
Beacon for Trouble and Magnet for Problem

[Host does you want to skip the tutorial or not?]

'No, I start it.'

The system has lie to him, but at least it can help him ignore his boredom from standing in the hall.

Also, he didn't want to miss any piece of information he can get.

Try to skip Dark Soul tutorial and you will know why.

[There are several functions. They are [Inventory], [Quest], [Gatcha], [Currency Conventer]]

[Inventory's main purpose is to keep anything you get from Pack or Gatcha. Host also can insert objects or plants, but animals must be unconscious, while anything with intelligence can't be stored. Inventory space doesn't limit, and everything inside won't be affected by time.

[So in short Host can't use it to kidnap a loli]

'Why would I want to? But what about a magic sword that can talk?'


'What about Coco Jumbo case?'

Coco Jumbo is a small land turtle with key-shaped space on its shell.

If the key for that space is placed people can access a small room within the turtle.

[In scenario if the host has a pet like Coco Jumbo, people can enter inventory, but for them, everything is stopped, and when they go out it feels like only a second pass]

Will realized that the system has loopholes he can search and abuse, but he also learns that the system reacts to things he knows, as if it also knows it.

Either it read his mind or connected to his memory in some way.

Luckily it didn't get updated and stop from taking advantage of loopholes.

[Next is Quest. Host isn't forced to finish Quest, but Host will be informed of the effects of failing or rejecting Quest. Every day Host will get 5 daily Quests. Finish all of them will reward Host with Daily Pack]

'Will it be-'

[It won't be Solo Leveling or One Punch Man training regiments. Also doing it more than the Quest requirements won't give any extra reward]

The good news is he won't be forced to do anything, the bad news is failing or rejecting Quest most likely will cause bad things in the future, that's a fact.

[Host can use Gatcha with a Gatcha Ticket or 100 Dimensional Coin per role. Both can be earned from Both from doing Quest or pack. Host can't get any living creatures Gatcha. Items or ability that able to harm Host, System, or Reality will be edited]

'In short, there will be items and abilities get nerfed. How many will it be?'

[Calculating... Result: Many. Many. Many. Many. Ma-]

'Okay, stop that. Let keep moving.'

Will was upset that he can't get a living creature he can order around to make money for him, but most importantly he can get cool Butler to serve him!

Reality is never going the way he wants it to.

[Lastly, Currency Converter. Host can exchange any form of Currency for another form of Currency]

Suddenly, Will's mind focus on this function.

'Can I exchange Dimensional Coin to-'

[Sadly yes, Host can exchange Dimensional Coin to any money currency that exists]

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Will accidentally shout out loudly and jumping around.

"Mister Fitzgerald, what on Earth is wrong with-"

An angry Miss Green walk to Will, but he was welcomed with a kiss on her lips.

On was so sudden and so short, but for the teacher, it was like time was going slower.

Will who's lips have separated from his Math teacher's lips look scared.

Oddly Miss Green was blushing and avoid making eye contact with him.

"Mi-Mister Fitzgerald, I have a request."

"Ye-Yes Miss?!"

Will was confused, should he be scared, ashamed, or aroused?

Absolutely not the last, that's for sure.

"Wi-Will, I want to..."

Slowly Miss Green's face is getting closer to his.

It's almost like they are going to kiss again.

'Nonononono! It's impossible!'

[More or less 35 minutes later]

"It is understandable, that a teenager in your age is interested in the opposite gender, but please remember that your teacher is a bad choice. Many thinks can-"

Right now Will was listening to his School Student Counselor, Mister Alex's speech about sexuality, thinks he can and thinks he can't, and many things about a bad marriage.

The last is most likely because of the gossip that his wife sleeps with the muscular Gym teacher and handsome History teacher.

Is he forget about the gossip that he sleeps with 3 female students?

And even have a foursome with them in his office once, the very same office where Will currently is?


Well, now you know not so useful information he never wishes to learn.

Because that gossip is most likely true.

Why did he think like that?

The officer smells fishy, but Mister Alex doesn't really like fish. Plus he can see a condom wrapper in the trash bin next to the table.

'This guy is a big hippocrate, talking about healthy relationships while he and his wife cheat on each other.' Will insult his School Counselor inside his head.

Bored with him, Will asks his system to study more things about it.

'Do I have a stat or something like that?'

[There is no such function. Host can alter his DNA, but to view someone aspect in numerical value are something shouldn't be done. It's a mystery no mind should ever know]

Will feel like his system has too many restrictions, it's nothing like those systems in the story he read in the past.

He was glad it didn't serve as a tool to save humanity or force him into an adventure he doesn't want to, still, he kinda hopes to be able to raise his intelligence.

