
System To Survive the Wizard Harem Corruption.

My life or theirs, which should I make twice as difficult? Most people would answer theirs, but I don't think I could live with that, because corruption is poisonous and brutal.

tuyw · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Shooting love and Touching Teeth Part 4: The One I'm Inspired By.

Two aircraft were chasing the cowboy's ship in the desert during the cold dawn.

"Suki take control of the aircraft, ah, my name is Chris by the way, and my daughter Inushi."

The cowboy got out of the pilot's seat, and Suki quickly sat in it.

The man with a red cowboy hat, and tank top, put on a black jacket and a bullet belt around his dark jeans.

"What the fuck? I'm not going to turn my back on that creature, and how am I going to fly that shit in this state."

As Suki spoke he scratched areas of his mouth with his teeth that made him bleed a little, the taste in his mouth was horrible, and his hands on the pilot's handler were shaking.

"Shut the fuck up and stop yapping, if you act like that you'll never be able to hook up with any hot milf. Little pie already warned that she lived with it, so that's fine."

"Inushi hide with pursue? in the ejection capsule, if things get bad, don't hesitate to use."

The pink-haired girl didn't respond, just nodded.

Chris put a bag on his back and went towards the door, the dark creature moved towards Suki, it was a 3D body made of disorganized shadows and without an exact shape.

Anyone who looked at it couldn't understand it very well at first.

A bizarre and monstrous hand extended from that obscure body and rested on top of Suki's head, who barely understood what was happening because he was focused to the maximum. The middle eye that was one of the three red vertical lines of the pursue disappears, and a red system screen appears in front of Suki.

"The pursue even gave you super powers, what distrust what, that's my brother now, fuck everything. Be quiet now and on my signal do a one hundred and eighty degrees, because we're going to fuck these guys together."

'I can't organize and focus my mind on anything else, fuck I'll just follow and that's it.'

Chris waited for his daughter and the creature to enter the capsule and put an all-black mask on his face, then he hit the button hard to open the aircraft door and jumped.

From his backpack, a mini parachute opened that made him fall safely to the desert floor and the aircraft door closed on its own.

The two aircraft stopped and a bunch of people started coming out of them shouting at Chris.

It was impossible to identify these people, they were wearing all-black tactical clothing with helmets that covered their entire faces and had bone designs.

The kidnappers were very diverse in terms of men and women.


Everyone pointed their rifles at him.

"You better look at what's coming behind you motherfuckers."

Chris shot using a revolver, killing a woman in front of him, Suki heard the shot and turned the aircraft immediately, and accelerated towards Chris and the others.

"LUNA! Fuck."

One of them went behind Chris and immobilized him, another took the gun from his hand and one put the rifle to his head, imagining that the aircraft would stop when it saw the threat.

Another took off Chris's mask, noticing that the person there was not Suki.

"He's coming back for him, he's not going to run us over, right?"


As the aircraft approaches, the hijackers begin to run to get out of the aircraft's straight line for fear of losing their lives. Just before colliding with the cowboy, Suki turned the aircraft and chased them, leaving a trail of sand dust across the field.

'Is there no automatic on this model? Huh?'

Suki found the automatic mode with a small screen to trace the route, he put several zigzags and went to the door.

'Why the hell doesn't he use the automatic?'

The hijackers fire a few shots into the dust to hit Chris, and one of the shots collides with his leg, lowering his counter to zero.

Even with the shot, he sneaked into the kidnapper's ship, however, when climbing the stairs to the ship's door, he was exposed and someone shot him in the back, leaving him with a negative point and passing out.

Suki at the aircraft door was taking a glance at his new system, which had a title at the top.


'Did the pursue make a custom system for me based on my weapon? I'm not going to read anything now, I'm going to unlock anything that's available here.'

Suki ran his hand through his system, and opened the aircraft door, his revolver seemed light.

He saw three hijackers running and managed to land his first shot on the one in the middle, causing him to fall to the ground and the aircraft ran over him.

The aircraft changed its course, leaving Suki exposed due to the zigzag, he noticed it and moved to hide, but his slowness caused him to receive a shot in his left hand, reducing his counter to zero.

'One more shot and I'm back to enemies to lovers situation and not knowing what the hell is going to happen to my body.'

'But I can't leave Chris there, there are five enemies left.'

Since he unlocked random things in his system Suki felt a little better, which encouraged him.

Suki takes a quick look at her system and quickly reads a passage written "after 5", "shots everywhere".

The green haired gunman who could barely stand up had a quick random flashback to Chris telling him to shut up and the milf.

'Screw this.'

He smirked, put his face in the door and jumped out shooting at the remaining two on that side, only hitting one and falling into the dust.

Betting with his own life, Suki shot where the other was supposed to be, and fired two shots to the opposite side. His ability activated, where he materialized 5 revolvers levitating around him and fired in all directions at once.

Suki's legs hurt, but he forced himself to run to the aircraft Chris fell into.

When he was one step away from the aircraft, Suki was shot from three different directions, taking several shots, the counters went negative and the numbers just continued uncontrollably.

He fell to the floor in a faint.