
System: Supreme NPC

A previous Senior Developer’s consciousness accidentally enters the virtual game he helps developing after he was forced to retire due to health issues. Unfortunately, he can only choose the job available to him. SNPC or Special Non-Player Character. In a world filled with terror, different creatures roaming the world, and different types of players with powerful backgrounds, as NPC, will he compete with them or blend in completely with actual NPCs? --- I created a discord channel so we can freely exchange thoughts and pointers about anything regarding the book. May it be characters and weapons or even plots. I'll anticipate you joining xoxo https://discord.gg/hhwuwPUvE6

Maketh07 · Fantasy
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285 Chs

Frightening Future

Gerard tries his best not to turn tail and run away, after all this occurrence will lead to and determine his future.

He denied his presumption but Kurosawa is persistent. Luckily, he was able to divert the conversation from the weapon.

"Yes, this is the first time I tried making this kind of sword. Isn't good? It is a pity I cannot let the public knows about this sword. If I can, many counties will fight for the blueprint. You see, it is common for the sword to break or be cut in half during the battle, but if this weapon is cut in half, it can still be used as a long dagger. From the central ridge to the edge, it is made of metal or carbon steel as you call it. And this metal is prone to rust and can be broken over time. But the Ricasso is made of stainless steel up to the central edge, and I designed it to be pointy as well!"

Gerard frowned. What?

No, no. You're wrong. This kind of sword is like a brittle sword compared to a full metal sword. Maybe you are right, in this world where people are deprived of science. But this kind of combination can dull the sword over time and easy to be damaged and break.

He sighed seeing the all-great expression filling his face. As a professor in his previous life, he wants to correct the misconception but he has no guts. After all, this person will become his master or teacher if he was able to move Kurosawa through his action and answer earlier.


Gerard muster all his strength and put it on his face, what a facial thickness! A shameless at that! But he need to know right here right now so he called Kurosawa a Master.

Kurosawa's left brow arched upon hearing him. To his dismay, the former didn't respond back and only look at him seriously.

"Did I pass your test…?" Gerard asked full of worry.

Kurosawa is not pond of dillydallying and lengthy conversation so "Yes! From now on, you can call me Master! I will work you to the bone, you brat!"

Gerard's mouth open wide in happiness!

Did I hear it right? "Is that true M-master!"

Kurosawa snorted "Yes, so don't make me repeat myself brat."

Gerard glanced at his new master and saw his face full of scorn.

Well, it cannot be helped, the elite and expert have their own temperament that made them unique from the rest. Worthy of being called an expert.

"Yes! Master!" Gerard shouted.

"Don't shout you, imbecile!"

"Ahh, sorry master."

"Okay, since you become my apprentice, remember this. I don't like picky and lazy people. If you need to work on something, work. If I told you to do this, do that without complaining. If I said you cannot leave your work even though you died of hunger, don't leave! Is that clear?"

Gerard can only wryly smile, he already knows this kind of troupe so he helplessly nodded his head.

"Good, and the most important thing, when I told you that you don't need to work, don't work. An artist needs a breather so us Blacksmith."

Gerard was rather confused, earlier you told me you will work me to death until you were satisfied, and now you don't want me to be overworked. Where should I place myself?

But Gerard only needs to work harder and smarter so he can avoid the former, an overwork apprentice.

"Before I forgot, a shameless and overbearing person regarding blacksmith has no place here in my workshop. Understand?"

Gerard smiles and nodded his head "Yes, Master. This apprentice truly understands. Do not worry about such a thing."

Gerard was convinced that this expert was able to hide from the Edo Kingdom because of his humility in his trade.

Kurosawa nodded in satisfaction.

"Good, since you already know as much. I can show you that your Master can create an extraordinary weapon. HAHAHA!"

Gerard almost rolled his eyes. Sir, you just told me to be humble and what are you doing right now? You are shameless.

But oblivious to him, he is the first apprentice that Kurosawa will ever teach. Before his banishment and during his prime, he didn't accept any apprentice, even the King's son is not accepted by him.

But this time is different, so when he accepted Payne as his apprentice, something fulfilling he felt that only a Master can feel. So he felt happy and started bragging to earn praise from his apprentice.