[Host may not realize it, but Host have an Authority of a God, ready to be installed to Host body]

This information confuses Will.


[Man of steel, an Authority belong to Lord Salvatore Doni from Campione!]

[In Campione! Humans who have slain a God may take their Power, their Authority and turn into a Campione under the ritual performed by Pandora]

'Oh, right that kind of Authority. Can I have it know?'

[Host should do it at a remote place, far away from unwanted eyes. Because even if Heretic Gods doesn't exist in this world Supernatural things are real]

Will feel sad a little that he can't be a tyrant that rules America, but what worse is he won't have a Loli step Mother!

[Pandora doesn't exist in this world, still, the process to turn Host from a Human into a Campione will alert the Supernatural world. Host needs to be worried about that fact!]

Will ignore his system since he thinks it will be cool to have God's Mother and make jokes about it with his friends, sadly he can't.

Plus he will have a better parent than his "Always too busy" Dad and his "You are not good enough" Mother.

Well, he still has this system, maybe.

Nah, his friends are way better than this "Too Much Nerf" System.

"Are you understand Mister Fitzgerald?" Mister Alex asks him with a smile on his face.

Will can't tell if that a genuine, forced, or professional smile since he isn't some super-smart detective or experienced actor.

'But this guy sure is a hypocrite.'

Not wanting to waste another second of his life Will leave the Student Counselor office and directly go home.

He needs to say thank you to Miss Green for sending him to Student Counselor instead of School Principal.

A room where a guy old enough to be his Father has sex with his teenage students.

On second thought, the Principal office sounds better now.

Will who lived not too far away from School walk home.

After he enters his house he was welcomed by his mother who was watching a talk show while holding the nozzle of a vacuum cleaner.

He was used to his Mother's behavior, so he just ignores her and walks to his room.

The last time she caught her staring at her, he was forced to soap and detergent.

Inside his bedroom, Will put his bag on his bed and sat on his chair near his study table.

'Let's see anything I get from the Starter Pack.'

[Brain Grid Blood Battle Style], [Durandal], [Thermal Operator], [Double Wielding], [Ittou Shura], [The Severing Crime Edge], [Man of Steel], [Knight of Owner], [Dimensional Chat Group], [Explosion]

[Brain Grid Blood Battle Style]: A combat style used by Klaus Von Reinherz, it allows him to create large, cross-shaped weaponry from his blood to attack, defend and even seal away enemies. The Techniques of this style are announced in German.

[Durandal]: A large uniquely-shaped broadsword with a blue blade and a golden edge. The sword has a semicircular guard on the left side of the handle that extends to the bottom just above the pommel, with a small extension on the right side of the handle. Standing from the tip of the blade. One of the four holy swords forged through the means of alchemy and magic is said to be on par with the original Excalibur.

It was first being wielded by Paladin of the Holy Roman Emperor Charlemagne, Roland. Roland used Durandal to fight against an army of 10,000 men, showcasing his and its immense strength.

had wielded Durandal during his time as an exorcist in his youth and showcased a great mastery of Durandal reaching the original wielder, even defeating and cornering Fallen Angel Kokabiel during WWII.

Later it falls to the hand of Xenovia Quarta, who displayed difficulties using and mastering the blade compared to her predecessors.

Durandal is a unique sword, to the point that it even responds to its wielder. If Host seeks destruction the Durandal releases a massive amount of aura with destructive powers. If Host seeks precision the aura releases a quiet hum and is easier to control. However, Durandal is like "a wild horse that needs to be tamed".

The holy aura of the Durandal can also be used on other weapons.

[Thermal Operator]: A talent that originally belongs to Serizawa Atsushi, capable of changing the temperature of things he touches. This talent makes Host capable of warming a bath, soup, room temperature, or keeping his ice cream cold and not melting but can also heat things up to the point where they become nuclear.

Host is now capable of turning the temperature of things simultaneously extremely hot and extremely cold, allowing Host to circumvent the laws of physics and reason by ignoring the normal incompatibility of differing temperatures. Host able to heat up a stone to plasma temperature while also keeping it and anything it touches cold enough to cause frostbite upon contact.

[Double Wielding]: This skill allows Host to use his none dominant hand like his dominant hand.

[Ittou Shura]: Ittou Shura is the Noble Art, in which Ikki can amass all his bodies vigor and stamina while ignoring the survival instincts that prevent humans from using their full strength, then multiplies this several dozen times granting him tremendous power, which can be maintained for just one minute and as such, it is referred to as his strongest minute.

Ittou Shura is a reference to an alternate name for the Asura, a low-ranking god or demigod in Buddhism who are more powerful than humans but chained down to the cycle of rebirth by great egotistical passions, more so envy.

