
System vs Rebirth

After Stargaze Family executed his family, Noel Ardagan embarked on his journey, restoring his family name with the help of a System. "What? How the heck did she get it before me? The system told me that I'm the only one who knows about it!" Noel Ardagan cursed in anger, "That conniving murdering woman!" "At this point in time, only I should be aware about this tomb. But how did he find out about it?" Anna Stargaze, even after her reincarnation, couldn’t comprehend Noel's actions. The clash between of a person holding a system and a reincarnator who knows everything in the future is about to start.

Fixten · Fantasy
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1219 Chs

Choosing Missions

Anna took a look at the mission while Noel asked Shale, "I have a question. How do we inform you that we've finished the mission? I mean, there are missions that requires three months from traveling to the mission itself. Won't it be too much if we can't pick another mission in the meantime simply because the time limit has gone due?"

"The system doesn't work that way. Our request is usually connected to either paranormal activity or demons. So, the request itself is not from an average person. Hence, there is one big requirement to request our assistance." Shale raised two fingers before continuing.

"You're required to agree to write a proof of completion as well as a report to us. This way, we'll know that the request has been completed and you can turn in the proof of completion later."