If Gerard knows about this, he will truly understand. Whose master doesn't want to be praised? None.

"Go, sit anywhere you like. But carefully watch me and remember everything I will say okay?"

Gerard nodded "Yes, Master."

Kurosawa starts to work, since the material is already placed near the anvil, he only needs to get a few materials and ingredients.

After retrieving this and that, he quickly takes a sit to work.

He then first pour more charcoal into the furnace or hearth and asked Gerard "Why do you think charcoal is most used in forging?"

"This humble apprentice of yours didn't know and I would be very thankful if you enlighten me, Master."

Gerard truthfully answer although he knows the basics about the blacksmith trade, he didn't know every little thing.

Kurosawa clicked his tongue "Okay, listen carefully. Charcoal is used as fuel in generating heat by us Blacksmith. This is because it burns naturally and more cleanly and there is little to contaminate the metal we used. However, we needed a great amount of charcoal to achieve the heat we desired and charcoal can be burnt easily."

"But, your Master is trying to find an alternative. Though this charcoal is good, it is hard to do bigger jobs if our fuel is limited only to charcoal."

Kurosawa explained while doing the work of forging. Gerard cannot help but be amazed at how professional and easy for Kurosawa to handle and do things in terms of forging. And he knows, only a few can imitate his Master. Those below Expert Blacksmiths will never do anything like this.

"Do you know why there are only a few who become a success and reached a greater height in Blacksmith trade?"

Gerard instantly becomes curious. He can use this information in the future to be like Kurosawa.

"Master, no. This humble servant of yours didn't know. I hope you can enlighten me."

Suddenly, Kurosawa stops on his track and angrily bellows at him "Stop with your formality or I will kick you now in my workshop! Speak plainly!

Gerard, hurriedly apologizes "I am sorry! It won't happen again!"

Kurosawa glanced at him and just nodded his head before continue doing his work "The reason being is the technique."

Technique, huh? Just like what I thought.

"Each and every Blacksmith has their own understanding about their work. About forging, metal ingredients, its properties, and materials needed." Kurosawa pause for a moment and turn back to face Gerard "Since you have good eyesight and your intuition in Blacksmith was honed to this very day, thanks to your stepfather, you will do good in the Blacksmith trade." Then Kurosawa returns back to his work.

Gerard was dumbfounded, what does he mean about good eyesight?

"May I know what you mean about good eyesight, Master?"

Kurosawa didn't respond back, ignore him, and continued his work.

Gerard's mouth twitches. But he has no choice, he can only wait if he does not want to be kicked out of Kurosawa's workshop.

Inside the workshop, only the hammering and sizzling can be heard inside.

Gerard almost yawned every time, until now he wasn't able to hear the answer.

After a long period of time, at last, Kurosawa called his attention.

"The answer to the question I gave you is this, look." Kurosawa held two weapons on their handle while frizzling with heat, producing an orange luster all over the metal.

Gerard quickly scrutinizes the two weapons, aside from their same length and different handle, nothing is worth mentioning.

Seeing him trying to figure things out, Kurosawa sighed.

"Look closely while I am telling you why. The reason being is called the technique. Each blacksmith has their own technique. A profound Blacksmith has deep knowledge and can identify the metal used according to the color and feel of the metal. And texture which you did earlier. But you were able to figure things out because of the absence of high temperature that turns the metal to this luster orange color. Although what you did is commendable, you are still lacking."

"These two weapons are heated with the same temperature but with different duration of time. The same kind of metal was used for these two weapons. Come closer."

Gerard instantly moves forward.

"To easily manipulate metal in one's desired shape, it depends on the treatment a Blacksmith used. Example this weapon." Kurosawa laid the said weapon on the anvil "As you can see this thing here, this is called a small crystal. This thing appears because this weapon is quickly heated, therefore it quickly cooled. This treatment is undesirable because this weapon has become very hard and brittle which makes it hard to reshape to one's desired."

"Then this one, as you can see has larger crystals. This weapon is slowly heated and slowly cooled which produces larger crystals. This result is the one we must desire because this weapon can be easily worked out and manipulated."

"So if you can master this treatment, you can produce a lot of finished product in a short period of time compared to the rest of the blacksmiths who want to quickly cool and heat the metal just to produce a large amount of finished product. Did you understand?"