Host able to study it to learn Ittou Rasetsu.

he Severing Crime Edge]: Crime Edge was made by Norman Grayland, who is popular as a serial killer for killing hundreds of people in the underground, having him titled as the "The Nightmare from Underground".

It has the shape of Hair Scissors.


Super Slicer (can easily cut through muscle and bone, except something with a curse or magic property equal to it).

Pain Augmentation- Triggered by the user's joy, any wound caused by the killing good has its pain multiplied. A small cut on the arm feels as though your entire arm was chopped off, as an example. In short, as long as Host feeling joy or enjoying inflicting pain to the enemy, the pain these scissors cause will be multiply.

Once being used, Host needs to constantly use it so its curse didn't Corrupt Host's mind. But if Host body is strong enough to ignore the curse Host doesn't need to (But Host still able to use it as Host please).

[Man of steel]: An Authority from the Norse Heretic God Siegfried, which gives Host a body as hard and as heavy as steel.

Invulnerability: This authority turns Host body into a walking steel fortress. The invulnerable body can handle extreme physical conditions such as a vacuum of space or the flame equal to Kusanagi Godou [White Stallion]. Host can also increase the durability of Host body by increasing Host weight, it doesn't matter how heavy Host is, the authority allows Host to move like normal. Host can exploit this aspect of this authority to grant Host a pseudo superhuman strength, stomping an enemy with a bodyweight equal to that of a road roller or more.

Immortality: Host will not die when this power activates was activated, Host doesn't require any sustenance like food, water, or even air. When Host was injured, the steel body immediately seals the wound and preserves Host life even with internal organs are destroyed. In the most extreme case, Host's body will enter a suspended animation to allow Host's natural healing ability to kick in, but Host won't be able to move or defend during this period.

Blessing of steel: By spreading Host's defensive power, Host can create a barrier composed of several runic characters to guard his allies. However, the barrier can be breakthrough with enough force or magic resistance equal to that of a God slayer.

Note that there's some weakness to this authority.

Host body will feel like Host wearing a suit of armor when Host used this power. It may not be a noticeable limitation, but Host may find this annoying.

Similar to that of a god of steel, Host body can be melt with enough heat, so enough firepower could potentially injure Host.

If his opponent can release an attack that physically affects Host's brain when Host was very exhausted, it might knock out Host.

[Knight of Owner]: An ability that is the embodiment of the incident where Lancelot was forced to fight Phelot unarmed and proved his fighting prowess by claiming victory with an elm branch. Rather than an overt weapon, it manifests as a "unique ability" retained by Host body. Once Host grabs a hold of anything that can be even remotely conceptualized as a weapon by Host own recognition with Host hands and Host recognizes that Host wishes to wield it, it instantly gains the property of "becoming something equal to Noble Phantasm." Even control of the original owner of the said object will instantly go to Host should Host grab hold of them. It can only be activated for objects recognized as "this is a weapon", so Host could use a steel chair if Host happened to be skilled in wrestling. Host couldn't utilize an aircraft carrier, as its role as weapon transportation is higher than that as a weapon, making it not count as such to Host, but if for Host it was a weapon Host may use gain better control with it.

The ability allows for something as worthless as a piece of scrap iron to be turned into a demonic spear or sword capable of damaging creatures equal to Servants and striking legendary weapons. Host can make use of weaponry regardless of how it was created or its time of origin, allowing Host to take control of anything from legendary weapons to modern weapons and machinery. Compared to King Gilgamesh's numerous Noble Phantasms, Host ability can be called endless. Host also able to corrupt more abstract weapons like Invisible Air, which is closer to magic than a weapon. The ability soaks the affected items with energy from Host. They slowly change as they are tainted with his black color as dark lines invade the item and multiply like the veins on a leaf. The items, covered in a spiderweb pattern of black veins, look alien and repulsive compared to their normal forms.

[Dimensional Chat Group]: Smartphone with Dimensional Chat Group Admin status.

[Explosion]: A really powerful magic spell that causes massive. The strongest magic among Implosion Magic. Stronger than Ignite and Detonate.

After thinking for a while Will realize a big problem.

'System to use most of the thing I have I need strong magical energy, correct?'


'To get stronger magical energy my best choice now is by turning into a Campione, correct?'

[Again, yes]

'The problem is, I will be turning into a Beacon for Trouble and Magnet for Problem!'

[100% for sure]

Will release a long sigh.

Besides Double Wielding and Dimensional Chat Group, there is nothing he can use right now.

The worse part is?

He still can't make even a single penny with his system!

Next chapter