Gerard was enlightened and nodded his head "Yes, Master!"

Kurosawa nodded in satisfaction and continue his work.

So that's how it is. Mostly, majority of the blacksmith who wants to produce a large number of finished products has a misconception of quickly heating and cooling the metal as treatment. In a logical sense, it is good thinking. But in terms of Blacksmith, it is not. It will only do more harm than good, making the metal hard and brittle.

But if the opposite was used, it will give breathing space for the blacksmith and produces a large amount of finished product at the same time.

His trains of thought halted when Kurosawa called out for his attention.

"Of course, you can finish and produce a large number of finish products, but that treatment only amounts to quantity." Kurosawa turn around and faced him again "Remember this, quality overshadows quantity. But if you can do both, producing a large number of finished products with the best quality there is, then you can be successful in Blacksmith Trade. That's what I do so it is proven."

Then Kurosawa stops talking and resumes his work.

Gerard cannot help but be excited. Under Kurosawa's teaching and guidance, he might be able to reach a greater height in the Blacksmith trade.

But this excitement is only short-lived as Kurosawa interjected his happy thoughts.

"Of course, you needed to face hardship in the beginning stage. This hardship will either stagnant your potential, make you quit, or make you say 'If this is what I only amount to, then let it be.' But if you stay true to your path and face hardship head-on without going back, you will soon reach what you want to reach."

Gerard smiles and appreciates his insights. He emphasizes with, after all, he was born without knowing his parents and survived through the harsh world alone with no help from anyone. Except for the Center that raised him.

But this expert go through more harsh hardship than him so he appreciated his teachings and advice.

"I will hold onto your words, thank you!"

After the exchange, the only sound reverberating inside the workshop is the sizzling of heated metals and the hammering of metals.

After about two hours, Kurosawa stands up while sweat is all over his face.

He then walked toward Payne and show the sword he made.

"This sword is made of metal or carbon steel you mentioned earlier. This far surpassed the other sword made of metal. Do not ask why, but I assure you it is, although they are both made of metal."

"As you can see this is well balanced." Kurosawa placed the Ricasso part of the sword hanging on his index and middle finger. "See?"

Gerard saw the blade was perfectly balanced, hanging on his fingers.

"This is for you, as a sign of my approval to teach you as my apprentice and to impart you the knowledge I have. Treasure this like it is your life and use it as you deem fit."

Gerard was flabbergasted. What? Did he hear it right?

He was having a hard time saying anything.

"Aren't you taking this? If not, you can leave and forget what I said about you being my apprentice."

Hearing this, Gerard quickly snatches the sword from Kurosawa and takes it.

Gerard was amazed, the hilt and the handle is good to grip and the weight of the weapon is enough for him to wield.

He smiles and thanks Kurosawa hardheartedly "Master, thank you! I will treasure this gift for the rest of my life."

Kurosawa smiled and nodded in satisfaction "Umu" Then went to one of the corners of the workshop and give a scabbard to Payne.

Gerard happily accepted the scabbard which is perfectly made for his sword. He then sheathed the sword.

Because Gerard cannot contain his excitement, he took a distance from Kurosawa which made the latter furrow his brows.

Gerard made a stance, lowering his posture to a crouching position. Placed his left thumb against the hand guard while holding the sheath of the sword and placed his right hand on the sword's handle.

He took a deep breath and closes his eyes.

The moment he opens his eyes, he draws the sword and strikes the air.

A low whistling sound was heard.

After performing the strike, Gerard sheathed the sword back to its scabbard and turn around.

But he was shocked when he saw the perplexed expression plastered on Kurosawa's face.

"Master? Hello?"

Instantly, Kurosawa's face returns to normal, and coughs a couple of times to hide his embarrassment.

He then smiles inwardly and laughs like a villain. This brat's future is frightening! I am glad I was able to find a brat like him.

Due to witnessing what happened earlier, Kurosawa decided to teach everything he knows to Payne. Whether it is swordsmanship or blacksmith trade.

All doubts were washed over from his body. Accepting Payne as his sole apprentice.

Meanwhile, Gerard almost jump and shouted in joy when he heard a familiar sound.

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